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单词 learn
释义 Word family  noun learner learning unlearn adjective learned verb learn adverb learnedly  ldoce_728_zlearn /lɜːn $ lɜːrn/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tense and past participle learned or learnt /lɜːnt $ lɜːrnt/ especially British English)  1  subject/skill 科目/技艺 [intransitive, transitive]LEARNSTUDY to gain knowledge of a subject or skill, by experience, by studying it, or by being taught 学习;学到;学会 → teach What’s the best way to learn a language? 学习语言的最佳方法是什么?learn (how) to do something I learnt to drive when I was 17. 我17岁那年学会了开车。 Hector spent the winter learning how to cope with his blindness. 那个冬天赫克托都在学习如何适应失明的生活。 The teacher’s task is to help the pupil learn. 老师的任务是帮助学生学习。learn (something) from somebody I learned a lot from my father. 我从父亲那里学到了很多东西。learn about Kids can have fun and learn about music at the same time. 小孩子可以在学习音乐的同时得到乐趣。learn what Youngsters must learn what is dangerous and what is not to be feared. 小孩子必须要知道什么有危险,什么不要害怕。 The student will learn from experience about the importance of planning. 学生将从经验中学到制订计划的重要性。5 ► Don’t say that you ‘learn someone something’ or ‘learn someone how to do something’. Use teach: I taught him how to send an e-mail.不要说 learn someone something 或 learn someone how to do something’。 要用 teach: I taught him how to send an e-mail. 我教他怎么发送电子邮件。n GRAMMAR: Patterns with learn• You learn to do something: She’s learning to play the piano.• You learn how to do something: She is learning how to play the piano. ✗Don’t say: She is learning playing the piano.2  find out 发现 [intransitive, transitive] formalFIND OUT to find out information or news by hearing it from someone else or reading it 获悉,得知,听到 SYN discover I didn’t tell her the truth. She would learn it for herself soon enough. 我没有告诉她真相,很快她自己就会知道的。learn of/about He learned about his appointment by telephone yesterday. 昨天他从电话里得知自己被任命的消息。learn (that) Last week I learned that I was pregnant. 上个星期我得知自己怀孕了。 She was surprised to learn that he was a lot older than she had thought. 她惊讶地发现,他比她认为的要年长很多。learn whether/who/why I waited to learn whether I’d secured a college place. 我在等待大学录取的消息。 We have yet to learn who will be the new manager. 我们还不知道谁将成为新经理。3  remember 记住 [transitive]LEARN to get to know something so well that you can easily remember it 背熟,熟记,记住 SYN memorize The actors hardly had time to learn their lines before filming started. 演员们几乎没有时间记台词电影就开拍了。4  change your behaviour 改变行为 [intransitive, transitive]LEARN to gradually understand a situation and start behaving in the way that you should 认识到,意识到learn (that) They have to learn that they can’t just do whatever they like. 他们必须明白做事不能随心所欲。learn to do something Young hairdressers must learn to treat the client as a person, not a head of hair. 年轻的发型师必须认识到要把顾客看作是人,而不只是一头头发。 I’ve told him a hundred times not to bully people, but he never learns. 我都跟他说了一百次不能欺负别人,可他从来都不明白。learn from You have to learn from your mistakes (=understand why what you did was wrong). 你一定要从自己的错误中吸取教训。 the lessons learned in the Gulf War 从海湾战争中吸取的教训5  somebody has learned their lesson LEARNused to say that someone will not do something wrong or stupid again, because they suffered as a result 某人已经得到教训 I’ve learned my lesson; I’ve now got a burglar alarm and a guard dog. 我有过教训,现在装了一个防盗警报器,还养了一条看门狗。6. learn (something) the hard way LEARNto understand a situation or develop a skill by learning from your mistakes and bad experiences 历经挫折才明白[学会](某事)7. that’ll learn sb! spoken used when something bad has just happened to someone as a result of their actions, especially when they ignored a warning 这可以给某人一个教训! → live and learn at live1(20) THESAURUSlearn to gain knowledge of a subject or skill, especially by being taught or trained 学习;学到;学会How long have you been learning Italian? 你学意大利语多久了?At what age can you learn to drive in America? 在美国要到什么年纪可以学开车?study to learn about a subject by reading books, going to classes etc, especially at school or university 〔尤指在学校或大学〕学习,攻读She’s studying music at Berkeley College in California. 她在加利福尼亚的伯克利学院学习音乐。train to learn the skills and get the experience that you need in order to do a particular job 〔为了做某工作〕受训练[培训]Julie’s training to be a nurse. 朱莉正在接受培训,准备当护士。pick something up to learn something without much effort, by watching or listening to other people 〔轻松〕学会某事It’s easy to pick up a language when you’re living in a country. 在一个国家生活,很容易就能学会那里的语言。The rules of the game are easy – you’ll soon pick them up. 游戏规则很简单,你很快就能学会。get the hang of something informal to learn how to do or use something that is fairly complicated, especially with practice 〔尤指通过练习〕学会做某事,学会使用某物〔指相当复杂的事物〕It took me a while to get the hang of all the features on my new camera. 我花了点时间才学会使用新相机的所有功能。revise British English, review American English to study facts again, especially on your own, in order to learn them before an examination 〔考试前〕温习,复习 Jenny’s upstairs revising for her Maths exam tomorrow. 珍妮在楼上为明天的数学考试复习。master to learn something so well that you have no difficulty with it, especially a skill or a language 掌握〔尤指技巧或语言〕She gave me a book called ‘Mastering the Art of French Cooking’. 她给我一本书,叫做《掌握法国烹饪艺术》。I learnt Spanish for years but I never really mastered it. 西班牙语我学了很多年,但一直没能真正掌握。5 FREQUENCY 使用频率→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuslearn• I'm going to try to learn 12 new words each week.• Before you sail, you need to learn about basic boat controls.• Our children attend the group twice a week to learn about Sikhism.• Have you learned anything from the experience?• How long have you been learning German?• As an actor, she always had trouble learning her lines.• On this course, you will learn how to deal with communication problems.• How long did it take you to learn how to do this?• Dad taught us a Sanskrit prayer, and we had to learn it off by heart and say it every day.• I've been trying to learn my lines, but I haven't gotten very far.• He felt that his son needed to learn some hard lessons about life.• I had learnt that as a woman, if your talents are ignored at work, you must be assertive.• I soon learned that it was best to keep quiet.• Never lend money to your friends - that's something I learnt the hard way.• I doubt if we will ever learn the truth.• If you have a good memory you can learn things by rote, but can you apply it in practice?• Do you think you can learn this tune for Friday's performance?• By sharing their problems, sufferers of the disease learn to cope with the symptoms.• His daughter's learning to drive.• Gradually, I learned to trust her.learn (how) to do something• Chloe explains it takes a few days to learn how to breastfeed.• Didn't you learn to drive when you were 15?• Several techniques have been developed to teach demand feeding to adults, to help them stop dieting and learn to eat normally.• How does the child learn to heed the warning?• Ed might have learned to lead.• Again David may have learnt a valuable lesson - children need to learn how to select friends who are good for them.• Brown learned to play guitar, violin, harmonica, piano, mandolin, viola and drums.• The child can never learn to play without the parent playing with the child.• Therefore they do not learn to solve their own problems through an awareness of the process of spirit.learn of/about• I had learned about a minor siege connected with an important river crossing not far from my home.• In the WhoUs Who section, you learn about famous scientists.• I learned of her death yesterday.• You should also remember that you too have safety needs and you should learn about potential dangers to yourself and other staff.• The students are learning about the actual job what the requirements are, what the expectations are.• But why did we have to wait 30 years to learn about them?• In the years to come they had much to learn about themselves; their managerial identity was just beginning to take hold.• He learned about where the money came from and where it went, its exciting Protestant predictability.• I have developed a theory to explain recent incidents in the light of what I have learned about you.learn ... lines• It's time for the synthetic actors to start learning their lines.• The fact could not be avoided: Michael Banks could no longer learn lines.• The only way for it to look any different is for Michael to learn the bloody lines.• He had little patience with learning lines, a habit which spread to members of his company.• Do not learn your lines, as this can make the talk rather stilted unless you are a competent actor.• On another part of the movie lot, Charlie Schlatter was learning his final lines of the drama.• George Birkitt got lazy about learning his lines too.learn (that)• For all that I have learned a greater variety of games, there are fewer I can tolerate.• You hardly had to learn a thing.• But now I see he was totally useless to learn from.• Their goslings never learned how to migrate, and their descendants live on.• She should have learned long ago not to take him seriously.• A lot can be learned simply from the way a patient chooses to interpret a dream.• Children learn to speak and understand speech first and without the formal instruction needed when learning to read and write.• They learn to talk without workbooks, homework lessons, curriculum guides, tests, or assignments.Origin learn Old English leornianlearn verb →n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1 →5 FREQUENCY1LDOCE OnlineChinese  or of skill, knowledge gain subject to a Corpus




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