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单词 admittance
释义  ad·mit·tance /ədˈmɪtəns/ noun [uncountable]  formalENTER permission to enter a place 进入权 → admission Gaining admittance to the club was no easy matter. 获准进入那家俱乐部并非易事。Examples from the Corpusadmittance• Any revolutionary aspirations of the younger members are centred on gaining work and admittance to the mainstream of ordinary life.• She flicked her eyes to Steve standing on the porch terrace eagerly awaiting admittance to a house of horror.• Only by acquiring knowledge in this needlessly arcane system could one gain admittance to the society of adepts.• Those who gained admittance were fortunate.• Known for her preaching, Dinah Morris easily gains admittance to the prison in Stoniton when she asks to see Hetty.• In fact, a Harvard spokesman confirmed her admittance only when asked·mit·tance nounChineseSyllable  place permission a to Corpus enter




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