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单词 Very much like
1. I'd very much like to visit them sometime.
2. I would very much like to see you again.
3. The men were very much like my father.
4. My experience is very much like that described in the book.
5. One looked very much like a heron.
6. I think it is very much like him.
7. I would very much like to think so.
8. President Clinton has taken it very much like the would-be president in the book, Jack Stanton.
9. This is very much like a controlled, continuous explosion taking place.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. A culture is very much like the experimental space used in the analysis of behavior.
11. She looks very much like Crilly, though her hair is cut and tinted like a soap opera actress.
12. The effect was very much like putting an egg in an open electric food mixer.
13. Young gannets are brown, very much like young seagulls, and have white cheeks.
14. To my father it sounded very much like hard work, and that was most acceptable.
15. AGMs look very much like our own gypsy moths, albeit a bit larger.
16. I would very much like to know if you are contemplating marrying Giles, in spite of your apparent denial.
17. Very much like being named No. 1 in the final Associated Press college football poll after the bowl games.
18. Very much like now, come to think of it: bored and fidgeting, breathing stale air while time stands still.
19. At the age of nine Fred was already very much like the man he was going to be at thirty-five or forty.
20. Going to the movies in 1996 will be very much like staying home and watching Nick at Nite.
21. It would be very much like having Joe take a $ 60, 000 pay cut over the entire period.
22. It did sound very much like the flip side to Mrs Richards' story.
23. In fact, they seemed very much like characters plucked out of a novel.
24. It has good insulation and feels very much like a down bag.
25. After being here less than 24 hours, I feel very much like a mosquito in a nudist colony.
26. Apart from its bill, at a distance it looked very much like an out of place penguin.
27. Joe Kennedy, like Clinton, is not easily pigeonholed as liberal, very much like his anti-bigness, pro-empowerment father.
28. In the civil trial, Simpson did both and came off looking very much like a man who had much to hide.
29. It was about a visitor from outer space, shaped very much like a Tralfamadorian by the way.
30. The famous story of Cupid and Psyche is told only by Apuleius, who writes very much like Ovid.
31. There was a firework display going on outside but it did sound very much like a gun, and Yoko absolutely froze.
32. He was on the left baseline and lofted a shot that looked very much like the 19 others he made Saturday night.
33. This was very much like the attitude of Confucius.
34. I should very much like to see it.
35. The turboprop engine is very much like the turbojet.
36. The people very much like the myna which is with good intention, because she has a body black feather, the people kindly are called her "black eyebrow coloring plume princess".
37. I should very much like to do some occasional teaching.
38. That's the harmonic series that's on that, and what the valves do is they shorten and lengthen that vibrating column of air very much like the cello string on the fingerboard.
39. I’m more toward the other side, where I’m convinced by my own personal experience that it is very much like connoisseurship(/very much like.html), because of . . .
40. Inside is a fizzy drink that tastes very much like Coca - Cola .
41. "But," said the Englishman, "this looks very much like a suspension of payment."
42. As a comparison , Singapore food is very much like the ones found in Brunei.
43. Not bad for a mythical creature whose name, in Chinese, sounds very much like an especially vile obscenity.
44. Thank you. I'd very much like to have a cup of Chinese tea.
45. Its magazine was placed in the pistol grip very much like a Uzi and had a front pistol grip at the very end of the barrel underneath the muzzle.
46. I would very much like to go there, however my hands are full.
47. Roman Abramovich looks very much like a man planning to get the beers in (though not for himself, as he's teetotal).
48. I feel very much like an officer who has stormed a breastwork despite his severe wounds.
49. Colbert's humor is very much like grapeshot : it goes everywhere and a piece of it is bound to hit everybody that comes across its path.
50. Tarsiers look very much like other early primates, but their eyes are huge - each one weighs more than its brain.
51. It is very much like the difference between looking at a well-arranged garden, planted in rows and patterns, versus seeing a wild thicket or forest growing in confusion.
52. As cotton cloths are within our sphere of business, we would very much like to establish a direct business link with your company.
53. Yes , the body of a bat looks very much like a mouse.
54. It feels very much like a sort of conservative Christian wet dream about the way the natural world should work — but doesn't .
55. I very much like going to parties and dancing and meeting people.
56. This guy looks very much like the man on the wanted poster.
57. The turboprop engine is very much like the turbojet. It has an additional part, a propeller.
58. The show was broadcast, many viewers to my microblogging message, that I play very much like the head of the Japanese military advisor.
59. Besides, the white pottery from Sibo County, Shandong Province, looks very much like porcelain and is much appreciated.
60. It looks very much like a typewriter keyboard with rows of keys arranged in the typical typewriter layout.
61. When he walked into Stamp’s pub, I followed, and found the high-ceilinged, elegant room full of people like him — which is to say, people very much like me.
62. She felt very much like a criminal in the matter.
63. As you describe it, France seems to be very much like Japan.
64. Some of our comrades love to unite long articles with no substance, very much like the foot-bindings of a slattern long as well as smelly.
65. You can have either a simple object domain model, which looks very much like a relational database schema model, or a complex rich domain model, which can look different from the database design.
66. In the sanctum of the Living Computer, the Invid brain seethed with something very much like wrath.
67. So I m very much like the Hollywood executive getting credit for doing bugger all.
67. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
68. I'm afraid you don't look very much like a governess.
69. ROM emulator acts very much like a debug monitor, except that it includes its own serial or network connection to the host.
70. This looks very much like lying, but it is speaking the truth under a mental reservation.
71. In one it is very much like the Assyrian version, with squared - off wavy wings.
72. It looks very much like other cities around the Baltic Sea, Saint Petersburg or Italian or, a little bit like Helsinki.
73. The legs were strong and ended in long feet very much like those of a modern pinniped.
74. One funeral is generally very much like another in this magnificent metropolis.
75. Muslims all over the world witnessed the suffering of their brothers and sisters," he says, sounding very much like a modern-day jihadi.
76. Her stepfather, Jim Lewis, brought some of her furniture back to Palmetto — her dressing table, her entertainment center — and tried to create a room that would feel very much like home to her.
77. Acting very much like their movie counterparts, the Xenomorphs will hide in shadows, burst from air vents, and drop from ceilings, doing what they can to get the jump on you.
78. Turkish Interior Minister, said the explosion sain "very much like a terrorist attack."
79. I would very much like you to come to dinner next week.




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