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单词 Moment of inertia
1, Some 3D systems can calculate volume, weight, moments of inertia, and centre of gravity of fairly complex shapes.
2, What now is the moment of inertia?
3, You can calculate the moment of inertia.
4, Well, the moment of inertia is a boring job.
5, That is how we define moment of inertia.
6, What is the moment of inertia of that?
7, Almost all moment of inertia is in this system.
8, You get a totally different moment of inertia.
9, The moment of inertia is not a simple concept.
10, For example, the moment of inertia about the z-axis is dV the triple integral of x squared plus y squared density dV.
11, Based on studying the way of polar moment of inertia, a new method of major and minor axis detecting by DDA was provided.
12, A simple method for principal axes and principal moment of inertia of are is presented.
13, A method for measurement of area and moment of inertia of plane figures grabbed by computer vision system is presented in this paper.
14, Torque divided by moment of inertia is what will cause the angular acceleration, namely the derivative of angular velocity.
15, Increased Moment of Inertia for serious forgiveness and truer roll.
16, I am using fancy words today. And the moment of inertia -- The difference with a mass is that the moment of inertia is defined about some axis.You choose an axis.
17, For the moment of inertia, we want the square of a distance to the axis of rotation.
18, A effective method of calculating moment of inertia at ground state of even-even deformations nuclei is derived based on rigid rotation and collective rotation nature of quantum systems.
19, I will ask you for a moment of inertia for some weird line or something like that. OK, but these you should know.
20, In rotation, force becomes torque, mass becomes moment of inertia,[http:///moment of inertia.html] and acceleration becomes angular acceleration.
21, Well, we will try to compute now the moment of inertia about this point.
22, All I have to know now is what is the moment of inertia about P.
23, In the natural sensitivity analysis to consider the impact of three different factors: the rotor moment of inertia, the water wheel attached to the moment of inertia and rotor arm stiffness.
24, The cross-section design according to the invention allows the geometrical moment of inertia to be substantially increased as compared to conventional cross-section designs.
25, Just as linear momentum is the product of mass and velocity, so the angular momentum of a body is defined as the product of its moment of inertia and its angular velocity.
26, And it is kind of fun to spin just a small bowl, but maybe you would like to spin actually a larger solid and try to define this moment of inertia.
27, If the transmural pressure of a latex tube containing pulsatile flow is negative, the tube will collapse with its cross-sectional area and moment of inertia decreasing.
28, The transient speed fluctuations induced by reciprocating force of inertia can be separated from measured results when the whole of moment of inertia was got.
29, Particularly, as shown by the present study, the air consumption for attitude control actuators using compressed cool air is proportional to the mass moment of inertia.
30, So we now have a way of calculating the kinetic energy of rotation provided that we know how to calculate the moment of inertia.
31, Through air-floating platform simulating momentum conservation system, a method of coupling testing angular momentum based on the combination of moment of inertia and angular velocity is presented.
32, Feature extraction was the basis of raisins grade detecting. Based on studying the way of polar moment of inertia, a new method of major and minor axis detecting by DDA was provided.
33, According to equivalent principle of quality and moment of inertia, a method of static calibration for multi-dimensional angular accelerometer is proposed.




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