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单词 Stepped-up
1. This stepped-up aggressiveness extends to other areas.
2. He referred to my rods as stepped-up fly rods, and his I called tent poles.
3. The stepped-up Republican attack against Mr Rubin only heightened investors' concern over the budget stalemate in Washington.
4. There are reports of stepped-up fighting in El Salvador.
5. The stepped-up pace of invention, application and diffusion, in turn, accelerates the whole cycle still further.
6. Officials say this has resulted in stepped-up security at Saudi Arabia's Ras Tanura terminal, the world's largest offshore oil facility.
7. The Kremlin may be calculating that a stepped-up military is in Moscow's interest.
8. The regulation also seeks stepped-up monitoring for mercury and a more accurate means of demonstrating compliance with soot limits.
9. In that respect, the stepped-up U.S. role appeared to have an effect, American officials said.
10. For malaria, stepped-up surveillance has detected treatment failures with the currently used artemisinin-combination therapy along the Thai-Cambodian border.
11. The stepped-up White House campaign for health care reform comes at a time when public support for the president's stand on the issue appears to be slipping.
12. A one-time premium payment provides an instant stepped-up death benefit. Cash value and death benefit may be lower or higher depends on the performance of investment.
13. State-run media broadcast images of stepped-up security at schools, including heavily armed police, after last year's attacks.
14. The stepped-up American presence will reassure Australia and well as other countries in the region that the U.S. is engaged at a time when Chinese intentions are uncertain, he said.
15. This allows the acquiring company to take a "stepped-up" tax basis in the target's assets, which generates larger tax deductions, and in turn increases acquirer cash flow.
16. The stepped-up pace of layoffs suggests companies are losing faith in the prospect of a second-half rebound.
17. Deals are still being done via stepped-up lending from export credit agencies and leasing companies, he said.
18. As the grim search progressed, federal transportation officials in Washington provided new details about the stepped-up scrutiny of ValuJet.
19. The Recreation and Park Department recently estimated 120 people camped in the park despite stepped-up police enforcement of anti-camping laws.
20. In recent months that rate continued,(/stepped-up.html) keeping pace with the stepped-up U.S. flights.
21. An important element of the plan is an increased economic and development effort, with a goal of helping stability take hold amid the stepped-up troop presence.
22. With signs that consumers were growing stingier with their hard-earned dollars, U.S. retailers stepped-up promotions last month to spur sales.
23. For Myanmarese, the U.S. disengagement from the region after Sept. 11 meant stepped-up repression and a fading of the pro-democracy movement headed by Aung San Suu Kyi.
24. By the early 2020s, China will over[take] the U.S. in terms of GDP, Ma said, noting the forecast is dramatically stepped-up from his views two years earlier.
25. The report said the United States must respond with a stepped-up communication outreach effort, possibly with input from community and religious leaders.
26. Improvements to the CDM are needed to scale-up emission reductions. Measures are already being taken and must be sustained and stepped-up.
27. But what was new the past couple of weeks was the stepped-up U.S. pressure.
28. Its decision to press ahead now is part of stepped-up efforts since early last year, including two interest-rate rises, to curb speculation in the property market and show the poor it cares.




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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:55:13