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单词 Colonic
1. Colonic contents and faeces were freeze dried.
2. The most important condition to exclude is colonic carcinoma.
3. The colonic carcinomas were staged using Dukes's classification.
4. In the children with colonic contractions, fasting motility did not differentiate children with and without constipation.
5. These cells infiltrate into the colonic mucosa and are abundant during the active phase of colitis.
6. The expression in colonic carcinomas of different forms of glutathione S-transferase has been investigated in several biochemical studies.
7. Control colonic tissue was taken from patients undergoing colonscopy for diagnostic purposes, but who had a negative examination.
8. The presence of HAPCs was suggestive of normal colonic function.
9. Fermentation experiments in our laboratory have shown that colonic sulphate reducing bacteria outcompete methanogenic bacteria for H 2.
10. In colonic biopsy specimens from normal and colitic controls inappropriate staining is less evident.
11. Thus research into colonic motor function remains a challenging and potentially rewarding area where progress has been facilitated by recent technological advances.
12. Formulae have been devised to measure segmental colonic transit with radio-opaque shapes.
13. Colonic mucins are also highly sulphated, more so in fact than mucins produced elsewhere in the gastrointestinal tract.
14. Persistent colonic dilatation may constitute an indication for surgical intervention.
15. Only two small colonic polyps were found in patients who had an upper gastrointestinal lesion.
16. Some patterns of normal colonic motility have begun to emerge, but specific abnormalities are yet to be defined.
17. These authors have shown that colonic platelet activating factor content was significantly increased irrespective of colonic inflammation.
18. The colonic epithelium is in continuous contact with potentially carcinogenic compounds, which enter the body usually as part of the diet.
19. Although irritable bowel syndrome is commonly believed to be a colonic motility disorder, the evidence supporting this hypothesis is inconsistent.
20. There have been no extensive studies of xenobiotic metabolising enzyme expression in colonic adenomas.
21. It has been further postulated that pouchitis represents a recurrence of ulcerative colitis in reservoirs with colonic metaplasia.
22. These findings would suggest that an interplay of various intraluminal factors, including bile acids themselves, may affect colonic function.
23. Our study indicates that there is no systematic change in colonic function after cholecystectomy.
24. The incidence study has shown that there were more older patients and relatively more patients with colonic disease during the 1980s.
25. Four patients had only ileal involvement and 16 had ileocolic or colonic disease.
26. Tape Worm Those new-age prats think they can flush me out with a bit of colonic irrigation.
27. These reports followed our earlier study in which we reported similar findings in animals with experimentally induced colonic inflammation.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. There has been only one report that has identified epoxide hydrolase in colonic carcinomas, by western blot analysis.
29. N-acetyl-5ASA is the major metabolite of 5ASA and the primary site of metabolism is probably the colonic mucosa.
30. A reduced fibre content of the diet on its own might be an important contributor to the development of colonic cancer.
31. The inflammatory cells were absent in the colonic mucosa of Crohn's disease patients examined in remission.
32. Oat bran has been shown to increase tumourigenesis yet it does not effect colonic cell proliferation.
33. We showed that luminol enhanced chemiluminescence from colonic mucosa biopsy specimens is increased in patients with ulcerative colitis.
34. Therefore the relation between the ICAM-1 expression and the clinical course seems to be of diagnostic interest for colonic carcinoma.
35. Moreover, there are no data in healthy man regarding the contribution that the colonic mucosa makes to whole body protein synthesis.
36. We also examined whether upward expansion actually occurred in the background colonic mucosa by ex vivo autoradiography.
37. We used the reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium to detect the generation of superoxide in inflamed colonic mucosa.
38. Results Deposits of formazan were found in the colonic epithelium, vascular endothelium, and infiltrating mononuclear cells.
39. In conclusion it is justified to examine ICAM-1 expression as a potential prognostic risk factor for colonic carcinoma.
40. Biopsy specimens of normal colon were obtained from patients without any evidence of colonic neoplasia.
41. There is controversy over the point of entry of the pelvic parasympathetic nerves into the colonic wall.
42. Colonic cancer in the proximal colon is very rare, most lesions occur in the distal colon.
43. Invitro, high extracellular calcium concentrations inhibit the proliferation of human colonic epithelial cells and several colonic cancer cell lines.
44. Of these 25 remain well; 13 ar unaccounted for, and one died from colonic cancer.
45. The change was due to the greater proportion of patients with colonic disease, which in this study had a worse prognosis.
46. Increased reactive oxygen species values in the inflamed colonic mucosa in rats were seen by chemiluminescence.
47. This might open up new concepts for influencing local tumour growth and metastasis of colonic malignancies.
48. In addition, it is possible that colonic decompression may reduce the chance of perforation and improve blood flow to the bowel wall.
49. Colonic transit time Colonic transit time was assessed by means of radioopaque markers.
50. The degree of colonic bioavailability might have been insufficient for other reasons.
51. With less severe colonic damage, terra fullonica was able to prevent the occurrence of systemic endotoxaemia.
52. With regard to the diagnosis in approximately 10% of inflammatory bowel disease patients with colonic involvement a definite distinction can not be made.
53. The overall phenotypic expression of different xenobiotic metabolising enzymes in colonic carcinomas is complex.
54. Ultrastructural changes in colonic mucosa consistent with increased absorption have been described in ulcerative colitis, in both affected and unaffected areas.
55. Moreover, the same group of xenobiotic metabolising enzymes are probably involved in the development of colonic carcinoma.
56. Morphology of individual colonic pressure waves has eluded reliable classification.
57. The six children with no colonic contractions had a hollow visceral myopathy and constipation.
58. The concentrations of nutrients used in these studies are substantially higher than those which would normally be seen in the colonic lumen.
59. There was little evidence to support the presence of a primary defect in the colonic barrier in patients with ulcerative colitis.
60. In the whole gut of course, the reduction of this net sodium secretion by colonic salvage should be considered.
61. More recently a series of anecdotal reports suggested that colonic neoplasia might be missed in patients with upper gastrointestinal symptoms or lesions.
62. Figure 2 illustrates lysozyme mRNA in a colonic biopsy specimen from a patient with longstanding ulcerative colitis.
63. Colonic transit time was significantly longer in the patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy.
64. These findings also reflect the higher proportion of elderly patients with colonic disease.
65. Therefore, of 180 patients eligible for colonic cancer surveillance in ulcerative colitis 160 were entered into the programme.
66. Other reports also suggest that in this disease there are circulating antibodies against antigens common to biliary and colonic epithelia.
67. In addition to the large increases in colonic SCFAs, there were also important changes in the physical properties of the colonic contents.
68. There has recently been a revival of interest in changes in colonic motility in ulcerative colitis.
69. Colonic motor function has also been investigated with electromyography, the electrodes being attached to the mucosa in the intact human.
70. A similar paradox pertains in the relationship between dietary fibre, colonic cell proliferation, and experimental carcinogenesis.
71. These data on colonic permeability are limited and have not been correlated to the degree of inflammation present.
72. This patient had a previous left hemi-colectomy with a transverse colon rectal anastomosis for a colonic stricture.
73. The transit time in these patients was accelerated by a laxative, metoclopramide, and colonic lavage.
74. Examination round to the caecum showed no abnormality and biopsy specimens showed normal colonic mucosa.
75. Correlation with platelet count was particularly good in colonic disease.
76. In colonic neuropathies contractions were present, but their gastrocolonic response was absent and there were fewer HAPCs.
77. Tap dancers as entertainment falls somewhere between colonic irrigation and embalming.
78. The colonic segments were fixed in Carnoy's fixative and processed to paraffin.
79. There was no significant difference in the severity of the colonic inflammation between the treatment groups.
80. As well as arousal from sleep and the complex effects of food and polypeptide hormones, neurotransmitters have been shown to affect colonic motility.
81. This unquestionable carbohydrate malabsorption, leads to a pronounced change in colonic function and metabolism by stimulating bacterial proliferation.
82. In the one patient in this series with this feature, there was marked active inflammation with expression of colonic phenotypic markers.
83. The results were compared with those obtained when culturing colonic specimens in the absence of the lymphocyte preparation.
84. The release of colonic regulatory peptides by bile salts does make physiological sense.
85. The patients were given supplementation for one month and colonic biopsy specimens were taken before and at the end of the trial.
86. Eating is an important stimulus for colonic motility in healthy human subjects.
87. Most individuals experience the urge to defecate on morning awakening and after meals,() when colonic motility is known to peak.
88. Biochemical studies of normal colonic epithelium have shown that several different xenobiotic metabolising enzymes have a low activity in colonic epithelium.
89. The genesis of abdominal pain or disordered bowel habit is generally ascribed to abnormal colonic motor function.
90. Supplementary dietary calcium has been shown in some studies to reduce colonic cell proliferation in man.
91. This is normal colonic mucosa.
92. Colonic pouch was adopted to solve this problem.
93. With colonic involvement, perirectal fistulae are common.
94. These are metastases from a colonic adenocarcinoma.
95. Can colonic cancer cause lobar seeper?
96. Such occurs with the patient of colonic carcinoma.
97. Colon rupture; An operation; Colonic irrigation.
98. After colonic cancer surgery completely can good?
99. Is microwave physiotherapy effective to colonic cancer?
100. What kind of person gets colonic cancer easily?
101. Objective:To summarize the preventive experience of the anastomotic leakage and intraperitoneal infection following the primary colocolostomy for left colonic obstruction.
102. Looking in any directory, you will find entries from aromatherapy to colonic irrigation, acupuncture to homeopathy .
103. Decreasing CDX2 expression in the tissues of colon cancer and colonic adenomatous polyp may play an important role in the mechanism of colon adenomatous polyp and cancer development.
104. Conclusion Conservative therapy, including colonic clyster and intravenous drip of octreotide acetate, is effective on most of the elderly with stercoral obstruction of colon.
105. But now doctors claim that far from being good for you, colonic irrigation might actually be dangerous, the Daily Mail reported.
106. Cell cycle analysis indicated that the DNA synthesis fraction (SPF) of diploidy carcinomas was between normal colonic mucosa and aneuploidy carcinomas.
107. Conclusion The incidence of colonic diverticula in non-senile patients showed no relationship to age.
108. A microscopic comparison of normal colonic mucosa on the left and that of an adenomatous polyp on the right is seen here.
109. Preventive reception of colonic polyp is still the best treatment.
110. Chronic non-specific ulcerative colitis with intraepithelial neoplasia change is prone to turning to carcinoma, so it's called precancerosis of colonic carcinoma.
111. Conclusions Patients with Lynch syndrome with first colon cancer treated with more extensive colonic resection have a lower risk of metachronous CRC than those receiving less extensive surgery.
112. Hind of profess to convinced is easy decompose inside bowel reach 5- amino salicylic acid for sulphanilamide pyridine, to colonic wall the organization has affinity, have antiphlogistic effect.
113. Objective:To investigate into the perioperative management and surgical options for acute carcinomatous colonic obstruction.
114. Conclusions The astrocytes in lumbosacral spinal cord and medulla oblongata can be activated by colonic inflammation.
115. Objective To make a further understanding of CT manifestations of colonic lymphadenitis in the cat scratch disease (CSD).
116. AIM:To probe into characteristics of human colonic cinematics and kinesics after time-frequency analysis of human colonic pressure signal.
117. Methods Retrospectively analyse the operative methods of acute obstructive sinistral colonic cancer of 25 cases.
118. Colonic carcinomas arising in patients with familial polyposis of the colon are frequently multiple.
119. The first 3 most common etiologies of LGIB were colonic or rectal polypi, Meckel diverticulum, intestine duplication respectively.
120. Details: Some people may prefer to perform an enema or colonic before the insufflation, however this is not necessary.
121. Results: The bispecific antibody could induce P BLs to cytotoxic test of colonic cells in vivo.
122. Objective TO investigate the alteration of ion transport across the colonic epithelium in the rat descending colon applying by benzalkonium chloride (BAC).
123. To study the kinetogenic effects of 11 Chinese herbal medicines on colonic smooth muscle of rats in order to select the valuable one that could be studied further.
124. Careful surveillance of the periumbilical region is indicated in patients with a colonic malignancy to avoid overlooking possible metastatic implants, in order to provide early curative treatment.
125. Objective To explore the gut bacteria changes in intraoperative colonic irrigation for treatment of acute obstructive left colonic carcinoma, and investigate the feasibility of one-stage anastomosis.
126. At urethroscopy, colonic mucosa was macroscopically difficult to distinguish from normal original urethral mucosa in 4 patients over 6 months after the operation.
127. ObjectiveTo investigate the colonic hyperplastic and absorptive adaption in short bowel rats.
128. Conclusion One-stage resection and anastomosis for left colonic acute obstruction is feasible after strict indicatio and appropriate operative management.
129. Probing into the effect of Changyanning syrup about colonic electrophysiology and motility of visceral hypersensitivity rat.
130. Methods 12 cases of acute colonic pseudo - obstruction were treated with conservative methods, medicine , colonoscope, and surgery.
131. At high magnification, the normal colonic epithelium at the left contrasts with the atypical epithelium of the adenomatous polyp at the right.
132. In order to study physiology value of colonic pouch anastomoses after rectal carcinoma excision in schistosomiasis.
133. Methods:The routine CRF treatment was used with a combined method of JS-308 colonic dialysis and the Chinese clyster to clean the colon.
134. Meanwhile, abundant giant myenteric plexuses were found in the transverse colonic walls of2congenital anal atresia and the colonic tumor lesion segments.
135. Objective:To evaluate the accuracy of helical CT pneumocolon in diagnosing and staging colonic carcinomas.
136. Objective:To explore the related risk factors of colonic diverticulitis and the necessity of colectomy of initial onset.
137. Conclusion:The result of colonic transit test possesses fortuity and independability since the shakiness of colonic function.
138. The infiltrating glands of this colonic adenocarcinoma demonstrate less differentiation than the adenomatous polyp, although they still resemble glands.
139. AIM:To compare Fuji intelligent chromo endoscopy(FICE)and staining techniques in differential diagnosis for colonic tumor and non- tumor lesions.
140. Conclusion: The colonic slow wave allorhythmia was existed in STC rat.
141. Results: The clinical symptoms of the 11 cases of colonic lipoma mainly includes abdominal pain, hematochezia and change of stool excretion habits.
142. To evaluate the feasibility of emergency left-side hemicolectomy with one-stage anastomosis for acute colonic obstruction.
143. Objective : To approach the etiological factor, diagnosis and treatment of acute nontraumatic colonic perforation.
144. Treatment of colonic perforation related to colonoscopy is still controversial.
145. We present a case of a recurrent colonic phytobezoar, secondary to habitual chewing and ingestion of betel nut fiber, which was successfully managed surgically.
146. This chest radiograph demonstrates a nodular patternmultiple metastases to the lung from a colonic adenocarcinoma.
147. Objective To explore the clinical manifestation and treatment of acute perforation induced by colonic diverticulitis.
148. Therefore(Sentencedict), the research and attention to colitis-related precancerosis of colonic carcinoma become the hotspot for secondary prevention in recently years.
149. Method: 92 cases of colonic polypi treated by endoscopy-mediated high frequency electric excision were analyzed retrospectively.
150. Conclusions Urethral mucosa can be replaced by colonic mucosa as well as buccal mucosa by using onlay urethroplasty.
151. Colonic obstruction is, except in the case of volvulus, chronic.
152. Objective: To approach the surgical therapy of colonic slow constipation.
153. Objectives To explore the operative method of trans-anal colonic pull-through combined minilaparotomy for congenital megacolon.
154. Moreover, FOS increased fecal mucin excretion and mucin concentrations in cecal and colonic contents, and in cecal mucosa before infection.
155. To investigate the difference of microscopic autofluorescence imaging of normal and adenocarcinoma colonic tissue, and the autofluorescence intensity difference among the colonic tissue layers.
156. Objective To assess the clinical values of CT colonography ( CTC ) in the diagnosis of colonic polyps.
157. Colonic polyps in children may be solitary, multiple, or diffuse.
158. Conclusion The increase of immunoreactivity of NOS and 5 HT is the physiopathology basis of STC, and SOM has no obvious effect on the slow colonic transit.
159. It is very important to consider the possibility of the ovarian metastasis in patients with colonic cancer, and prophylactic oophorectomy is imperative in order to effect a cure.
160. We examined clinical, endoscopic, and pathologic data from 29 patients with isolated ileitis and no prior history of inflammatory bowel disease, and no colonic or upper gastrointestinal involvement.
161. The presence of osseous tissue in colonic biopsy material might be confused with colonic adenocarcinoma invading into bone or with a carcinosarcoma ( metaplastic carcinoma).
162. Each has an opening to the colonic lumen through a narrow neck.
163. Colonic perforation is one of the most common and severe complications.
164. Objective To retrospectively analyze the role of colonic transit test in diagnosis and aetiology of constipation.
165. Results: In all 3 patients, dilation of a colonic stricture was accomplished by injection of infliximab, via the sclerotherapy technique, into the distal and medial portions of the stricture.
166. This colonic mucosal surface is erythematous because of the enormous infestation by Trichuris organisms ( whipworms ).
167. Conclusion: 1, Spleen deficiency can cause the colonic mucous epithelial cell to abscise and effect the integrity of colonic mucous epithelium.
168. Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of combined therapy of Shehuang Paste (SHP) with colonic dialysis in treating patients with refractory cirrhotic ascites complicated with azotemia.
169. Objective:To observe clinical efficacy of colonic dialysis and routine enteroclysis on hepatitis and cirrhosis.
170. Materials and Methods DCBE was performed in 84 ca ses with hematochezia and suspicious of colonic polyp, of which 46 cases underwent colonoscopy for further confirmation or therapy.
171. The preliminary results indicated that a colonic drug delivery system with pectic calcium has developed a broad prospect of local application of drugs.
172. "This study shows that capsule endoscopy is a safe method of visualizing the colonic mucosa through colon fluids without the need for sedation or insufflation, " the researchers concluded.
173. Objective: To observe effect of combination of TCM-WM with high colonic lavement for delaying renal failure.
174. Laceration of the colonic serosa or mesocolon complicated by colonoscopy is rare but probably overlooked.
175. Results The preoperative diagnosis rate of carcinomatous colonic obstruction was only 28.6% (6/21).
176. Conclusions The management of acute perforation induced by the colonic diverticulitis should be judged according to the patient's systemic condition and contamination of the abdominal cavity.
177. Conclusions The efficacy of sulindac is significant in regressing colonic adenomas of patients with FAP.
177. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
178. Conclusion Subtotal colectomy and intraoperative colonic irrigation are effective methods for management of obstructive carcinoma in the left colon.
179. Bowel decompression and colonic lavage were carried out simultaneously in course of the operation. Results: 17 cases received right hemicolectomy and 20 left hemicolectomy.
180. Colonic adenomatous polyp is one of the high risk factors of colorectal tumors.
181. Except these, infection with HCMV is closely related with occurrence of physical and mental defects of new-born, atherosclerosis, colonic diverticulitis.
182. METHODS:The drug sensitivity to the cancer tissues from 38 cases of gastric carcinoma and 40 cases of colonic carcinoma has been made with a method of thiazole blue the determination (MTT).




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