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单词 Contestable
1. In principle, well-being is a contestable good.
2. But this assumption rests on a contestable value judgment about the proper role of the judiciary in controlling the government.
3. A perfectly contestable industry is one which, in addition to free entry, is also characterised by completely free exit.
4. The shared concept of scientific explanation was always contestable and has of late been radically contested.
5. Contestable market: is a market in which firms can enter and leave so easily that firms in the market face competition from potential entrants—firms play a sequential entry game.
6. Everything was contestable , whether it was the cause of climate change or the fact of climate change, the size of the deficit or the culprits to blame for the deficit.
7. But Zhang's claim is contestable. As countless pollution scandals have revealed, many industries and local governments routinely under-report emissions and waste.
8. There is, however, an important difference here from the contestable markets case.
9. The most fundamental question is, do the two sets, namely natural monopolies and perfectly contestable industries, in fact intersect?
10. This condition is very similar to the condition for gains from trade developed for the contestable markets approach in chapter 4.
11. The market for the food consumer’s dollar seems to be highly contestable, even when only a small handful of retailers survive the cost competition.
12. The DoD is seeking to make the award "not contestable" to avoid a rehash of what happened with the first contract award.
13. The decision of the jury and the composition the jury are final are not contestable.
14. The viewpoint of righteousness and benefit of Confucianism has always been a contestable topic among some ideologists , as well as in the academic circles, many are negative towards the viewpoint.
14. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
15. The paper tried to absorb some good through analysis on the contestable democracy to enrich the democracy theory in our country.
16. China's petroleum and petrochemical industries should further explore the contestable position in the worldwide petroleum industry.
17. Force majeure, fault of the victim, intention of third party, contentment of the victim are contestable causes to quote by the liability body.
18. The view that in relation to alienation a morality evaluation applies to a young Marx and a history evaluation applies to a mature Marx remains contestable.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 1:00:29