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单词 News show
1. She anchors the top - rated news show.
2. Every evening she anchors in the news show.
3. Some news show consultants believe in forming a television news pseudo-family to attract audiences.
4. This is as true of the television news show as any other form of programming.
5. STEVEN: Then Mike will shoot a news show in the studio in a few days.
6. In 1995, British fake news show Brass Eye conducted an "investigative report" on a street drug they invented called "cake, " claiming it affected an area of the brain called "Shatner's Bassoon."
6. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
7. A daily one-hour news show can cost $250,000 to produce.
8. She anchors a 45 - minute news show at noon.
9. Never forget that the producer of the program is trying to grab you before you zap away to another news show.
10. It's not as if I worked for a large network news show.
11. Maria: I need to about the station, about the news show, and about everything.
12. You d better change to Channel 6 and watch the news show.
1. She anchors the top - rated news show.




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更新时间:2024/7/6 3:34:28