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单词 Lie idle
1. I cannot afford to leave the land lying idle .
2. Now the machine is lying idle.
3. These machines have lain idle since the factory closed.
4. The factory machines lay idle during the workers' strike.
5. Half their machines are lying idle.
6. The earth-moving trucks and cement mixers lay idle.
7. Why is millions of pounds worth of state-of-the-art equipment lying idle?
8. Is it simply a transfer from the customer's bank account to building society account of money that was lying idle?
9. Environment spokesman Jack Straw said £5 billion was lying idle while thousands were forced to sleep on the streets.
10. Simple economics - I can't afford to leave it lying idle.
11. I can promise you that. Simple economics - I can't afford to leave it lying idle.
12. Millions of pounds worth of state-of-the-art equipment is lying idle.
13. By 1985 at least half of them were lying idle, stored in warehouses because of shortages of skills and software programmes.
14. None of our machines lie idle .
15. Don't let state funds lie idle.
16. But in a recession, when workers and factories lie idle[Sentence dictionary], a fiscal boost can increase overall demand.
17. It is more extravagant to lie idle those expensive gears than buying them out. Therefore, used expensive goods sales are increasingly the rage as a handful of people have similar problem.
18. Rather than lie idle and play your days away, you'd better do something meaningful for the society as much as you can. ...
19. People and things that lie idle start to lose their productive value. Then you're into all sorts of troubles, " says Karen Ward, senior global economist at HSBC Holdings (HBC) in London.
20. Credit puts to use property that would otherwise lie idle, thus enabling a country to more fully employ its resources.
21. The area is dependent on fishing and farming, yet the fishing boats lie idle in the sand.
22. Article 37 All units and individuals shall be prohibited to let cultivated land lie idle or make it barren.
23. He spotted a niche for festive goods in China some years ago, and realised he could produce them when the western rush was over and his factory would otherwise lie idle.
24. In average, due to the small scale in refurbishment project, the complex types of workers and materials as well as the unstable housing refurbishment quantity, it is easy to let craftsmen lie idle.
25. It is a pity to let this cultivated land lie idle.
26. This may bring to the enterprise some negative effects such as letting capital lie idle, lowering the profit, undermining the morale, disturbing the development plan, affecting the image and so on.




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