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单词 Unrepresentative
1, The President denounced the demonstrators as unrepresentative of the Romanian people.
2, This early novel is unrepresentative of her work as a whole.
3, These workers are unrepresentative of the general population.
4, They pointed out that committee members were unrepresentative of the user body but got re-elected year after year.
5, But Greece is actually an unrepresentative case.
6, This is a truly unrepresentative sample, both in sampling strategy and its make up, and statistical controls cannot compensate for this.
7, Meaning studies that are outdated, unrepresentative or flawed can be presented as having more importance than they actually possess.
8, On the plus side, outdated and unrepresentative samples that analysts believe were to blame for problems with the old data were replaced by a system that captures every sale of new property.
9, It was dignified and not unrepresentative of his standing in the company.
10, One only has to look at the statistics to see how unrepresentative Xuxa's world is.
11, Since hazardous jobs represent a small part of total employment, these workers are unrepresentative of the general population.
12, The result is only representative on those variables selected for the quota, and may be quite unrepresentative on other factors.
13, Naturally this judgement has to be tempered by the unrepresentative nature of the sample of reports that it draws upon.
14, However, there is no reason to believe that the sample is unrepresentative in any way.
15, The imposition of councillor Jeff Sainsbury says much about the right hon. Gentleman and about the unrepresentative character of the development corporation.
16, There is no reason at all to suppose they are unrepresentative in this respect.
17, Second, the telephone lists actually used for the sample were unrepresentative of the electorate.
18, The problem is that they are a small sample of all criminals, and almost certainly unrepresentative.
19, But such people make up only a fraction of the labor market and are thus unrepresentative of the whole employment in general.
20, Often the parts they have seized on have been a little like the elephant's tusks -- a striking, but unrepresentative, part of the whole animal.
21, Most studies have been relatively small and , arguably , unrepresentative of industry as a whole in these regions.
22, There's a good chance that this election will produce a wildly unrepresentative outcome: a majority of the seats won by a party with a minority of the vote.
23, Why is it that we're so prone to forming stereotypes that end up being unrepresentative?
24, The press barons would no longer be able to push an unrepresentative party into office or easily manipulate it once it's there.
25, It would be easy, but wrong,(http:///unrepresentative.html) to dismiss Zhura as an unrepresentative crackpot whose defence of Stalin says little about contemporary Russian opinion.
26, As big as the Asia numbers are, some see the rapid growth as unrepresentative of the near future.
27, I soon tumbled to the fact that my weekends were atypical; behavior quite unrepresentative of the profession.
28, The protest we have heard since this plan was made public has come from a small, and thus unrepresentative, group of some thirty people and so should therefore be ignored.




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