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单词 Well enough
1. He is wise that knows when he’s well enough
2. Let's leave well enough alone.
3. She plays well enough for a beginner.
4. He plays well enough for a beginner.
5. He speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman.
6. She will not be well enough to work in the foreseeable future .
7. She's well enough to be off the medicine now.
8. I can read well enough without glasses.
9. She isn't well enough to receive visitors yet.
10. They know well enough what we mean.
11. Do you feel well enough to sit up yet?
12. This wood has not been smoothed down well enough.
13. Is she well enough to travel?
14. It's only lately that she's been well enough to go out.
15. He is not yet well enough to dispense with the pills.
16. If Henry is not well enough to go with you, take me instead.
17. The champion ran well enough but she would have set up another world record indeed if she had tried harder.
18. He's not well enough to live a normal life .
19. 'We have not done quite well enough,' Macmillan said, with characteristic understatement.
20. I don't know her well enough to form an estimate of her abilities.
21. Kelly couldn't focus his eyes well enough to tell if the figure was male or female.
22. He's well enough in himself - he just can't shake this cold off.
23. The concert was well enough advertised but ticket sales were poor.
24. The Duke was not well enough to carry out such an exacting task.
25. You are probably well enough to take a little light exercise.
26. He speaks English well enough to pass for a native speaker.
27. Larsons pay me well enough, but there's not much over for luxuries when there's two of you to live on it.
28. He could spar well enough but he couldn't seem to finish off his opponents.
29. In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him.
30. It would be a matter of assessing whether she was well enough to travel.
1. Let's leave well enough alone.
2. She plays well enough for a beginner.
3. He plays well enough for a beginner.
4. He speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman.
5. She will not be well enough to work in the foreseeable future .
31. The patient is well enough to sit up in bed now.
32. Jean is well enough now to consider her return to work .
33. "Are you well enough to carry on?" — "Of course," she responded scornfully.
34. He liked her well enough but he wasn't going to make a close friend of her.
35. Walker should come through it well enough.
36. The driving-unconsciously-while-proving-a-theorem case illustrates that situation well enough.
37. Usually she could cope well enough.
38. I knew him well enough to spot that.
39. At a sensible pace, however, it copes well enough.
40. I agree he plays well enough for Eire tho.
41. Maxim knew her driving well enough to be relaxed about it and spent his time folding and refolding a road map.
42. Who was there here who knew her well enough to discern and identify any flaws in her own polished public persona?
43. He was paid well enough for his availability, but that wasn't the only reason why he was so obsessively conscientious.
44. But only if you know the market well enough to avoid the pitfalls.
45. But she knew Adam well enough by now to know he wouldn't make empty threats.
46. But Amanda knew him well enough to suspect that he might be bluffing.
47. Michael made a good recovery, and was well enough to enjoy the international conference given at the time of his retirement.
48. How can she possibly know somebody well enough to get married, the little ninny!
49. A: No disrespect to your stepson, but I would leave well enough alone.
50. I slept fitfully but well enough, disturbed only by the comings and goings of my companions.
51. He liked the offworlder well enough, but it was ridiculous for Zurachina even to consider the suggestion.
52. But no, for Dorothea might ask if she felt well enough to go away, might start prying into her affairs.
53. Are we playing well enough to get to the ultimate goal?
54. I am not well enough to ring a telephone number.
55. He knew the hospital well enough to find the side ward without difficulty.
56. She went to public high school and did well enough to gain admission to Northwestern.
57. Heart failure means that the heart muscle is not pumping well enough to meet the need for oxygen-rich blood.
58. Its activities were well enough known to provoke widespread protest in the cahiers of 1789.
59. He had left the gas low so that the room was poorly lit,() but he could see well enough.
60. He could travel well enough on his own, if only they'd let him.
61. I don't hate anyone. The only people I know well enough to hate, I love. Robert Brault 
62. When am I going to be well enough to go home?
63. When I was well enough, I packed my clothes and books.
64. After a thorough examination he said that I was well enough to hold it down.
65. The Fus - grandma, young parents and two small children - eat and dress well enough.
66. They recognised you, and described me well enough for him to start making enquiries.
67. I knew the rule well enough, but in that split second it never entered my head.
68. It started well enough, with Dave Mitchell giving Town the lead midway through the first half.
69. He was playing well enough till he reached the greens, but his putts would not go in.
70. I decided to stick to my own boyfriend problem and leave others well enough alone.
71. Luckily we are playing well enough to not be under much pressure at all lately.
72. By 1898, Adam Beck was well enough off to enter politics.
73. Paul doesn't know if he's really well enough to go.
74. Boucher took issue with that, saying he was well enough to play.
75. Such clever agitprop worked well enough to get Clinton elected, but not well enough to make the programs work.
76. Ordinary duct tape will do well enough, but tends to dry out from the heat of the ducts.
77. Though a gust of icy wind made his eyes water, blurring the caller's features, he knew them well enough.
78. Even sports drinks may not contain enough electrolytes -- or the body may not absorb them well enough -- to prevent problems.
79. Is the company well enough established to offer job security?
80. If I were you, I would leave well enough alone.
81. They were tolerating that redhead well enough in spite of his sullen bad manners.
82. You realise then, well enough, that making a meal of plants can demand both skill and knowledge.
83. He walked off disconsolate: he knew he had played well enough to win and had not.
84. You can see the scaffolding and the temporary roof well enough I should hope.
85. In time, he recovered well enough to get around(), but not well enough ever to play tennis again.
86. The 37 who completed the course performed well enough but not outstandingly.
87. United scored in the first two minutes at Manchester City on Saturday and defended well enough to win.
88. Homeless patients receive medication to get well enough to return to the streets where they live until their next psychotic episode.
89. The students might not have done well enough to preserve the 80 average that guaranteed senior college admission.
90. In other words, in economic matters you ought to leave well enough alone.
91. Police had to guard him in hospital until he was well enough to testify.
92. A pretty, rustic affectation of innocence that, to such as can not see into her, may pass well enough.
93. Most of us don't know our neighbors well enough to meddle with their lives.
94. He had had no time to acquaint himself with his fief, twice seen, and well enough served by its own.
95. It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. Henry Ford 
96. Twenty-two percent can not address a letter well enough to guarantee that it will reach its destination.
97. Two days earlier I'd cancelled an appointment with a psychic healer, thinking perhaps I should leave well enough alone.
98. You know that well enough, so don't talk nonsense.
99. Granulate and Shatter can fight, but not well enough.
100. A difference report can help you decide whether a given set of code changes is covered well enough by existing tests or requires that new tests be written.
101. Fortunately I know my material well enough that I was able to do a good job delivering the content when the correct slide was on the screen.
102. I knew what his priorities were well enough that I view myself as basically the implementor of the president's own influence.
103. "Yeah, "growled the teen-ager, " only I know him well enough to call him Bruce. You have to call him Officer Cabral.
104. Auntie Winnie wrote back saying Mam wasn't well enough to write.
105. Up to 50% of prisoners on release cannot read or write well enough to hold down a job, and up to 85% of young offenders are functionally illiterate.
106. Yet it seemed to fit the needs of the people well enough to bring into question statements made by those critics who said Communist economy would collapse because of an unsound monetary structure.
107. ECONOMY Racine (to his son Louis): I know your handwriting well enough, without your having to sign your name.
108. Chalk talks and design documents are helpful, but they can't spread knowledge well enough and fast enough for most fast-paced projects.
109. But she felt well enough to be up and about.
110. One study estimates that some 30 million adult Americans are "functionally illiterate" and cannot read or write well enough to answer the want ad or understand the instructions on a medicine bottle.
111. Because of the enormous fading of the optical signal in underwater laser communication, the capacity of the error-correcting code must be well enough.
112. Nancy liked it well enough, but complained about the color.
113. He is not yet well enough to dispense with the doctor's services.
114. He wanted to, he missish and restraint grasp well enough, she wouldn't misunderstand him.
115. Only Ingram had the seniority, and knew Celia well enough, to laugh aloud.
115. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
116. Crook liked her well enough, but remained indifferent to her feminine charms.
117. She knew well enough who it was, and she suppressed a giggle.
118. They seemed to like me well enough, but I wasn't sure, especially at mealtime.
119. Your notions are those of a gentleman, Major Heyward, and well enough in their place.
120. Da Vinci selected the Arno River for the painting specifically because he knew it well enough to obsess over it long after the plot with Machiavelli failed.
121. President Van Buren protested that Jackson was not well enough to travel.
122. Still she liked Carrie well enough to take her in tow.
123. But vicuna sells well enough to be carried in all 139 Loro Piana stores around the world.
124. One study estimates that some 30 million adult Americans are "functionally illiterate" and cannot read or write well enough to answer a want ad or understand the instructions on a medicine bottle.
125. He will know well enough our clan is not to rise.
126. Patients who are well enough to turn up under their own steam are well enough to wait to be seen by a doctor.
127. Finally, he studied well enough to become a telegraph operator, earning $ 25 a month.
128. The Dominican Republic started well enough , Juan Castillo slamming a home run in the opening inning.
129. Do I speak French well enough to pass for a Frenchman?
130. Although I know that every floss will work well enough, I still can't help but contemplate the pros and cons of waxed versus unwaxed, spearmint versus wintermint.
131. I can rough it well enough ; but you, my dear, how will you bear it?
132. The reason people use a small font is twofold: first, that they don't know their material well enough; second, they think that more text is more convincing. Total bozosity.sentencedict .com
133. The Catholic Archdiocese of New York has put out a comic book to teach kids about the dangers of sexual predators. Critics say it doesn't explain the problem well enough.
134. Those make this kind of macromolecule have well enough application prospects in drug deliver, catalyst carrier, gene therapy, metal millimicron composite and membrane material etc.
135. If the goods were not packed well enough to protect them from the normal handling cargo experiences during international transit, any financial loss will not be covered.
136. I'm not in top shape because I don't get to play that often, but I think I did well enough today.
137. Hospitalization from a liver transplant can take several weeks, and it wasn't until mid-April that Steve felt well enough to move into his new home in Memphis.




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