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单词 Non-discrimination
1. The judge has a record of fairness and non-discrimination.
2. Being different is not really safe, despite the legal protection afforded by nondiscrimination clauses.
3. London's complaint that National Power had breached non-discrimination rules was rejected by Prof Littlechild.
4. The WTO system requires non-discrimination among its members and GATS contains a nondiscrimination clause requiring equal treatment of all WTO members.
5. They said that the FCC's proposed rules don't sufficiently define what the commission means by its use of the terms "non-discrimination" and "reasonable network management".
6. And if the community of non-discrimination them, they can get to the same normal life.
7. A treaty set up to encourage non-discrimination in government purchases would thus be twisted to bar the American government from buying goods from countries such as China and India.
8. The struggle for equality and non-discrimination must be a rallying struggle of the human rights movements.
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9. In future, therefore, employers will have to pay much closer attention to the principle of non-discrimination against part-time employees.
10. The Commission for Racial Equality can carry out a formal investigation and issue a non-discrimination notice.
11. The principle of the national treatment, as an important aspect of the principle of the non-discrimination, under the free trade condition, all are equal and exist no discrimination.
12. The surrogate country approach violates the basic doctrines of justice and non-discrimination of international trade law, and the approach itself is unreasonable.
13. China and the EU agreed that efforts to stimulate demand should be based on transparency and non-discrimination of foreign invested enterprises.
14. Bringing China's legislation and regulations into full compliance with GPA non-discrimination and transparency provisions.
15. Contains general information on international and Chinese national aws, policies and practices for non-discrimination and equality.
16. But, he says Beijing has not yet fully embraced the principles of market access and non-discrimination, nor has it made its trade regime predictable and transparent.
17. The fundamental principles of WTO has been concluded into four, namely non-discrimination, free trade rule, transparent and fair competition rule.
18. Each Party shall accord to investments treatment in accordance with customary international law, including fair and equitable treatment, full protection and security, and non-discrimination.
19. The green trade barrier of China should be established on the basis of the principles of non-discrimination and proportion.
20. Conclusion AIDS prevention education must be enhanced in school, and more attention should be paid to education on non-discrimination of HIV-infected persons.
21. The receipt and opening of tenders shall also be consistent with the national treatment and non-discrimination provisions of this Agreement.
22. We can begin by showing leadership here today by underscoring that equality and non-discrimination are fundamental principles of the international community.




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