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单词 Nucleoli
(1) The nuclei are monomorphic with inconspicuous nucleoli.
(2) Laser microbeam irradiation of both nucleoli in interphase cells 30 hr before mitosis, and nucleoli in preprophase cells resulted in the formation of micronucleoli after mitosis.
(3) Prominent nucleoli are seen in the nuclei of this prostatic adenocarcinoma, which is a characteristic feature.
(4) Pleomorphic giant nucleus(100%), obvious nucleoli(75%) and karyokinesis were the main elements in the smear of bone metastatic carcinoma.
(5) Note that nucleoli are numerous and large in this neoplasm.
(6) In rare cases , mild nuclear pleomorphism, prominent nucleoli and mitotic figures may be seen.
(7) Prokaryotes lack organelles such as nucleoli, mitochondria, plastids , Golgi apparatus, and do not exhibit cyclosis.
(8) Besides, the role of yolk nucleus and nucleoli in the vitellogenesis, the spawning type and the spawning interval were discussed.
(9) Tingible body macrophages are present. No prominent nucleoli or irregular nuclear profiles are appreciated.
(10) The neoplastic fibroblastic cells resembled the reactive fibroblasts by containing fine chromatin and small distinct nucleoli without cellular atypia or mitotic figures.
(11) The nuclei are large, irregular, hyperchromatic, and show prominent nucleoli.
(12) Meanwhile, we found actin and tropomyosin also exist in nucleoli and nuclear matrix of the salivary gland.
(13) The cell nucleus was large and round or oval, and had 1 - 3 nucleoli.
(14) This suggests that the existence of the Chlorella symbiont in P. bursaria may affect the function, quantity, and location of the previously mentioned organelles in host cells, as well as the nucleoli.
(15) Chiasmata are seen during this stage, and by the end of diakinesis the nucleoli and nuclear membrane have disappeared.
(16) Disrupted actin cytoskeleton could be recovered by removal of the VD - toxin before the nucleoli were dyed.
(17) During this stage in mitosis and the second division of meiosis the chromosomes uncoil and disperse, the nuclear spindle degenerates, nucleoli reappear, and a new nuclear membrane forms.
(18) The follicles were lined by cells with moderate amphophilic to eosinophilic cytoplasm with round nuclei and occasional prominent nucleoli .
(19) Results : The cells show fibroblast-like irregular appearance, many cytoplasm ecptoma , puff and large nucleus with obvious nucleoli.
(20) The atrophic glands have scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei with occasional punctate nucleoli.
(21) At high magnification, this poorly differentiated prostatic adenocarcinoma demonstrates cells with nucleoli and mitotic figures.
(22) The tumor cells hae uniform vesicular nuclei with evenly distributed chromatin, and occasional small nucleoli.
(23) Small cell carcinomas usually do not show large prominent nucleoli, whereas melanomas often do, accompanied by occasional intranuclear pseudoinclusions.




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