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单词 Siltstone
1, The fish is preserved in a siltstone nodule, which has partially formed around the body of the fish.
2, Claystones and siltstones containing finely dispersed coaly matter are considered to be good sources - besides many coal seams.
3, The sedimentary rocks are graywacke, siltstone, tuff andpellitie, etc.
4, The presence of fragments of silicified siltstone retains their original bedding.
5, The channel is overlain by siltstone and lenticular beds of limestone.
6, The main rocks are sandstone, mudstone and muddy siltstone or silty mudstone.
7, The host rocks are mainly calcareous siltstone and silty slate.
8, Researchers examining a segment of siltstone taken from ground along the Beardmore glacier in Antarctica found something unexpected. They found a fly.
9, Argillaceous siltstone is a kind of soft rock, which is widespread during Cretaceous to Eogene in China.
10, Calcareous siltstone is the main host rock of micro fine disseminated gold deposit(MDGD).
11, The engineering behavior of whole-weathered pelitic siltstone can not be evaluated rational in criterion, which lead to inconvinence and difficulty for technicians.
12, It belongs to a siltstone, which contains of iron, quartz, and mica as its main minerals, precise modeling for teapots.
13, Its main rocks is the metamorphic pelitic siltstone, the feldspathic quartz wacke, the fine sandial feldspathic quartz siltstone, the feldspathic wacke and the sericite quartz phyllite etc.
14, Many of these long leaves are preserved on the bedding planes of a siltstone.
15, The find, which has been dated to be at least 28, 000 years old and found in a cave near Ulm in Germany, was made from siltstone and was apparently discarded after being broken.
16, The reservoir rocks consist of conglomerate, pebbly sandstone, medium-fine sandstone and siltstone.
17, The rocks, white or light yellow-white in color, is intercalated in the feldspathic quartz sandstone, siltstone and conglomerate.
18, The formation under Neocene in this well was composed of brown, bluish grey and grey mudstone and linen micropsammite and siltstone.
19, The Xionghuangchang section of the Upper Jurassic series is the principal ore-host strata, composed mainly of dolomite, limestone, mudstone, and siltstone.
20, Thermal conductivity data set from wells in East China Sea Shelf was studied in detail, it is suggested that thermal conductivity of mudstone,[http:///siltstone.html] siltstone and sandstone can be different.
21, The bedrock under the second channel sluice of Gezhouba Project is mainly composed of alternation of strata of clayey siltstone and sandstone.
22, As sediments of palaeocrater-lake facies, the Xiaotian Romation consists of deep black-black-grayish boackSandstone, siltstone and shale with intercalation of marlite lens.
23, Depositional district: lithologically , they are sandy conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone interbedded with mudstone.
24, Iron ores in the Gushan deposit, Anhui Province, occur in a contact tone between Mesozoic gabbro diorite and its country rocks dominated by Triassic shale, siltstone and sandstone.
25, Sequence IV - 2 is upper Shimajiri group, which is made up of siltstone and mudstone.
26, Restricted by the conventional interpretation techniques, such as the shaly fine sand and siltstone are usually recognized as mudstone or dry formation.
27, Bao ancient group plans for a major deep-sea - a half deep in the ash, black ash-like TLC tuffaceous siltstone, shale tuffaceous, with gray green, with thin gray-tuff interbedded uneven.
28, The reservoirs are mainly sand bar deltic frontal sand body and fine and siltstone.




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