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单词 In bed
1. She sat up in bed, listening.
2. He rolled over in bed.
3. He brought her breakfast in bed on a tray.
4. She lay in bed looking particularly frail.
5. She lay in bed, too feverish to sleep.
6. The patient thrashed about in bed.
7. Steven's still in bed with flu .
8. I must stay in bed.
9. She tucked them up in bed.
10. I spent the afternoon snug and warm in bed.
11. How can I urinate in bed?
12. He loosened tie and lay in bed.
13. She is lying in bed with a severe cold.
14. I felt all cosy tucked up in bed.
15. She sat upright in bed.
16. Fifteen minutes later he was undressed and in bed.
17. I lay in bed shaking with fright.
18. The children were safely tucked up in bed.
19. He lay in bed .
20. I was laid up in bed with acute rheumatism.
21. Simon lay in bed thinking about the meeting next day.
22. The doctor ordered him to remain in bed for a few days.
23. No, you really ought to stay in bed; remember, Mother knows best!
24. We curled up in bed, all snug and warm, and listened to the storm outside.
25. He nestled down in bed shortly after he got home.
26. The child kept down in bed the whole day.
26. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
27. They were curled up snugly in bed.
28. I should stay in bed if I were you.
29. To have a stomach and lack meat; to have meat and lack a stomach; to lie in bed and cannot rest; are great miseries. 
30. He was very cold, so he huddled up against his brother in bed.
1. She sat up in bed, listening.
2. He rolled over in bed.
3. He brought her breakfast in bed on a tray.
4. She lay in bed looking particularly frail.
5. She lay in bed, too feverish to sleep.
6. The patient thrashed about in bed.
7. Steven's still in bed with flu .
8. I must stay in bed.
9. She tucked them up in bed.
10. I spent the afternoon snug and warm in bed.
11. How can I urinate in bed?
12. He loosened tie and lay in bed.
13. She is lying in bed with a severe cold.
14. She sat upright in bed.
15. Fifteen minutes later he was undressed and in bed.
16. I lay in bed shaking with fright.
17. The children were safely tucked up in bed.
18. He lay in bed .
19. I was laid up in bed with acute rheumatism.
20. Simon lay in bed thinking about the meeting next day.
21. The doctor ordered him to remain in bed for a few days.
22. No, you really ought to stay in bed; remember, Mother knows best!
23. We curled up in bed, all snug and warm, and listened to the storm outside.
24. He nestled down in bed shortly after he got home.
25. He was very cold, so he huddled up against his brother in bed.
31. I like to be in bed before 11 o'clock.
32. Once in bed, the children usually stay there.
33. I'd love to snuggle up in bed right now!
34. The children are safely tucked up in bed.
35. He's in bed with a temperature of 102.
36. He was sitting up in bed, reading his book.
37. A case of measles kept him in bed.
38. Is Mark still in bed?
39. She tucked the boy in bed.
40. He lay in bed week after week.
41. She snuggled down in bed.
42. Is the invalid in bed?
43. He was lying in bed, sound asleep.
44. What's he like in bed?
45. I don't approve of smoking in bed.
46. She was lying in bed.
47. She lay in bed, contemplating.
48. He has snuggled down in bed.
49. On his advice I am staying in bed.
50. That child ought to be in bed.
51. A cold kept him in bed for three days.
52. She was given to staying in bed till lunchtime.
53. We lay in bed with the window open.
54. He was in bed with a fever.
55. I love to eat breakfast in bed on Saturdays.
56. He lay in bed,[http:///in bed.html] reading his book.
57. I spent a week in bed with flu.
58. I love him reading to me in bed.
59. She read in bed at night by torchlight.
60. She's upstairs in bed feeling ill.
61. On weekdays I'm usually in bed by ten o'clock.
62. He laid her in bed and possetted her.
63. She found her boyfriend in bed with another woman.
64. Unlike me, my husband likes to stay in bed.
65. Don't lie in bed all morning!
66. Carl sat up in bed, yawned, and stretched.
67. It's time the kids were in bed.
68. I caught them in bed together .
69. He was in bed with bronchitis.
70. They're both in bed with flu.
71. He's in bed with a slipped disc.
72. I left the children tucked up snugly in bed.
73. The children were all sound asleep in bed.
74. The doctor ordered you to stay in bed.
75. I found her sitting up in bed.
76. He lies in bed all day.
77. They snuggled up in bed.
78. She feigned sleep[], lying rigid in bed.
79. I ought to be tucked up in bed now.
80. Robert's in bed nursing a back injury.
81. The doctor told me to stay in bed.
82. The boy turned over in bed.
83. She's in bed with a heavy cold .
84. Stay in bed and drink plenty of liquids.
85. She had lain in bed for so long that her shoulder blades had become ulcerated.
86. You should follow your treatment with plenty of rest in bed.
86. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
87. It's a shame. I should be at work instead of lying here in bed.
88. She's been in bed with the flu and she's still a bit unsteady on her feet.
89. He was sitting in bed with a book lying open on his knees.
90. Little Tom has come out in spots so he's staying in bed.
91. She's not one for staying up late—she likes to be in bed by eleven.
92. A few days in bed will soon put you right .
93. The manager released him to return to his native town to visit his grandmother who was ill in bed.
94. The newspaper editor is obviously in bed with the President.
95. She told me he was actually very good in bed .
96. Any minute now she'd wake up to find herself at home safe in bed.
97. As heartburn is usually worse when you're lying down in bed, you should avoid lying flat.
98. Have you told him the news yet? It is often used with 'that' clauses:Anne told me she was tired. Tell is usually when somebody is giving facts or information, often with what, where, etc.:Can you tell me when the movie starts? Tell is also used when you are giving somebody instructions:The doctor told me to stay in bed.
99. I was so comfortable and warm in bed I didn't want to get up.
100. I was in bed with flu. My wife can vouch for that/me.
101. At first, we were just dancing together, but one thing led to another, and I ended up in bed with him.
102. She spends her nights lying in bed, replaying the fire in her mind.
103. Could you see the children are in bed by 8 o'clock?
104. The very act of lying down in bed should provide a strong stimulus for sleep.
105. He likes to have breakfast in bed on a Saturday morning.
106. Pete's at home in bed, sick as a dog .
107. I want you both in bed by 9 o'clock, no messing!
108. A crippling attack of malaria kept him in bed for months.
109. Could you see that the kids are in bed by 8 o'clock?
110. The doctor told you to stay in bed, and she knows best.
111. I was in bed with the flu. My wife can vouch for that.
112. The blanket will provide additional warmth and comfort in bed.
113. I'll read the book in bed as long as I like—there's no law against it.
114. She would be in bed by now, as like as not.
115. He used to smoke in bed when I first got to know him, but I soon put a stop to that!
116. You would be well advised to stay in bed and rest.
116. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
117. She shook up the pillows, and then lay down in bed.
118. He was smoking in bed and his blankets caught alight.
119. I couldn't sleep, but kept tossing and turning/tossing about in bed all night.
120. Whenever I go there they seem to be in bed.
121. I came home early and found him in bed with my best friend.
122. Annie's such a dear - she's brought me breakfast in bed every morning this week.
123. Sue was sitting up in bed, looking very fetching in a flowered bedjacket.
124. A few days after his collapse he was sitting up in bed.
125. The doctor told me I had to stay in bed. OR The doctor said I had to stay in bed. NOT The doctor said me to stay in bed.
126. It is very late -- I should be in bed.
127. I might have known he'd still be in bed at noon.
128. He treated his wife to breakfast in bed on her birthday.
129. She's been laid up in bed with flu for a week.
130. She helped her sit up in bed so she could hold her baby.
131. He expects me to bring everything to him in bed.
132. I'll stay in bed as long as I like there's no law against it.
133. She expostulate with her husband about his habit of smoking in bed.
134. There I was thinking you were hard at work and you were upstairs in bed all the while!
135. She was told to stay in bed to rest her injured back.
136. It's a bore to be sick, and the novelty of lying in bed all day wears off quickly.
137. By the time we got back from dinner, Nona was already in bed.
138. He came round for a coffee and we ended up in bed together.
139. I've been in bed with flu and my legs are still feeling all wobbly.
140. I thought the kids were safely tucked up in bed.
141. Lying in bed we often see dark shapes of herons silhouetted against the moon.
142. And now you're cutting your toenails in bed! - That really is the limit!
143. Despite the lateness of the hour, the children were not in bed.
144. Students were paid substantial sums of money to do nothing all day but lie in bed.
145. I couldn't sleep but kept tossing and turning in bed all night.
146. I got flu last winter and was in bed for three weeks.
147. The doctor told you to stay in bed, and he knows best.
148. I remember lying in bed listening to my parents fighting.
149. We used to stay in bed all morning and party all night. Those were the days!
150. He stays late in bed on Sunday morning and at other times he has to get up at six.
151. The patient is well enough to sit up in bed now.
152. It's sheer bliss to be able to spend the day in bed.
153. When I pushed his door open, Trevor was sitting bolt upright in bed.
154. Due to bad cold she spent the entire day in bed.
155. She had gone to work believing Helen was safely tucked up in bed.
156. Jack would be better in bed.
157. Richard was in bed with dysentery.
158. Wow, he must be really good in bed.
159. Lily brought her breakfast in bed.
160. Sam brought Quinn his breakfast in bed.
161. He was in bed with another woman.
162. Ian Beale is like an athlete in bed.
163. Talk about getting in bed with your readers.
164. I was lying in bed reading.
165. Linda brought him breakfast in bed.
166. I jackknife up in bed, peer out.
167. If they were giving out prizes for what you do in bed he'd have come away with the booby prize.
168. To further reduce eye movement, patients lie in bed, quiet, for up to a week.
169. If you are a benighted official, go home and stay in bed.
170. Lawford even took photographs of the President of the United States and the blonde bombshell in bed together.
171. Clarisa was sitting up in bed[], propped against a pillow and holding the baby.
172. Last night 100 families were being housed in bed and breakfast accommodation the first time the total has reached three figures.
173. Do you like to lounge in bed on weekends reading the newspaper or would you rather have coffee at the breakfast table?
174. When she felt bad, she would go to bed and stay in bed for a day or two at a time.
175. Another comes each evening to put him back in bed.
176. The brother died and Hubert spent two days lying in bed with the corpse of his brother.
177. Glover sat up in bed at dawn and felt the wetness of his pajama top.
178. Maryland should not follow in the footsteps of those states that symbolically got in bed with the Ku Klux Klan.
179. I was in bed for a week with concussion and the doctor said at first he thought I'd got a broken pelvis.
180. After the ball Dot tucked her up in bed and promised her a cup of cocoa with brandy in it.
181. Long after I'd been smothered in bed I could hear them Riving at the religious stonework With screwdrivers and cold chisels.
182. He was in bed, fully clothed, feeling a hangover latch on hook by hook.
183. Constance jerked up in bed clutching her throat in terror.
184. Later, as they lay in bed listening to the rain, John wondered how their new life together would ever work.
185. I lay in bed and permitted the bedbugs to bite me.
186. Lisa Sands, 30, is sitting up in bed, beginning to form words and opening her eyes.
187. A few cocktails later, enough to addle my memory, I found myself in bed with Bob.
188. I dreamt that I was in Cardiff and in bed with the wife.
189. It made it tough to stay in bed until the dorm lights came on at six-thirty.
190. My hair sticks to it when I sit up in bed.
191. He was back home, showered, changed and in bed by eleven forty-five.
192. Suppose that a prefrontal patient is in bed with his arms under the covers and you ask him to raise his arm.
193. Their job is at home, in bed and then doing the cooking.
194. The solitary nights, because that was the only way he wanted to consort with her - in bed.
195. You can stay in bed all day if you like.
196. The only time you express affection for each other is in bed.
197. He developed a bad cold and had to stay in bed much of the time.
198. Never lie in bed at night asking yourself questions you can't answer. Charles M. Schulz 
199. What he'd like best is to stay in bed on Father's Day.
200. Normally, Sunday breakfast time spent reading the papers in bed was one of Kelly's favourite moments,() but not today.
201. He was lying in bed in Miles and Juliet's spare room.
202. Most people like some form of bedside lighting - either for reading in bed or simply to create a cosy atmosphere.
203. They explained that they were poor and that the sick man was rich and could afford to stay in bed without working.
204. Finding it was determined not to return the fire until after breakfast, I remained in bed.
205. When I used to read to you in bed you must have thought that Coleridge's mummified corpse was lying between us.
206. But have her wake up to the smell of cooking bacon,[Sentence dictionary] then serve her breakfast in bed.
207. Last February, fewer than 50 families were in bed and breakfast accommodation in the town.
208. We found her sitting bolt upright in bed with all the lights on.
209. Perhaps some one's still there, or she's tucking Darius up in bed.
210. And now, with Emily tucked up in bed, she was sharing a drink with Vass before bedtime.
211. The brass represents a woman sitting up in bed with two females standing on each side of the bed.
212. After this bad day, anyone not tucked up in bed is making them suspicious.
213. Mike seemed to be sitting in bed with his head cocked back against the headboard.
214. Other days, she would draw the curtains in their room and lie in bed with a cloth pressed to her forehead.
215. Nor did he draw any obvious conclusions when he kept on coming on Tina in bed with other men.
216. He then sparked off a row by suggesting that floating voters should stay in bed on polling day.
217. The happiest part of a man's life is what he passes lying awake in bed in the morning. Samuel Johnson 
218. I love all politicians, but I find Democrats better in bed.
219. She told Sam it was time he was in bed, but without conviction.
220. She was propped in bed, soaking bath towels between her legs, when Andrew came back.
221. I don't know how it went down because I was at home in bed asleep at night.
222. Sometimes you lie in bed at night, and you don't have a single thing to worry about...That always worries me! Charles M. Schulz 
223. Has reduced the number of families in bed and breakfast accommodation.
224. At about midnight when all the children were tucked up in bed we visited the Grotto.
225. But when you know that she's safely tucked up in bed, you come out with a towel around you.
226. Let a thousand flowers bloom and all that ... Ten in the morning, and Mary and Reggie were still in bed.
227. Christian stayed in bed out the shits.
228. He was wont to read a mystery in bed.
229. There he lay, asleep in bed, heavily sedated.
230. When you read in bed you're courting sleep.
231. In bed, I again and again, somersault mind today.
232. He's under sedation and resting quietly in bed.
233. Convalescent children are difficult to keep in bed.
234. Toby was propped up in bed, staring at nothingness.
235. And speaking of being selfish in bed, how's Whitney?
236. He was lying in bed sleeplessly.
237. Snuggle together in bed on a cold Sunday morning.
238. After being sick in bed for a week, Jane still looked pallid.
239. Connections for vertical lubricating oil drain from dry sump in bed plate.
240. Your child may sit up in bed, or walk around the room, screaming or talking senselessly.
241. Bernd - Schneider : I will drive home afterwards and lie down in bed.
242. Santiago finally returns 18 home and lays down in bed.
243. Not good. The doctor said that he stay in bed for SODOM months.
244. She sat up in bed and threw back the bedclothes.
245. They make a mess, then go to rest in bed! I with they'd drop dead!
246. The boy locks his door, may be warm in bed, may tuck himself up.
247. She lay in bed with her baby's head nestling in sleep against her breast.
248. It was so warm and cosy in bed that Simon didn't want to get out.
249. Aziz was sitting up in bed, looking dishevelled and sad.
250. Marcel Proust spent all day in bed, ruminating on his past.
251. In bed, I rest my head on a soft pillow fille with feather.
252. Only when he is seriously ill will he stay in bed.
253. When I feel melancholy, I get some chocolate and curl up in bed alone.
254. "He's um ill in bed." — "Eh?" — "He's ill in bed.".
255. The whole family was laid low by / with ( ie was ill and in bed with ) flu.
256. Being in bed with some high - ranking officials, Mr. Chen acts somewhat arrogantly.
257. Are you uninhibited in bed? more than three times a week?
258. The next morning, Mark is vacuuming the dorm room. Dan is still in bed.
259. Roll on the holiday season - I do enjoy lying in bed and doing nothing.
260. Stay in bed extra late or get up specially early.
261. The old man was in bed with an obstinate disease.
262. Unconsciously, ZhaoBoGong drink a few cups, befuddled, just a lie in bed asleep.
263. He tossed about in bed and groaning from time to time.
264. She would pray for him, sitting up in bed unaided, her head lifted, her voice steady.
265. When she got home, her hard - working husband was already sound asleep in bed.
266. Is it okay I want you to wear that headset in bed?
267. The clocks go back tomorrow, which means an extra, delicious,[http:///in bed.html] guiltless hour in bed.
268. They can hardly take any steps until the good pawnbroker is safely in bed.
269. He returned late to find everybody fast asleep in bed.
270. Mr. Thompson is resting in bed after returning from the recovery room.
271. My wife was tucked up in bed with her cup of cocoa.
272. Balzac was once lying awake in bed, when he saw a man enter his room cautiously.
273. Two children ordered their mother stay in bed one Mother's Day morning.
274. I take off my shoes, and I snuggle in bed.




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更新时间:2025/3/10 21:22:30