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单词 conversationalist
释义  con·ver·sa·tion·al·ist /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃənəlɪst $ ˌkɑːnvər-/ noun [countable]  TALK TO somebodysomeone who talks about intelligent, amusing, and interesting things 健谈的人,能聊的人Examples from the Corpusconversationalist• He's a needler, an observer, a conversationalist who will sit around all afternoon and talk about the game.• Have your best conversationalists around to tea or dinner and Richard would wipe the floor with them.• I found them to be cheerful, reassuring old men, and delightful conversationalists.• Polly described herself as a feminist, a socialist and an anarchist, which of course made her an extremely dull conversationalist.• He was an exuberant conversationalist, and I surrendered in silence to his narratives, feeling so awkward about presenting my own.• Frank was a stimulating conversationalist with up-to-date views on current topics.• He is a formidable reader and a talented conversationalist with a gift for listening.• Steve's a talented conversationalist with a gift for listening.con·ver·sa·tion·al·ist nounChineseSyllable  and about talks someone intelligent, things amusing, interesting Corpus who




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