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单词 tasteful
释义 Word family  noun taste distaste tastefulness taster tasting adjective tasteful ≠ tasteless distasteful tasty verb taste adverb tastefully distastefully  taste·ful /ˈteɪstfəl/ adjective  TASTE IN CLOTHES, MUSIC ETCmade, decorated, or chosen with good taste 有品位的,有鉴赏力的,趣味高雅的 tasteful furnishings 趣味高雅的家具陈设 ► Do not confuse with tasty. Use tasty to describe food that tastes good: This food is really tasty.不要与 tasty 混淆。tasty 用于形容食物美味: This food is really tasty. 这食物真的很美味。 —tastefully adverb tastefully decorated 装饰得很有品位的 —tastefulness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpustasteful• My uncle wore a flannel suit, a spotless white shirt and a tasteful but sombre tie.• Gray, a prosperous-looking lawyer in his tasteful dark suits, asked for the presidential apology and brought the survivors to Washington.• The room is filled with tasteful furnishings and original artworks.• Almost by accident, Bob discovered that by having tasteful furnishings in apartments, they were easier to rent.• A tasteful inch of white cuff protruded from beneath his black suit coat.• Such is the force of commodity culture that a tasteful logo and unconnected image can sell clothes around the world.• On a slightly more tasteful note, as of this month the £40 software voucher reward is being scrapped.• The house is newly furnished with tasteful things.taste·ful adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus with chosen or decorated, good taste made,




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