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单词 Be confused with
1. This construction should not be confused with the regular passive.
2. Corporate crime?committed by businesses?should not be confused with white-collar crime, which refers to the occupation of the perpetrator and may be directed against a business.
3. It should not be confused with the initial child protection conference.
4. There was the Ziploc storage bag, not to be confused with the Ziploc sandwich bag, snack bag or freezer bag.
5. The student should not be confused with long lists of new vocabulary to master before the drills can become meaningful to him/her.
6. The prod is not to be confused with the caress which gently brushes a surface.
7. Punkish local kids may all too readily be confused with big-city operators.
8. Transsexualism is not to be confused with hermaphroditism, in which bodily characteristics of both sexes are present in the same individual.
9. This process must not be confused with guessing or wishful thinking.
10. In-line skating is not to be confused with roller skating.
11. Left forearm rotation should not be confused with left wrist rotation, as to many amateurs think.
12. But they can not be confused with glass by an examiner of moderate skill and experience.
13. In babies and young children, the symptoms can be confused with a heavy cold.
14. Permanently low blood pressure, meanwhile, shouldn't be confused with temporary hypotension.
15. Since variables named in lower case will never be confused with keywords, many programmers use upper case only for keywords.
16. Expert witnesses should not be confused with expert determination: see 1.6.3.
17. It should not be confused with the carve gybe which is used in high winds without the centreboard.
18. Private land trusts, not to be confused with state trust land, are non-profit groups dedicated to preserving open space.
19. This is not to be confused with the framing of part of a limitless series, a microcosmic view of the macrocosm.
20. Impossibility should never be confused with improbability.
21. It'should not be confused with the work a cameraman.
22. Clinically it may be confused with adenofibroma and lipoma.
23. A is not to be confused with B.
24. Corporate crime — committed by businesses — should not be confused with white - collar crime, which refers to the occupation of the perpetrator and may be directed against.
25. These collapse, shrivel and dry as though scorched - but this is not to be confused with frost scorch.
26. The only other smell you are likely to encounter that could be confused with badger musk is that of the fox.
27. Since her contentions are not supported by evidence, her allegations should not be confused with fact.
28. In the brave new world of the self-employed, homes should not be confused with offices.
29. The organisation of the Catholic church is not to be confused with that of the Ministry of Transport or police department.
30. Nor should the bureaucratization of society as a whole be confused with the emergence of the bureaucracy as a ruling class.
1. Corporate crime — committed by businesses — should not be confused with white - collar crime, which refers to the occupation of the perpetrator and may be directed against.
31. A butterfly must not be confused with a moth.
32. Not to be confused with end-of-file marker.
33. Any sparking liquid might be confused with a soda.
34. Whitish bands composed of medullated nerve fibres radiating out from the optic disc are of no pathological significance and must not be confused with papilloedema .
35. How likely is this datum to be confused with other data if the representation is corrupted?
36. The mammoths should not be confused with the American mastodon (Mammut americanum), another ancient elephant from North and Central America.
37. Axial MR images can be confused with schizencephaly, but sagittal images show typical findings.
38. Professional certification is not to be confused with product certification, in which an individual is tested on skills for a specific product or technology.
39. Apraxia of speech and Dysarthria are other speech disorders that may be confused with aphasia.
40. A sty should not be confused with a blocked tear duct.
41. This should not be confused with symptoms of lightheadedness or fainting.
42. Not to be confused with the forgetfulness that affects most everyone in their later years, Alzheimer's is a degenerative brain disorder that manifests differently in each of its sufferers.
43. Marasmus can be confused with dehydration; very often children suffer both.
44. There were some normal nasal structures which were susceptible to be confused with fracture, such as bone suture, internasal aperture, intersuture bone, and normal variations.
45. His musical version of the novel The Phantom of the Opera called Phantom (not to be confused with Andrew Lloyd Webber's version) has enjoyed numerous productions in the U. S. and around the world.
46. You should resist any such temptation. Diversity ought not to be confused with division.
47. Dandruff consists of scaly particles with an oily sheen that lie close to the hair root. This condition should not be confused with a flaky scalp .
48. You see, for Jung,() the superordinate reality is what he called the "Self"—which is not to be confused with the ego.
49. Strung around them are scalps, of boys as well as of pirates, for these are the Piccaninny tribe, and not to be confused with the softer-hearted Delawares or the Hurons.
50. Simon the Zealot not to be confused with Simon Peter.
51. The word idiographic is not to be confused with ideographic, which is the adjective formed from ideogram.
52. Aerial photography should not be confused with Air-to-Air Photography, when aircraft serve both as a photo platform and subject.
53. Cystic appearance of the posterior fossa does not always represent a Dandy-Walker spectrum anomaly. Absent vermis may be confused with Dandy-Walker anomaly, especially on prenatal ultrasound.
54. Note: Not to be confused with the other Boltzmann equation, which describes how gases or fluids move energy around.
55. Central neurocytoma (CN) is a rare but usually benign cerebral intraventricular tumor of young adults which can be confused with oligodendroglioma and other neoplasms.
56. There is no file directory, so you won't be confused with file locations.
57. The presence of osseous tissue in colonic biopsy material might be confused with colonic adenocarcinoma invading into bone or with a carcinosarcoma ( metaplastic carcinoma).
58. The term "tempering" should not be confused with either process annealing or stress relieving.
59. This should not be confused with measurements of shoot elongation.
60. This long-term forecast, of course(), shouldn't be confused with a - term market prediction.
61. Food allergy should not be confused with 'food intolerance', of which the best-defined with an immunological component is the gluten intolerance syndrome coeliac disease.
62. Not to be confused with tennis or golfer's elbow (forms of tendonitis), this new diagnosis stems from the nerves that run through the elbow.
63. The word idiographic is not to be confused with ideographic , which is the adjective formed ideogram.
64. It--and they're not to be confused with the modern Hasidim who live in Brooklyn and who come from Eastern Europe.
65. These short clips looked really well-done, and were labeled as 'sample muvees' so as not to be confused with my content.
66. At first glance, calcite might be confused with quartz where both are clear, colorless, and " glassy ".




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