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单词 First half year
1 In the first half year of 2005, the detection of HIV anti-body among former paid blood(plasma)donors since 1990's was developed in Shandong province.
2 Follow - up every one month in the first half year after operation.
3 Situation of the housing market in the first half year of 2007.
4 It will go into operation in the first half year of 2005. Our company sincerely hope to co-operate with foreign capital with our net capital and medicine manufacturing approved licences.
5 Higher export goals for the first half year have generally been accomplished.
6 In fact, in the first half year of 2005, sales volume of trucks declined sharpenedly, especially for imported trucks.
7 As early as the first half year of 2009, Barack Obama made public the preferential policies fore-vehicle industry, including the capital guarantee for the local battery enterprises.
8 Official statistics also show that the first half year saw rising prices for Beijing's residential houses.
9 In the first half year of 2008, the general trend of China economy is relatively stable, the growth rate of economy isn't obviously slackening and fix assets investment is steadily rising.
10 In the first half year of 2006, China Unicom and China Mobile each conducted large scale purchases, negotiations, and agreement signing regarding GSM equipments.
11 The next first half year will be another collection of short holidays, Tomb-sweeping Day, and Dragon-boat Festival included.
12 In the first half year, economy has increased rapidly, and the situation is encouraging.
13 During the first half year of my college life, I had not got a clear idea about college.
14 This article, summed up the first half of the main characteristics of the steel market in the first half year by reviewing steel market trends.
15 Cargo truck market has swift the downward development to upward way in the first half year. Despite the minus growth in 2005, cargo truck market obtained 7.02% growth rate in the first six months.
16 Evaluated the proposed approach by the Hushen 300 index of the first half year at 2007.
17 The accountant have pre pare the balance sheet for the first half year.
18 As the largest agricultural wholesale market in Anhui Province, Zhougudui saw great achievement this first half year, as our reporter has learned recently.
19 Now Yiwu has over 20 air routes to 12 cities, and in the first half year it has a passenger throughput of more than 0.26 million person-time, up 8.5% over the same period of last year.
20 Bimetallic watches were the flagship product in terms of exports during the first half year. Their value rose by 80.6% while in volume terms the increase was 62.1%.




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