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单词 Inoculating
1. His dogs were inoculated against rabies.
2. She was inoculated with an anticold vaccine.
3. My children have been inoculated against polio.
4. All the children had been inoculated against hepatitis.
5. Your son ought to be inoculated against smallpox.
6. A corps of doctors arrived to inoculate the recruits.
7. A pedigree pup should have been inoculated against serious diseases before it's sold.
8. When a hospital worker came down with polio, the whole staff was inoculated.
9. She had been inoculated April 21 with the Cutter vaccine, along with almost four-hundred Clearwater County first-and second graders.
10. And Isle of Muck had inoculated his tenants against the smallpox at a cost of two shillings and sixpence per head.
11. To be sure, scientists have created disease by inoculating animals with brain tissue from infected animals.
12. His dark throat lay inoculated beneath that hollow of wrinkled skin.
13. I sometimes think that the principal function of professional training in education is to inoculate teachers against books on education.
14. Net fluid transport was measured 18 hours after inoculating the intestine with the bacterial strain.
15. Inner text: beauty, Inoculating harmony.
16. Doctors examined the recruits but nurses did the inocuLating.
17. We set about inoculating the logs with shiitake mushroom plugs.
18. The quantified method of judging inoculating age of Morchella were established, which has avoided human error and the result was satisfactory.
19. He attempted to investigate bidirectional streaming by inoculating two dishes with R. oryzae.
20. Fast starting - up may be achieved by inoculating ANAMMOX reactor with ammonia - oxidizing sludge ammonia - oxidizing bacteria was preponderant.
21. An English physician, Edward Jenner, discovered that by inoculating a person with pustules from the pox infection of a cow, smallpox could be prevented.
22. Methods: Inoculating B16 Melanoma cells in ICR mice's feet, back, abdomen and caudal vein, to establish transplanted and metastatic melanoma models.
23. By mid-November 1953 plans were in place to start inoculating children on February 8, 1954.
24. Still, the day after the announcement in Ann Arbor, communities started inoculating children.
25. The infected leaves of Pulsatilla potens with teliospores were handed up onto the needles of Mongolian pine for inoculating, the reaction was also positive.
26. And what they're doing in our equipment is going through a continuous system which cleans cooks cools and pasteurizes these materials while also continuously inoculating them with our mycelium.
27. The treatment of low strength wastewater under mesophilic temperatures was investigated in an anaerobic baffled reactor inoculating with anaerobic floc sludge.
28. Three methods of non - conventional cultivation of Volvariella volvacea were designed, and inoculating time and compost thickness were tested in our study.
29. Cloned MSC of passage 5 at logarithmic phase were selected to identify in vitro differentiation potential by ossify induction test and detect the optimal inoculating density.
30. A new process for Chinese toon sprouts lactic acid fermentation by inoculating L.
31. The malleable iron was inoculated with compound inoculating agent containing Re - Si - Fe alloy and Bi.
32. Along with the higher degree of soil'alkali, the increasing of the active iron in the treatments of fertilizing cattle dung and inoculating earthworms became larger.
33. Inanother experiment we prepared sausages inoculating with mixed starter cultures containing Sx - 12 and LAB in equal proportion.
34. Inoculating effects of the inoculant have been evaluated by experiments of section sensitiveness and inoculation fading.
35. The resistance to disease of transgenic plants were tested by inoculating leaves with Puccinia coronata var. coronata cummins.
36. Inoculating breeding gooses with gosling plague bacterin is the most economical and effective way to prevent gosling plague.
37. This paper quantitatively analyzed the distribution of graphite in inoculating gray iron by image analysis.
38. Upon these conditions , the flavor components of natural fermentation and inoculating fermentation sauerkraut were analysed comparatively.
39. The effect of inoculating nodule and biomass yields of different alfalfa cultivars was investigated.
40. Development period of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover was observed in different cotton varieties with resistance to insect pests by inoculating the insect pest on cotton leave in laboratory.
41. Inoculating experiment showed that high temperature and humidity were needed for the pathogen infection.
41. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
42. Damage amount and damage loss to cotton by the various instar larvae of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera were got through inoculating larvae to cotton plant.
43. After inoculating all of the phyllosphere fungi to the leaves of plantlets, unbodied leaves, the leaves of potted seedlings, I found that BY1 was the pathogen.
44. Methods:The complex measures were taken including inoculating the HFRS vaccine and deratization.




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