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单词 Printf
1. Similarly, functions such as printf() and fprintf() invoke the write() system call to do their work.
2. So is there a slash letter command for printf they could just like type you know what I mean?
3. Write and read strings integers and floats ; printf - style log file output.
4. Well, here is the F in printf for formatted printing.
5. It simply uses printf, but this could easily send an SNMP trap, for example.
6. You can simulate this yourself by using a printf() call and the strerror() function, which returns a pointer to the textual representation of the current errno value.
7. Use printf tokens for dynamic content in a full sentence rather than breaking up the sentence into multiple strings.
8. That is, in Vimscript, printf doesn't print a formatted version of its list of data arguments; it returns a string containing a formatted version of its list of data arguments.
9. This can be a pain at first -- some programmers don't realize that printf() and many other functions actually return a value.
10. The locale setting will cause the %ls format specifier in printf to call the wcsrtombs() function in order to convert the wide character argument string into the locale-dependent multi-byte encoding.
11. After computing the factorial, you now want to print it out using printf.
12. So, not only do we only have one copy of printf() on the disk, we only have one in memory.
13. If I wanna say something, do something, then say something else, I just call printf twice.
14. The program sorts an array of 10 numbers and uses the external C library functions puts and printf to print out the entire contents of the unsorted and sorted array.
15. One detail you can't see from the output is that perror() writes its message to the standard error channel (stderr); the printf() call in Listing 1 is writing to the standard output channel (stdout).
16. It is needed for the file opening, closing, reading, and writing functions (fopen(), fclose(), fgets(), getc(), and so on), for the printf() family of functions, and for the setvbuf() function.
17. Suppose you have seventy-nine applications on one server that are all defective in that they rely on a faulty system printf().
18. Well -- and I'll fix this blue next time -- I'm first telling the compiler I need access to the standard io library because printf is declared there.
18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
19. In this case, each string in the collection is passed as an argument to printf.
20. Note the use of printk here: this is the kernel printf function.




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