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单词 Stative
1 Some prepositions can only collocate with the stative passive.
2 These are stative verbs; they describe states or senses.
3 Changsha dialect is rich in stative adjectives, which are formed with reduplicative elements, with affixed elements, or with four characters.
4 The stative feature of English is presented by the implicit verb and its function, classification and inflections.
5 Dynamic verbs are verbs that refer to actions. Stative verbs are verbs that refer to states, ie to a relatively stable state of affairs.
6 The English stative passive voice sentences can be the simple present, the simple past, the present perfect or the part perfect.
7 Generally Speaking, only dynamic verbs not stative ones are used in the progressive aspect.
8 Based on this definition, traditional active verb and stative verb can be classified as perfective and imperfective.
9 Some of these stative verbs can be used in the continuous form but their meaning will change.
10 Some of these stative verbs can be used in the continuous fomp3 but their meaning will change.
11 The English passive voice can be divided into the action al passive and the stative passive.
12 According to lexical meaning,[] main verbs can be dynamic and stative .
13 Some prepositions, not only can collocate with the action al passive, but also with the stative passive.
14 This paper attempts to discuss the similarities and differences of "zao"as complement of result, complement of stative and Adverbial.




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