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单词 Number of calls
1. The number of calls at South Bank will be reduced to cut journey times.
2. A police spokesman confirmed a number of calls had been received from people worried about what was happening on Thursday afternoon.
3. An increasing number of calls come from people looking for start-up premises for small businesses.
4. When you need to reduce the number of calls further, you can employ caching techniques where applicable in the calling application.
5. This view provides exact information about the number of calls to methods, time spent in methods only, time spent and memory accumulated in selected methods and all their descendants, and so on.
6. The activities include the number of calls, follow - ups, deliveries, presentations, etc.
7. The caching example showed that reducing the number of calls must be carefully employed.
8. To reduce the number of calls to the ArticleHome component, when a page is read, all descriptions in all languages for the article are read and cached in the calling application.
9. The number of calls to the objects and the number of lines of code that must be execute to achieve the desired result gives us an idea of the serious processing required to achieve the desired result.
10. By measuring the number of calls and the time needed to resolve them, the IT manager can judge the usefulness of the position.
11. The number of calls is reduced, but each call in itself retrieves a lot of data that is never used.
12. The design trades the number of calls for the amount of data transferred.
13. Amanda immediately hired additional support personnel and reduced the number of calls each of her teams were expected to make each week.
14. So we see that I've doubled the size of the vector but I've much more than doubled the number of calls.
15. Coarse grained -- the functions are designed to minimize the number of calls between layers.
16. Saving this re-compilation step can result in a significantly lower number of calls to the JDBC driver and improve the performance of your application.
17. Allowing the client to communicate directly with the node containing the needed data reduces the number of calls from eight to six in our simple example.
17. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
18. When using EJB 1.x entities, option c was considered the best because distributed object application design is all about minimizing the number of calls (which could be remote).
19. Over the weekend, US President Barack Obama made a number of calls to foreign leaders to discuss the situation in Egypt, the White House said.
20. Has the selected mechanism met the performance of the system in terms of expected number of calls, desired response times?
21. The police will say only that they received "a number of calls from concerned parents", that the school had not committed any offence, and that "advice" was given to the head.
22. The most tense period is the New Year eve, the number of calls can reach 25 000. People also call with greetings, though, as they say.
23. These tiles will show the current status of your applications such as notifications, number of messages received, number of calls etc.




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