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单词 Momenta
1. She gave fresh momentum to the campaign.
2. The style prevails and picks up momentum.
3. As the rock rolled down, it gathered momentum.
4. The campaign for reform should start to gather momentum in the new year.
5. Once you push it, it keeps going under its own momentum.
6. The movement to change the union's constitution is slowly gathering momentum.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. The fight for his release gathers momentum each day.
8. The international relief effort appears to be gathering momentum.
9. The campaign for change now has considerable momentum.
10. Public spending has an apparently irresistible momentum.
11. During the 1980s the green movement gathered momentum.
12. The vehicle gained momentum as the road dipped.
13. The campaign has been gaining momentum ever since the television appeal.
14. They began to lose momentum in the second half of the game.
15. The sledge gained momentum as it ran down the hill.
16. The wheel was allowed to roll down the slope, gathering momentum as it went.
17. We have to keep the momentum of our sales operation going.
18. In an attempt to give new momentum to their plans, the committee set a date for starting detailed discussions.
19. The car gathered momentum as it rolled down the hill.
20. Governments often lose momentum in their second term of office.
21. More importantly, the generalized momenta based Lagrange's equations show unique advantages over the traditional Lagrange's equations in symplectic integrations.
22. The modifications of energy and momenta are better understood than the effects on distance.
23. The conjugate momenta of the system are just magnetic field vectors.
24. In each case, the rates of change are determined by the various positions and momenta at that time.
25. Those corkscrews that are tightly wound correspond to large momenta, and those that wind hardly at all give very small momenta.
26. By introducing the rectangular wave packet, we have obtained the mean expectation values of the coordinates, momenta, and the square of these operators.
27. As examples, we have calculated the SU(3)and SU(4)monopoles in detail, and discuss some problems such as angular momenta and topological quantum numbers.
28. In other words, it will project tracks back to common points of origin and thereby form a coherent set of data—energies, momenta , trajectories, and so on—for the particles produced by each event.
29. In this paper, by using potential method we discuss the energy spectrum of diquark on ground state and excited state with different angular momenta.
30. Now, this is also 1 over m total times the total momentum, because I've all these momenta of these individual particles.
31. From the energies and momenta of the two jets, researchers can infer the mass of the particle that produced them.
32. This mixture of the assured and the unexpected is indicative of the best parts of Momenta.
33. We find that the downward cusp of the ground state energy only occurs for several angular momenta.
34. The book presents asymptotic expansions of Feynman integrals in various limits of momenta and masses, and their applications to problems of physical interest.
35. He says that the condensate should in fact appear for gluons moving with even lower momenta than have been measured.
36. Moreover, additional angular momenta are added to the off-axis propagating solitons.
37. By measuring the scattered neutron intensity versus momenta and energy transfers, the structure and dynamical information of the biological macromolecules can be obtained.




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