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单词 RTT
1. The types of wall movement includes translation(T), the rotation about a point above the wall top(RTT) and rotation about a point below the wall base(RBT).
2. First, aroused by the self-similarity of RTT, we propose an algorithm of round-trip time (RTT) estimation based on adaptive filtering.
3. proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps "1" Enables calculation of RTT in a more accurate way (see RFC 1323) than the retransmission timeout; should be enabled for performance.
4. The measured RTT is used to compute the new retransmission timeout value.
5. Objective To make further improvement on severe trauma care outcome of road traffic trauma (RTT) and fall injury (FI).
6. Since this is a retransmission, you do not time this segment for response time tracking (RTT) calculation.
7. You time this segment for RTT calculation by storing the timestamp.
8. Since no real time RTT calculation is needed, this method has wide applications.
9. As its name suggests, RTT is most useful when data is required in real-time.
10. Forth, a scalable RTT (Round Trip Time) estimation algorithm is proposed for multicast congestion control to improve the accuracy of RTT estimation in large scale multicast applications.
11. Real-Time Transport (RTT) is a very fast, lightweight, non-persistent (non-queued), pub/sub protocol.
12. The end-to-end TCP congestion controls cause the throughput of TCP connection inversely proportional to the connection round trip time (RTT).
13. You measure new RTT as current time minus the stored timestamp when the segment with sequence 'b' was sent.
14. Based on the LS algorithm, the mobile packet routing is implemented using the propagation mode of D BF algorithm and the global routing topology table (RTT).
15. Using the Poisson sampling, the sampling process is more random, and it can show RTT variation character well.
16. The results show that the algorithm quickly stabilizes , has a very small prediction error, and quickly responds to RTT changes, so it can improve transmission performance.
17. A passive round trip time (RTT) estimate algorithm called PRE (passive RTT estimate) is proposed for the traffic monitor devices to estimate RTT of TCP connections in the broadband network.
18. Furthermore, it proposes a new method of round trip time (RTT) estimation, named exponential weighted moving average RTT.
19. Next, the thesis analysis the characterization of Roundtrip time delay (RTT). The RTT time series collected from the Internet are studied statistically by using both linear and nonlinear methods.
19. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
20. This essay summarizes the air interface technology of TD-SCDMA RTT.
21. Compared to the traditional parameter-fixed autoregressive moving average (ARMA) method, the MEP algorithm is adaptive and capable of tracking RTT dynamics rapidly.




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