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单词 Ern
(1) The other main body in the south ern movement is the Council of Conservative Citizens, which has about 15,000 members.
(2) Mod ern countries all prohibit it in principle.
(3) Uncle Ern is on his deathbed.
(4) Ern, I don't think I can face all that crap this evening. Ask Liz if she can fit it in tomorrow.
(5) Supply chain management (SCM) is a successful patt ern of business management today.
(6) Supply chain management is a successful patt ern of business management today.
(7) Tan Ern Sur, Associate professor of sociology at the National University of Singapore, believes neither the rich nor the poor are very visible in Singapore.
(8) How to correctly understand, appraise and learn from West- ern Consultative Democracy is of theoretical and practical significances in today's Chinese consultative democracy development.
(9) The management pattern has been most used in the transnational petroleum corporations of west- ern countries and has made a good beneficial result.
(10) The investment fund system is an innovative economic system which adapts the mod- ern market economy.
(11) "This is all we need to end this reign of terror, " Cilia said. "We can go straight to Minister Ciran Ern and tell him that the Annihilator is a hoax. He'll disband the Guardians.
(12) As a method of social regulation and control, the law is used by federal gov ern ment to in fluence private university in the macroscopical way.
(13) Due to spreading of Helan and Qinling rift valleys during the Ordovician period, a L-shaped swell belt formed in the western and south- ern parts of the basin.
(14) Liang Qichao was a famous activist and statesman in mod ern China.
(15) The adverb of mood is of a sub-category in mod ern Chinese adverbial wo rds.
(16) The sixth section, the index system of sustainable development of mod- ern agriculture in city countryside in Shanghai is set to analyse and forcast the future development.
(17) Rubik's Cube, called magic box , Budapest, Hungary School of Architecture Professor Ern ? Rubik invented in 1974.
(18) Deep lake deposit is developed very w ellon the sollth ern margin of Bogda Mountain, basing on it, and beachy turbidite fan and infralittoralturbidite fan are de posited.
(19) Though it's easier said than done, with the help of mod ern technology, we now have many means to solve it.
(20) Voluntarism is one of the main streams of modern West ern philosophy, and it is the origination of modern Western irrational philosophy.
(21) Die Mehrzahl der Menschen lebte unter indiskutablen Bedingungen , ihre Behausungen und ihre Ern & auml ; hrung waren katastrophal.
(22) CAPM Model and APT Model based on the theory of investment combination is the core of mod- ern capital market theory.




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