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单词 Sit with
1) He disdains going to the cinema / to sit with people like us.
2) Bring your chair over and sit with us!
3) Did my story sit with you?
4) Sit with your hands politely resting on your thighs.
5) He beckoned the boy to sit with him.
6) I would sit with her often for a whole hour, she with her feet up on the sofa, resting.
7) Rachaela was shepherded into the room to sit with her pale, saved child.
8) I want to be able to sit with friends around a dinner table and not think about what I am doing.
9) I was going to sit with a big book of wallpaper in my lap while she and Adler looked over my shoulder.
10) Elevation Lie or sit with your legs raised higher than your waist.
11) I sit with my arms wrapped around the chrome railing and my bare heels gripping the sides.
12) We had to sit with our backs to the wall,(http:///sit with.html) facing the door.
13) I intend Henceforth every night to sit With my lewd, well-natured friend, Drinking to engender wit.
14) His mother would sit with him, knitting, occupying a rocking chair which creaked regularly as she moved it.
15) We managed to persuade them to come and sit with us and she ended up next to me.
16) They would sit with him and watch him color or make simple drawings in the notebooks they brought him.
17) He wants to sit with Enid in the cool air.
18) It's most comfortable if I sit with my legs up.
19) Or just sit with their arm around the child, watching the sunset.
20) Sit with the music, blow a little smoke, time enough to snap out of it, sip the brandy.
21) For this exercise, it is best to lie down, or sit with both feet on the floor.
22) At the end of a long gash An atrocity through the lace of first light I sit with the reeking instrument.
23) There is a large garden restaurant where you can sit with drinks,[] snacks and meals.
24) They saw her take the baby in her arms for the first time and they sit with it on the sofa.
25) It is comforting to hear your team-mates shouting their encouragement during a contest. Sit with your back straight and head erect.
26) With a child on each opposing team, Dad was faced with a dilemma: which supporters should he sit with?
27) He tells her of his need for regeneration and asks her to sit with him the night before his marriage to Blanche.
28) D'Aubigny rose, greeted us civilly and indicated we should sit with him.
29) Primo and Mariah always greeted them when they walked past and sometimes Mariah would sit with them and chat.
30) I half hope he's awake, so that I can go in and sit with him, and stroke his head.
31) A daughter may start by doing the shopping or going to sit with them for a few hours.
32) He disdains to sit with people like us.
33) Would you like to sit with us?
34) Later, my father came to sit with me.
35) I've promised to sit with Mrs. Bonnell tomorrow.
36) Sit with the team and jointly criticize other work.
37) Angela, come and sit with us.
38) Sit with this vision for a time.
39) If you decide to come down to our camping ground perhaps I could go with you the first time you go, sit with you and introduce you to all the other folks.
40) Try to sit with your head, neck and spine in a line.
41) I sit with Mei besides the Yinhu Lake , in Shenzhen, at the evenfall.
42) " If somebody'll come here and sit with him, " he snapped authoritatively.
43) She used to sit with the kids from next door.
44) The philosophers sit with half - opened eyes and compare their aesthetics of time.
45) As a boy growing up on Long Island he had greeted news of hurricanes by going up to the attic to sit with an anemometer, and built his own telescope in order to gasp at the planets it revealed.
46) Get a baby doll that you can sit with them, get a real looking baby doll.
47) She'll sit with you, my soul, while I write a letter.
48) I refuse to sit with that rude woman at the same table.
49) I sit with my eye on Mr. Creakle, blinking at him like a young owl.
50) I used to sit with my grandma under a big tree.
51) Behind Sampras sat a friend of Bonds, who wanted to sit with the ballplayer. Bonds pointed at Sampras.
51) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
52) Sit with your guitar and a clock, and vibrate a note for one hour.
53) We have a spare chair if you want to sit with us.
54) Ted and I took it in turns to go into hospital and sit with Emma.
55) Terri Fulkerson, whose daughter was also in the burn unit at Brooke, would sit with Becky in the gazebo outside Fisher House after long days at the hospital and "talk mom."




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