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单词 It is likely that
1 Without well-defined goals, it is likely that efforts will be misdirected.
2 It is likely that investors will face losses.
3 It is likely that they would go into hiding for a few weeks, and resurface when the publicity has died down.
4 It is likely that the suspects have fled the country by now.
5 It is likely that such a transplant will be rejected in older people.
6 It is likely that the girl knew her killer.
7 Elsewhere, it is likely that the original boundaries between the fields will only be recognized through extensive survey and excavation.
8 The company now admits it is likely that the facilities were partly staffed by forced labor and POWs during this period.
9 It is likely that Compact will give a new focus to such activities and provide new opportunities for student involvement. 16.
10 It is likely that these coherent structures originate through an intermittent instability of the velocity profile.
11 It is likely that outside consultants will be employed by the Health and Safety Executive.
12 Whatever the fortunes of the major political parties, it is likely that managers will be coping with rapid change.
13 Nevertheless, it is likely that birds have selected for sweeter fruits through evolutionary time.
14 It is likely that the church planter will soon want to leave his secular employment to devote himself fully to the work.
15 It is likely that there are major differences inside firms which will affect the patterns of cooperation and conflict.
16 It is likely that this will make him more tired than usual and so we might guess that he will sleep longer.
17 It is likely that in future further legal professions or professional bodies as appropriate will be added to the two lists.
18 Nevertheless, it is likely that the qualitative features of DNA binding are the same.
19 It is likely that in normal discourse, the context of the sentences will help to resolve these potential ambiguities.
20 It is likely that they will follow London's lead and also exempt motorcycles from any charges.
21 Therefore, it is likely that subsequent empirical studies will confirm this negative relationship for index futures.
22 It is likely that a good many valuable stones were destroyed in this way because Pliny was muddling up hardness and toughness.
23 It is likely that suppliers will wish to discuss aspects of this document before making any formal response.
24 It is likely that the roles of husband and wife were defined early on in marriage.
25 If Labour wins on Thursday, it is likely that the markets will test the mettle of Mr Smith.
26 It is likely that the move will also be interpreted as an attempt by the nuclear industry to renew its fading influence.
27 It is likely that the report will provide added ammunition to environmentalists who have for long opposed the blanket afforestation of uplands.
28 Invivo, however, it is likely that only posterior mesenchyme is exposed.
29 The amount they contribute is up to each individual and it is likely that big record labels could complain.
30 With strict procedures and a great deal of cooperation it is likely that you will not receive a virus.
1 Without well-defined goals, it is likely that efforts will be misdirected.
31 It is likely that you are already using some of them; others may seem to be more challenging.
32 It is likely that both these will be supplanted by Cricket Draw.
33 It is likely that Mir will bum up in Earth's atmosphere sometime in 2000.
34 Otherwise it is likely that strategic analysis will rest on very shaky foundations.
35 It is likely that the early stages of all procedures will rest with the headteacher and other senior staff in school.
36 She was born before the turn of the century, so it is likely that her parents had been born into slavery.
37 Over geological time it is likely that impacts have reduced the mass of the Martian atmosphere by a factor of one hundred.
38 If neither of these methods works, it is likely that fat or grease is blocking the branch waste pipe further along.
39 It is likely that group awards in sciences will be developed for introduction in 1993 using the new framework of modules.
40 Besides governments, it is likely that only the largest companies will engage in any kind of record retention and archive management.
41 In this climate, it is likely that people may look at the Office of Innovation model through analytical eyes.
42 It is likely that we are now generating plenty of fresh material for the tribunals of the future.
43 It is likely that in several instances such differences will be specific not generic.
43 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
44 But it is likely that both would be harder-nosed in the pursuit of national interests.
45 It is likely that the drug would be more effective in the proximal colon.
46 As already mentioned, it is likely that their life-styles will have involved more constructive and fulfilling leisure activities.
47 It is likely that the lawyers will try to introduce their pension advisers early in the contract negotiations.
48 It is likely that a new classification of headaches will soon be forthcoming.
49 It is likely that Celsus discussed the matter at greater length, and with greater clarity.
50 Yet it is likely that Chilperic was the more impressive monarch and inspired the greater respect.
51 It is likely that very severe environmental damage would be done if parts of this reserve were activated.
52 It is likely that the antitremor effect is peripheral.
53 It is impossible to cultivate Fly Agaric and since it does not occur naturally in the Indus valley, it is likely that it gradually passed into the mythical realm.
54 It is likely that Valencia will loan out the 22 year old to another Spanish club for one year, and that club might be Cadiz who was recently promoted to the top-flight.
55 Now that astrometry has proven its value in detecting planets around red dwarfs, it is likely that many more such worlds will be discovered in the coming years.
56 It is likely that the marked price will rise. It would be to your advantage to place orders without delay.
57 It is likely that the Russians also gleaned knowledge of stealth technology from the downed Nighthawk.
58 In an export transaction it is likely that the question may arise.
59 It is likely that these " enlightened " nostrums would have speeded up the catastrophe.
60 In a situation where it is likely that a ball will be carried out of bounds by the flow of water in a water hazard, it is suggested that a screen be installed to prevent such an occurrence.
61 We lack direct clues to brain size in Sivapithecus, but given that life history correlates strongly with brain size, it is likely that this ape was similarly brainy.
62 It is likely that diamond nucleation is a phase transformation process from nano - graphite into nano - diamond.
63 It is likely that Japan will maintain the tariffs until the Byrd Amendment is repealed.
64 Long before those reforms have taken effect, though, it is likely that the premium will re-emerge.
65 As we move towards post-industrial capitalism it is likely that our political systems will be forced to similarly evolve.
66 It is likely that the severity of this pest in some regions of China resulted from the high susceptibility of introduced ash tree species from North America to EAB.
67 It is likely that such a coarse injector pattern would not have sufficiently high steady-state performance, and so would be unacceptable.
68 For real cables in rain-wind weather, it is likely that water rivulet is non-uniform along cable axis and the phase lag between each part of rivulet movement will be incurred.
69 I believe it is likely that this is because the Oort Cloud is being disturbed by a massive body that is throwing comets out of stable orbits, a small fraction of which could reach the Earth.
70 It is likely that nacre will become a good candidate for bone graft substitution in future.
71 It is likely that these cells have also the pacemaking function. So this therefore become the morphological bases of atrial fibrillation.
72 The study said it is likely that the meat-eating qualities of many plants has gone unrecognised because they are missing some of the prime characteristics associated with carnivorous species.
73 It is likely that Raytheon will use the APG-63, because it was designed specifically for the F-15 and has already been sold to equip F-15s for Singapore and the U.S. Air National Guard.
74 A global assessment of data since 1970 has shown that it is likely that anthropogenic (human made) warming has had a discernible influence on many physical and biological systems.
75 Donald Kennedy, a neuroscientist who is also editor of Science, says it is likely that "some extension of the domain of exculpatory conditions" will be made as a result of neuroscientific advances.
76 If you are diagnosed as long-sighted , it is likely that your optician will prescribe glasses or contact lenses to correct your vision.
77 Einar Kjartansson, a geophysicist at the Icelandic Meteorological Office, said: "It is likely that the production of ash will continue at a comparable level for some days or weeks.
78 It is likely that the close coupling of light sensor to cilia marks an important, early landmark in the evolution of animal eyes.
79 As a more sophisticated defense bar mounts increasing numbers of expensive challenges to DNA evidence, it is likely that additional state legislatures will address this issue.




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更新时间:2024/10/6 23:59:05