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单词 Long after
(1) Not long after that he resigned.
(2) He'd gone to Seattle long after everything else in his life had changed.
(3) Long after the storm, water still rained down from the roofs where it had collected.
(4) Not long after that, he got married.
(5) Not long after the wedding, his wife became ill.
(6) I sat mesmerized long after the fairground closed.
(7) His reputation will live long after his death.
(8) That won't happen until long after I'm dead and gone.
(9) Not long after getting back on his feet, he began mentoring schoolkids in the city.
(10) The new drug began to operate not long after it is taken.
(11) Pieces of broken glass were still raining down long after it exploded.
(12) Not long after the chairman resigned, shares in the company tanked.
(13) Many of these poets appeared in print only long after their deaths.
(14) The railway had obviously been built long after the house.
(15) She kept belabouring the point long after they had agreed.
(16) The ambiguity lasted long after Willie died.
(17) These foods are safe to eat long after opening.
(18) Not long after this controversy(), Ungar himself died.
(19) But not long after, it was back.
(20) But meaningless sanctions, imposed by rote and continued long after their failure is manifest, are different.
(21) Mrs. Steed died not long after she signed her statement on 16 December 1985.
(22) These thinking qualities are retained long after the catalogue of facts, so long over-valued by some teachers, has been forgotten.
(23) Atkins is still working, long after many of his contemporaries have retired.
(24) Not long after that he was sent tumbling helplessly through space when a cosmonaut unplugged the wrong cable.
(25) This makes them liable to prosecution long after the wastes have left their premises.
(26) Cuts in funding have meant that equipment has been kept in service long after it should have been replaced.
(27) The murderess felt that her hands were stained with blood long after the marks had been removed.
(28) The unkind way in which his girlfriend left him still rankled with him long after.
(29) McPhail, 20, is making a run for the board not that long after having graduated from the system himself.
(30) The experience will continue to influence those who have served long after they leave the ship.
(1) Not long after that he resigned.
(2) He'd gone to Seattle long after everything else in his life had changed.
(3) Long after the storm, water still rained down from the roofs where it had collected.
(31) Balkan Notes 6: Long after the war, the memories of the conflict haunt Bosnia's population.
(32) This was not long after Wilson's sudden resignation as Prime Minister in March 1976.
(33) They were wrong. Not long after they arrived home, Allison began to feel the familiar pains and called the doctor.
(34) The struggle for liberation will carry on long after I am dead.
(35) For a regrettable number, emotional instability and spiritual confusion remain long after the physical bruises have faded.
(36) Tiffany Ball kept shooting Saturday afternoon on the little backyard court, shooting long after her hot streak had ended.
(37) The definitive academic history may not be written until long after Saddam's demise.
(38) It was probably not long after this that they made their peace with the Yorkists and entered Gloucester's service.
(39) Long after I'd been smothered in bed I could hear them Riving at the religious stonework With screwdrivers and cold chisels.
(40) Not long after their inception, the welfare programs were under attack.
(41) It started sometime in March, not long after Eric's arrival.
(42) Alvin wrote in a note to himself not long after the premiere of Revelations.
(43) Not long after PageMaker shipped, Apple began overcoming its engineering inertia.
(44) That was not long after the Second World War broke out.
(45) Her fiance was there; they married and then divorced not long after.
(46) Not long after these disclosures, Kasper was murdered by an unknown man with a dagger in a public park.
(47) But the aroma of the food lingered long after all the sounds of movement had ceased.
(48) Adopted children and their biological parents may suffer stress long after the adoption. 4.
(49) Not long after our purchase, the rotary engine, well, melted.
(50) She continued to twitch like a headless chicken long after she was dead. 0019.
(51) Then the microbes continue to multiply in their stomachs long after the orifices have closed over.
(52) Many blacks felt the same way for a long time, long after Rupp was dead and gone.
(53) Not long after, they bought the local inn,() which they restored and refurbished.
(54) The earliest known specimen of the human immunodeficiency virus was found long after the death of its victim.
(55) She had confided this to Liz in a tearful moment, not long after Jonathan had run off with the Williams girl.
(56) With his virtually unlimited bankroll, Forbes could stay in the race long after other candidates are forced to quit.
(57) Two can be seen not long after the start of the Cliff Walk.
(58) Long after the war, the wreckage of his plane was discovered.
(59) As his lymphad turned into Duart Bay not long after noon, the bay was empty.
(60) The truth about the scandal came out long after he had left office.
(61) They also maintained that it would be impossible to hold fair trials so long after the alleged crimes had been committed.
(62) Both deaths had occurred the year before, not long after John Langford had cut short my visit.
(63) The people found dead in Dachny died long after that-most within the last four months, Kasatkina said.
(64) Their efforts got Carter free, long after he'd given up.
(65) Elizabeth visited Ivy not long after the University of Leeds had given her an honorary doctorate, in May 1960.
(66) She stood watching silently long after the goose had vanished.
(67) Counselling and psychotherapy Psychotherapy commences during hospital admission and continues long after discharge.
(68) Not long after, Lexandro also tumbled - not down the inside of the heat sink, but certainly parallel to it.
(69) Then they leave the office, exhausted and arrive home long after everyone else in the Western world has finished dinner.
(70) Bad policies in the past may continue to cause problems, long after they have been replaced by good ones.
(71) Not long after I'd started the notebook, I became the proud owner of my first pair of binoculars.
(72) Not long after expressing interest, general manager Dan Duquette decided he has other priorities.
(73) Parsons just disappeared, not long after the fire at Mountpelier lodge.
(74) It was not too long after the game that the police sirens started.
(75) Sometimes the derivative models achieved success through a particular artist holding on to their subaltern guitar long after they'd made it.
(76) Most cats, however, continue to find it distasteful long after the human occupants of the rooms have forgotten about it.
(77) The pity of it was, not long after my father died in 1933 things improved quite a lot in the material sense.
(78) It started in Fat Harry's, long after the nominal closing time, across a table littered with empty glasses.
(79) The Sunderland contingent in a 40,000 crowd stayed in their places long after the finish demanding to see their heroes.
(80) He found out about the cancer not long after you were kidnaped.
(81) What is certain is that leprosy will remain a social disease long after it has been eliminated as a medical condition.
(82) Not long after their return, he and Jo met with Jim to discuss the next step in the sister-parish relationship.
(83) Bagehot's work continued to be regarded as an authoritative work long after the Constitution had undergone fundamental change.
(83) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(84) Not long after that meeting I was faced with a problem over my official duties and I urgently sought his advice.
(85) The patient described here took an overdose not long after her marriage somewhat unexpectedly came to an end.
(86) All these demonstrations of rulership had an afterlife long after Charles himself had gone.
(87) Long after he left to become a flight engineer it continued to light them through the war and for many years after.
(88) The study continued to be funded by the government long after penicillin was available as a cure.
(89) A few scattered lights burned on the ridge of low hills as he arrived in the cove, long after nightfall.
(90) The ovaries carry on producing oestrogen long after ovulation has ceased, more than twelve years in fact.
(91) The court battle would drag on for years, long after Groucho was dead.
(92) In some ways, even long after we married, I would always be courting her.
(93) The proclamation, known as Can Vuong, or Loyalty to the Emperor, inspired resistance leaders long after his deportation.
(94) Rin Tin Tin barked in sync, but the cowboys kept talking long after their mouths were closed.
(95) What happens before disaster strikes and long after journalists have forgotten it matters even more than rescue and relief.
(96) He became very withdrawn and died there not long after wards.
(97) Reginald Mitchell died of cancer not long after the first Spitfire took to the skies.
(98) Such agents could initiate an immunological process that becomes self perpetuating long after living organisms have disappeared.
(99) Attitudes and speech patterns remain in place long after they no longer reflect reality.
(100) Don't we want to hear that a woman can be brilliant and sexy, long after the menopause?
(101) Not long after we had reached the Old parsonage and climbed the stairs to Michael's rooms, Father D'Arcy arrived.
(102) This ambition becomes more predominant in his character not long after his encounter with the witches.
(103) Not long after my first visit, Navajo country suffered a severe drought.
(104) Exhibitions in Connecticut this year have generated a number of worthy catalogs that will remain valuable long after their respective shows close.
(105) We became firm friends and corresponded long after the war ended, but sadly he died in Zagreb in 1975.
(106) Two hours later I collapsed on to the col, long after Enrique had got there, and every step a struggle.
(107) Surely it should not be hurting still, so long after he'd supposedly accepted his wife's insanity?
(108) For not long after his return, Midvale-now like a family to him, if sometimes a fractious one-began to unravel.
(109) And all are designed to keep their looks, long after the initial outlay is forgotten.
(110) They tell you to go on with artificial respiration for ever, for long after you've given up hope.
(111) There were local differences between the practice of the different churches long after there was a semblance of conformity and orthodoxy.
(112) 75 percent of the battered women in our survey stayed with their husbands long after most people would have left.
(113) Not long after the lorry driver left, the water became more and more acid and alarms went off.
(113) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(114) That will resound long after the applause has faded.
(115) Not long after, we see the decadent Tucheng wall.
(116) That's why Mercury sets so long after sunset in the southern hemisphere.
(117) The KAtex is more specific than antibody-based tests that continue to give a positive result long after the disease has been cured, say the researchers.
(118) You would have had them back long after shrugging them off for ever: strong but submissive, insensitive, while abrasively solicitous.
(119) His resounding voice continued to resound in my ears long after he was out of sight.
(120) My stepmother. I'd received Never Cry Wolf not too long after she moved in.
(121) Long after, all the world are decorate by the white fairy, everything seems so immaculacy ...
(122) Not long after this, we reached a running stream .
(123) Frozen Burst: removed the long after cast; increased recharge to 8 seconds.
(124) Not long after , the elder of his two young sisters died of tuberculosis.
(125) In the wake of humanity long after the Paleolithic Age, gradually entered the Neolithic Age.
(126) I want to wait a good long after the little sparrow wings, they fly it.
(127) Not long after, Michael, a healthy Linc who's gotten the treatment he needs, Mahone, Sucre, Sara and C-Note are seated around a table with Kellerman, who presents them all with statements to sign.
(128) However, this five missionaries who had just set foot on this land, not long after the tragic nature of the family of the brutal killing of Oka.
(129) Well, there are two things you can do. First, don't blow-dry your hair for so long after you shower.
(130) Not long after, I took my four-year-old son to an elegant department store, where the melodic notes of a classic love song drew us toward a tuxedoed musician playing a grand piano.
(131) I'd received Cry Wolf not too long after she moved in.
(132) Then no long after another man proposed to toast to the women of the eastern hemisphere.
(133) The seas continued to resound in my ears long after it was out of sight.
(134) This of light source used long after decay, leading to exposure of illuminance E smaller.
(135) Long after South Africans saw their own team eliminated from the tournament, they kept up their vuvuzela-blowing, flag-waving, patriotic exuberance across the racial divide.
(136) Naturally occurring estrogen seems to protect women from heart attacks, but giving women hormone-replacement therapy long after menopause doesn't seem to offer this benefit.
(137) Another famous definition is that man is a toolmaker, but observation has cast doubt on. Our uniqueness in this respect, too, Long after Dr Johnson' scoffed at Boswell5 for quoting it to him.
(138) Me, I had stopped praying not long after I had read The Talisman, by Sir Walter Scott.
(139) First, don't blow-dry your hair for so long after you shower. Let it dry naturally.
(140) Not long after Marco came home, the Genoese captured him during a battle at sea.
(141) Long after natural "cures" such as shark cartilage and laetrile from peach pits flopped comes the first study of its kind to show that vitamin D is a potent cancer stopper.
(142) Lots of people eat when they're bored, lonely, or stressed, or keep eating long after they're full out of habit.
(143) Some people were lingering round the hall long after the concert had ended.
(143) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(144) Long after fat people have removed their coats and shoes and put their feet up on the coffee table, thin people are still sitting on the edge of the sofa, looking neat as a pin, discussing rutabagas.
(145) There is no folklore of a Chinese burden comparable to Gulf War syndrome or Agent Orange, sickening waves of foreigners long after their in-country exposure.
(146) The Justice sported long sideburns and Buddy Holly glasses long after they were fashionable.
(147) Park manager Marlo Acock said the farm-bred gobblers are overweight and less hardy than their wild counterparts, and do not live long after the pardon.
(148) Thanks to the speed at which working code can be written and the lack of a time-consuming compile cycle, interfaces can be up and running in minutes and usable not long after that.
(149) The match ended 1-1 but for Koc the effects will last long after the final whistle.
(150) The melody is still lingering about long after the performance.
(151) Don't blow-dry your hair for so long after your shower. Let it dry naturally.
(152) He points out that the ice remained in Europe long after solar activity picked up from the Maunder minimum.
(153) King Jie became suspicious and imprisoned hin, but set him free not long after.
(154) By night, the furnaces glowed and the hammers clanged long after townsfolk were abed.
(155) Can the how long after prophylactic of out of service be pregnant?
(156) Long after that epic springtime afternoon when Jackie Robinson changed the face of baseball, he remains an unforgettable figure in the story of American democracy.
(157) Not long after those results came in, he crashed during a race, snapping his collarbone.
(158) The paper introduces the long after glow phosphorescence material and its applications in ceramics process.
(159) Antisemitism arrived with a whole package of European race theories that have persisted in Asia long after they fell out of fashion in the west.
(160) I believe - you can keep going long after you can't.
(161) I've learned that you can keep going long after you think you can't.
(162) When Gordimer met Robert Mugabe, not long after he came to power, she thought "he really seemed to be a good man. It's the old thing of absolute power corrupts.
(163) Not long after aviation's founders showed that flight was possible, the enterprise was widely dismissed as joyriding for the superwealthy.
(164) Why does he criticize Trotskyism in 1928, long after Trotsky had been pushed out of the leadership?
(165) Martin Van Buren was sworn-in as the eighth president of the United States in eighteen thirty-seven. Not long after he took office, the United States suffered an economic depression.
(166) Not long after, William Caxton was the first Englishman in England to use the same idea.
(167) Da Vinci selected the Arno River for the painting specifically because he knew it well enough to obsess over it long after the plot with Machiavelli failed.
(168) The probability is that he fell into a crevasse shortly after leaving his tent, not long after pulling on his boots, making a final phone call home and stepping out into the cold.
(169) When Gordimer met Robert Mugabe, not long after he came to power, she thought "he really seemed to be a good man.
(170) Although those photons are produced long after the quark-gluon fluid has reverted to hadrons , they all look the same when they arrive at the detectors.
(171) The first grenades appeared in the Byzantine Empire, not long after the reign of Leo III (717-741).
(172) Retirements in women's tennis are usually heavily flagged, or else come long after a player has given up the game, as in the case of Monica Seles.
(173) But what a pity that long after I overcame my acrophobia hadn't I met her.
(174) But not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon.
(175) Before long after, empress also thinks grand, eunuch agrees, at it is empress entered toilet.
(176) Janice sat up talking with Byron long after Aster left.
(177) Not long after World War II, a small-time impresario in Los Angeles named Irwin Parnes heard what he thought was a great pianist at a cocktail party of Hungarians.
(178) Its bones and teeth suggest it may represent a population of two-legged carnivores that survived in the Antarctic long after other predators took over elsewhere on the globe.
(179) This work, too, came long after his peers had recognised him as a leading light.
(180) Not long after the wedding, the wife began to mistreat her stepdaughter.
(181) I'd received Never Cry Wolf not too long after she moved in.
(182) But his amazement did not last long after being in Rome he soon realized that the ways he believed of the churched were not mirrored by the Pope or the holy city either.
(183) Reported by CNN, 22nd night, local time, a boeing 737 airplane with 114 passangers disappeared not long after it took off from Lagos, the economic capital of Nigeria.
(184) Many public risks are latent, so that adverse effects do not appear until long after exposure.
(185) Not long after, the wall was flecked with green vines and leaves.
(186) Not long after Galileo saw the moon up close, inventors like Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton and N. Cassegrain made a succession of major innovations in telescope design.
(187) If the team's delivery schedule is restricted to J2EE 1.2 deliverables, they could feasibly use WebSphere Studio V4.0 long after the run time environment has been upgraded.
(188) Their initial goal is to enable you to create a lifelike digital representation, or avatar, that can continue long after your biological body has decomposed.
(189) However, Fleming soon abandoned Penicillin, and not long after Florey and Chain took up researching and mass producing it with the funds of the U.S and British governments help.
(190) Indeed, the counter-reaction can linger far beyond the march itself: some participants in Bratislava’s first pride march in May were reportedly attacked long after the event had finished.
(191) See a doctor if the bed-wetting started long after toilet training or is accompanied by painful urination, unusual thirst, pink urine, or snoring.
(192) Not long after Steve Jobs got married, in 1991, he moved with his wife to nineteen-thirties, Cotswold’s-style house in old Palo Alto.
(192) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(193) Phaethon is the sun god Helios life in the world's son, a young long after the Helios on his promise and let him obtain a free gift, the father can meet the requirements.
(194) Not long after that, Boomtown and other Reno casinos faced the loss of out-of-town customers from California to Indian casinos closer to their homes.
(195) Some of the lamest, most talentless dorks I know have amazing careers and are very wealthy just because they were still persisting long after everybody else quit.
(196) Wiley Post gently landed the "Winnie Mae" long after dark. He had flown around the world in seven days, eighteen hours and forty-nine minutes.
(197) The audiences were reluctant to leave the Music Hall long after the end of the concert.
(198) Not long after, a rallying cry for retaliation aion kinah emerged in Chinese online discussion groups, blogs and bulletin aion kina boards.
(199) Long after the political break-up and enfeeblement of the Arabs, this intellectual community of the Arab-speaking world endured.
(200) Not long after, Eric's colleague, Jesse, brought me a plate of freshly made guacamole with chips for dipping -- a delicious and healthy afternoon snack, made from local avocados.
(201) For communities such as Klong Toey the economic anxieties will remain long after the floods recede.
(202) Radiocarbon dating in 1988 by three independent teams of scientists determined that it was made during the Middle Ages, long after Jesus lived.
(203) Philippians 1 : 8 For God is my record, how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ.
(204) Not long after that I found myself in London, and bought a Daler sketchbook and a drawing pen. This would have been in the art supplies store across the street from the English National Opera.
(205) Sure enough, the Kuomintang dropped the slogan not long after, and prices and taxes rose steadily.




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