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单词 cancel
释义  can·cel /ˈkænsəl/ ●●● S2 verb (cancelled, cancelling British English, canceled, canceling American English)  1  [intransitive, transitive] to decide that something that was officially planned will not happen 取消〔正式安排的事情〕 Our flight was cancelled. 我们的航班取消了。 I’m afraid I’ll have to cancel our meeting tomorrow. 恐怕我得取消我们明天的会议。 You’ll just have to ring John and cancel. 你只能打电话给约翰取消了。n RegisterIn everyday English, people often say call something off rather than cancel something: We’ll just have to cancel. → We’ll just have to call it off.2  CANCEL[intransitive, transitive] to end an agreement or arrangement that you have with someone 取消〔协议或安排〕 I phoned the hotel to cancel my reservation. 我打电话给酒店取消了预订。 The bank agreed to cancel all the company’s debts. 银行同意免除这家公司的所有债务。3  [transitive] to say officially that a document can no longer be used or no longer has any legal effect 撤销,废除〔文件〕 I phoned the bank to cancel the cheque. 我打电话给银行,注销了这张支票。4 cancel something ↔ out phrasal verb EQUALif two things cancel each other out, they are equally important and have an opposite effect to each other, so that neither one has any effect 抵消 → negate The losses in our overseas division have cancelled out the profits made in the home market. 我们海外分部的亏损抵消了国内市场的盈利。 THESAURUScancel to decide that something that was officially planned will not happen 取消〔正式安排的事情〕The teacher was ill so classes were cancelled for the day. 老师生病,所以这天的课就取消了。I was feeling better so I cancelled my doctor’s appointment. 我感觉好些了,所以就取消了看病预约。They were forced to cancel the concert when the conductor became ill. 指挥生病,他们被迫取消了音乐会。call off to cancel a meeting, game, or event that you have organized. Call off is less formal than cancel and is very commonly used in everyday English 取消〔已经筹划好的会议、比赛或事件。call off不如cancel正式,常用于日常英语〕Linda decided to call the wedding off. 琳达决定取消婚礼。The game was called off due to heavy rain. 比赛因为大雨取消了。be off if an event or activity is off, it has been cancelled because of a sudden problem or change in someone’s plans 〔事件或活动因突发问题或某人计划有变而〕被取消I’m afraid the party’s off. Nick won’t let us use his apartment. 不好意思,聚会取消了,尼克不让我们借用他的公寓。Myers called me yesterday to tell me that the deal was off. 迈尔斯昨天来电告诉我这笔交易取消了。postpone to decide to do something at a later time, instead of the time that was officially planned 推迟,延期The show has been postponed until next Saturday. 演出推迟到下周六了。shelve (also put something on ice) to decide not to continue with a plan, project etc although it may be considered again at some time in the future 搁置〔计划、项目等〕Plans for a new stadium have been shelved for now. 修建新体育馆的计划暂时搁置起来了。The project had to be put on ice due to lack of funding. 那项目因为缺少资金被搁置了。nBlears called for the discussions to be put on ice until after the elections.annul formal to officially decide that a marriage, result, or agreement has no legal authority and is therefore cancelled 宣告〔婚姻、结果或协议〕无效 The election results were annulled by the courts. 竞选结果被法庭宣布无效。A marriage can be annulled if there has been lack of consent. 如果并非双方自愿,婚姻可以被宣布无效。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscancel• Waiting lists started to lengthen as operations were cancelled.• We spent hours on the phone Thursday evening working through the guest-list to tell people the party was cancelled.• The comedy was canceled after just four episodes.• But the changes eventually could cancel almost a dozen station construction flights aboard the shuttle and several additional components.• The project had been cancelled by Labour for lack of public funds.• a canceled check• Hamilton said that, depending on how the students fared emotionally Tuesday morning, he might cancel classes in the afternoon.• Classes were canceled for the day.• I forgot to cancel my doctor's appointment.• And she had been pretty on that slab, all the influences of birth and upbringing cancelled out.• They were forced to cancel the concert when the conductor became ill.• I called and canceled the order.From Longman Business Dictionarycancelcan‧cel /ˈkænsəl/ verb (cancelled, cancelling British English, canceled, canceling American English) [transitive]1to arrange that a planned activity or event will not now happenAirport security has been increased but there is no intention of cancelling flights.Because of the takeover moves the meeting was cancelled.Some airlines have been forced to cancel orders.2LAWto end an agreement or arrangement that exists in lawYou can suspend or even cancel your contract for the period you are away.3LAW to draw lines across a document so that it no longer has any legal effect → cancel something → out→ See Verb tableOrigin cancel (1300-1400) French canceller “to cross out”, from Latin cancellare “to make like a frame of crossed bars”, from cancer “frame of crossed bars”, from carcer “prison”can·cel verb →n REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus Business that decide something that was to




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