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单词 Appro
1) We have the goods on appro for a week.
2) Electronic books, from the Internet to download the appro...
3) He accepted it on appro.
4) Design and Implementation of this appro ...
5) A novel appro a ch using ant algorithm is proposed to optimize the multicast routes and this app roach is fully distributed.
6) The normative appro ach establishes a logic al link between facts and the corresponding actions th atc an remedy a situation.
7) Rich ard has a bl ack- and-white appro ach to all complex problems.
8) It is shown that these schemes are approximate schemes to local exponential scheme. Some of them are effective. In addition, a piecewise appro...
9) It has a long history of appro . 3000 years.
10) Taking two examples, matching spatial features and their attributes and deleting reduplicate features in spatial database,(http:///appro.html) indicate the technique key point of this appro.
11) We analyse environmental problems in city construction and put forward appro ˉ primate prevention and control measures.
12) The paper studies electron nonlinear steady motion equation in free electron lasers with axial magnetic field by the perturbed appro?ch.
13) Integration of the computer-aided structure design with a knowledge base is a new appro ach to the development of intelligent structure software.
14) Simulation results show that the optimal common-track constellation can provide favorable coverage performance to China with fewer satellites, and hence is appro.
15) The paper studies electron nonlinear steady motion equation in free electron lasers with axial magnetic field by the perturbed appro?
16) People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible and thus can appro ach a task without constraints of established habits and attitudes.
17) This paper describes an experiment that confirms some useful possibilities of this appro...




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