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单词 Ulysses
1. The ludicrous front cover featured Marilyn Monroe reading Ulysses.
2. For men to model themselves on Ulysses rather than Hercules.
3. Ulysses S.. Grant, also want Broussard to help them bring down those unwilling to accept defeat.
4. General Ulysses S.. Grant suggested that legal proceedings be brought against the city for damages suffered by the blacks.
5. Ulysses had instructed him what to say.
6. This man in rags was indeed Ulysses(), the king.
7. Ulysses was not to be dissuaded from his attempt.
8. Ulysses descended to the ground.
9. Many Republicans wanted to nominate former President Ulysses Grant.
10. Ulysses in his beggar's rags rose from his seat.
11. Winston Churchill is another. And Ulysses S. Grant.
12. I am quite sure that Ulysses still lives.
13. In 1872 he ran for President against Ulysses S . Grant.
14. Lieutenant General Ulysses S . Grant becomes the first to have this rank.
15. Many Republicans wanted to nominate former President Ulysses Grant. Grant had been out of office 4 years. People seemed to have forgotten the political problems that shook his administration.
16. Also on July 4, 1863, General Ulysses Grant was able to force the surrender of the besieged city of Vicksburg, Mississippi.
17. Ulysses S. Grant, 18th president of the United States, died of throat cancer.
18. When Ulysses Grant told a reporter he liked cigars, well - wishers sent him more than 20, 000.
19. Ulysses Grant was elected president of the United States in eighteen sixty-eight.
20. The internal focalized narration in Ulysses takes the three protagonists as its focal characters, through their eyes and consciousness to percept the world.
21. The victory at Vicksburg went to General Ulysses Grant. He was named commander of all Union armies in the west. Then he was sent to Chattanooga, Tennessee.
22. Ulysses is a classic novel in the technique of stream of consciousness.
23. Thus language begins to parody itself, and so does literature, as Joyce shows in the Ithaca section of Ulysses.
24. Competition between love of words and of the world they seek to represent expands in Ulysses.
25. James Joyce employs three antiheroes as the focal-characters in the internal focalization of Ulysses.
26. Only after this ordeal did he begin his long and fruitful association with Ulysses Grant.
27. This same line makes the Bushes cousins to President Ulysses S. Grant as well as Benedict Arnold, among many, many others.
28. 1863 - American Civil War: Battle of Chattanooga begins - Union forces led by General Ulysses S. Grant reinforce troops at Chattanooga, Tennessee and counter-attack Confederate troops.
29. Textual criticism is also an important event in Joyce and Ulysses criticism.
30. For a twenty, you should look for the picture of Andrew Jackson, and on a fifty-dollar bill, you'll see a picture of Ulysses Grant.
31. The war's first major campaign began in February 1862, when Union troops under Ulysses S. Grant captured Confederate forts in western Tennessee.
32. The only general who seemed able to win victories was Ulysses Grant.
33. America's eighteenth president, Ulysses Grant, was elected to his second term in eighteen seventy-two.
34. Bayard, a 52-year-old professor of literature and a psychoanalyst, has gotten this far without ever having picked up "Oliver Twist" or finished "Ulysses.
35. All of the other Union generals generals knew Ulysses Grant.
35. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
36. No terms except unconditional and immediate surrender can be accepted( Ulysses S. Grant.
37. Most governors had the authority and every President since Ulysses Grant in 1869 had sought it.
38. Former town, southern central Virginia, site of the surrender of Robert E. Lee to Ulysses S. Grant on April 9, 1865, effectively ending the American Civil War.
39. 1822- Ulysses S. Grant, American Civil War general and 18th President of the United States was born.
40. James Joyce uses the topos of the wandering jew in his ulysses.
41. On April ninth, eighteen sixty-five, Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his army to Union General Ulysses Grant. Within weeks, the Civil War would be over.
42. Let no guilty man escape, if it can be Ulysses S. Grant.
43. One of the Union generals in the area was Ulysses Grant.
44. Since its publication, Joyce Ulysses has been receiving controversial criticisms.
45. I kno. no. method to secure the repeal of bad or obno. ious laws so effective as their stringent execution(Ulysses S. Grant.
46. Ulysses was told about this, so, when he was a tall lad, he crossed the sea and drove in his chariot to the old man's house on Mount Parnassus .
47. All of the other Union generals knew Ulysses Grant. Few had any faith in his abilities. They were sure he would always fail.
48. Similarly, says Fisk, it "doesn't make sense" to turn off Ulysses just as the Sun comes to the end of a 22-year magnetic cycle.
49. On March fourth, eighteen sixty-nine, Ulysses Grant traveled to Washington for his inauguration as the eighteenth president of the United States.
50. Ulysses Grant and his Republican successors put repayment of the Civil War debt at the top of their priorities list.
51. After further adventures alone on a raft Ulysses eventually came to the country of the Phaeacians.
52. Ulysses S. Grant's only daughter wed in the White House at the age of 18, in "perhaps the greatest American social event of the nineteenth century, " according to presidential historian Doug Wead.
53. With a head full of Rimbaud and a copy of "Ulysses" under his arm, he set off for west Africa in search of adventure.
54. They had no similar exposure to, say, slave-owner Thomas Jefferson or civil war general Ulysses Grant.
55. So Brown felt extraordinary pride one day last summer as he stood before a statue of Ulysses Grant in the Capitol Rotunda1 in Washington.
56. but he is also recognized as a great strategist, a forceful leader, and--together with Ulysses Grant --the ablest Union general of the war.
57. And Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877) flatly declared, "I never wanted to get out of a place as much as I did to get out of the presidency."
58. This week in our series, we talk about the first term of President Ulysses Grant.
59. Photographers loved to get her to pose in tight shorts, a silk robe or a swimsuit with a come-hither look and a weighty book — a history of Goya or James Joyce's "Ulysses" or Heinrich Heine's poems.
60. In 1872, President Ulysses S. Grant signed a law declaring that Yellowstone would forever be dedicated and set apart as a public park or pleasuring ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people.
61. In "crafty Ulysses" and "Richard the Lion-Hearted" the epithets are "crafty" and "the Lion-Hearted".
62. Collage and pastiche are two important parody techniques employed in Ulysses.
63. Still, the years of poverty and failure affected Ulysses Grant.
64. At least six U.S. presidents have visited while in office -- in 1874, Ulysses S. Grant became the first sitting U.S. president to make the trip -- or before or after their terms.




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