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单词 Rise to power
1) His rise to power was very rapid.
2) After his father's death, he was able to rise to power and take centre stage.
3) His rise to power in Washington is based primarily on his ability to seek compromise to get things done.
4) The spectacular rise to power throughout the 1920s suddenly came to a halt, betrayed by the leaders who had inspired it.
5) Alarmed by Hitler's rise to power, Stalin was actively pursuing an alliance with the Western democracies.
6) His rise to power surprised me.
7) His rise to power was very sudden.
8) This organisation began with the rise to power of Hitler in 1993.
9) The year during with Voldemort began his rise to power is given as circa 1970.
10) His rise to power herald the end of the liberal era.
11) His rise to power heralded the end of the liberal era.
12) The group celebrated the regime's rise to power in 1979.
13) But it was only the beginning of the rise to power of psychoanalysis in America.
14) His rapid rise to power has given him a near-mythic status in the industry.
15) Legends of his rise to power and reign are the basis of Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth.
16) The rise to power of the Balkan League is bound to modify the balance of power.
17) Did we not assist rise to power by supporting and encouraging his invasion of Iran?
18) Gaddafi's rise to power had roots in his belief in pan-Arabism,(http:///rise to power.html) an idealized vision of a united Arab nation stretching from the Persian Gulf to the Atlantic Ocean.
19) After the armistice, Mussolini began his rise to power, assisted by electoral fraud and blackshirt violence, establishing a fascist dictorship by the mid-1920s.
20) Few in the 1960s would have predicted the Latino rise to power.
21) In Germany the depression in the late 1920s helped Hitler's rise to power.
22) The resulting chaos paved the way for the NAZI party to rise to power.
23) Country package to stimulate the economy into the stock market can rise to power?
24) Like many patriotic writers of his time, Lu Xun began to look leftwards after the rise to power of the repressively rightwing Nationalist party in the late 1920s.
25) No longer are the histories of individual cities and provinces folded neatly into national narratives that focus exclusively on the rise to power of the Communist Party.
26) The author traces Hamilton's personal and professional developments from his challenging youth through his rise to power as George Washington's aide-de-camp .
27) In Germany during the Weimar Republic, the economy spiraled down, leading to a political crisis and the rise to power of the Nazis in January 1933.
28) Screed was ultimately killed by Warlord Zsinj during his rise to power.
29) His profession is torturer and the books chronicle his rise to power as ruler of the world.
30) Controversial court rulings later disbanded two pro-Thaksin ruling parties accused of electoral fraud, clearing the way for the rise to power of Abhisit and his Democrat Party.
31) His rise to power is briefly sketched in the first two chapters.
32) There are plenty in the party who resent the rise to power of well-connected "princelings" like Mr Xi.
33) Translated as "storm division, " the SA was the paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party, which played a key role in Hitler's rise to power.




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