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单词 Each week
1. I've been setting aside a few pounds each week.
2. How much money do you spend each week?
3. It's a puzzle where all my money goes each week.
4. She laid a little of her pay away each week.
5. We get through an unbelievable amount of food each week.
6. Students learning computer studies spend two days each week in a computer lab and four days in the classroom.
7. Colin Mitchell will judge the entries each week.
8. Try to put by a little bit each week.
9. We were paid a set amount each week.
10. We freed time each week for a project meeting.
10. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
11. The course is timetabled for one period each week.
12. You should save a little each week.
13. Put a little money to one side each week.
14. The aerobics instructor varies the routine each week.
15. 2,500 small businesses were folding each week.
16. She'd laid aside a few pounds each week from her wages.
17. All undergraduates reading English attend a turtorial group each week.
18. Hundreds of new records are produced each week but few get into the charts.
19. Each week she meticulously entered in her notebooks all sums received.
20. If you save some money each week, we can go on holiday.
21. More unemployed people are joining the dole queue each week.
22. Each week Alexander Taylor answers questions on personal finance.
23. The number of bowel actions each week was calculated.
24. Adelaida Parra coordinates seven literacy groups each week spending long hours travelling by bus between the distant shanty towns.
25. It's very public-spirited of you to offer to take the old people to the shops each week.
26. The record company receives dozens of unsolicited demo tapes each week.
27. Most courses involve an average of eight hours attendance at college each week.
28. It is possible for teachers and/or class members to attend individual sessions which are taken by different people each week.
29. There is no classroom; students participate in a conference call each week for about two hours with an instructor.
30. It's a low-paid job, but she still manages to save a few dollars each week.
1. I've been setting aside a few pounds each week.
2. How much money do you spend each week?
3. It's a puzzle where all my money goes each week.
4. She laid a little of her pay away each week.
5. We get through an unbelievable amount of food each week.
6. Students learning computer studies spend two days each week in a computer lab and four days in the classroom.
31. Once the tank is up and running water quality should be maintained by regular partial water changes of 20-30% each week.
32. Recycling also increased, from 8.2 pounds per household each week, to 9.8 pounds after the change.
33. Various travel Web sites and even the airlines themselves are sending notices of low-priced fares and accommodations each week by e-mail.
34. I set myself a target of learning 20 new words each week.
35. Q I've been using Lotus 1-2-3 to draw various graphs from the data I collect each week.
36. Each week I try to do at least three duties, and Friday 30 June was my third that week.
37. She sits in the church pew nest to you each week.
38. Radio producers have to remind themselves each week that radio broadcasting isn't about selling records, but about entertaining an audience.
39. Select one topical current affairs issue each week and swot up on it from newspapers and magazines.
40. We decided to pay for Poppy's upkeep at the kennels, and visited her each week.
40. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
41. One way of doing this without embarking on too much teaching is to spend each week applying the Sunday morning sermon.
42. With so many people eager to show their wares, the exhibition has been split, with different people showing each week.
43. The surgeries at Crook, Peterlee, Consett and Chester-le-Street reopened 16 months ago on a trial basis for half-a-day each week.
44. Whilst others were only allowed to keep the night watch once each week, Nicholas undertook it three times.
45. Each week we receive exclusive notification of thousands of commercial credit agreements relating to sole traders and partnerships as well as limited companies.
46. You know, where you put a penny by each week in case your nipper gets sick and dies.
47. He says none of the parties can afford to ignore the fact that thousands of people die of starvation each week.
48. Their total income each week - from a part-time job, family credit and child benefit - amounts to just over £150.
49. They spend quite a lot of money each week on eating out.
50. A gardener comes in each week to trim the ornamental trees and bushes.
51. Each week the City Attendance Officer called to check the registers for absentees.
52. We were ordered to burn off 2, 000 calories each week.
53. I'm going to try to learn 12 new words each week.
54. The number of classes each week varies from course to course(), but is likely to average about four per course.
55. Amanda immediately hired additional support personnel and reduced the number of calls each of her teams were expected to make each week.
56. You ought to get into the habit of planning your work at the beginning of each week.
57. There will also be special promotions each week and a disco featuring Downtown's Johnny Hero.
58. In one of the several shows taking place each week, lights transform the awning into a canopy of tropical trees.
59. Social needs are met with familiar faces attending each week and consultations with the same nurses and doctors.
60. They presently look like a team that could drift farther into oblivion each week.
61. He thinks the changes would improve the productivity of the office and enable it to handle more work each week.
62. Already, 1,150 people emigrate each week, draining Hong Kong's talent, wealth and middle-class ballast.
63. Ask one of the residents to devise the questions on perhaps a different theme each week.
64. Approximately 15 people graduate from the federally funded San Diego Job Corps each week, and 15 replace them.
65. He does not smoke, eats frugally to keep down his weight and trains six days each week.
66. Learn each week in 60 seconds why fashion is nothing less than a full-time job!
67. Over the same period the average number of animals killed each week has risen from 13,313 per abattoir to 32,729.
68. The cockroach episode of thirtysomething included a scene that the programme makers also used on the opening credit sequence each week.
69. They got three hundred bucks at the end of each week and spent it.
70. You must make sure that your sales figures match up with your receipts at the end of each week.
71. Each week, sometimes twice weekly, food stores advertise their specials in the local newspapers.
72. And each week around 80 demonstrators from the region meet in Middlesbrough to get a motivation injection.
73. Government funding to Social service departments who pay 230-pounds for each resident each week will be cut substantially in April.
74. During the main growing season from April to September, frequent watering is required, adding a liquid houseplant feed each week.
75. Tony himself suggested attending at different times each week in order to familiarize himself with different subject areas of the curriculum.
76. The 21 independent local radio stations all over the Republic claim they are getting audiences of up to three million listeners each week.
77. If you are not currently working, you should devote forty hours each week to job hunting.
78. At top speed, Pixar could produce only about 3 1 / 2 minutes of completed animation each week.
79. A businessman has put forward proposals for the Chesnut Street park which is used by up to 60 lorries each week.
80. And though his grades each week never varied much from 9 and 10, it was only by dint of hard work.
81. In conference each week with them, he selects the musical numbers and their order on the programme.
82. The Inland Revenue requires them to submit sample batches of property valuations for checking each week.
83. Discussion groups are meeting each week during Lent in parishes throughout the diocese.
84. I have already decided to work only four days each week.
85. Randalls has 67 stores, which serve about a million customers each week.
86. Nationwide studies reveal that savings card holders spend an average 33 percent more, or $ 36, on groceries each week.
87. Another example of a Markov chain is the movement pattern of a business executive who visits four cities each week.
88. You're apprenticed to a different tradesman each week, so no ties are formed.
89. Just 200 extra calories each day add up to one-half pound of extra body fat each week.
90. As in post-Pearl Harbour U.S.A., a meatless day each week was decreed, but little effort made to enforce it.
91. Each week, the free papers are stuffed full of job advertisements.
92. Each week the school has a different guest speaker come and talk to the students.
93. It soon became apparent that the working time each week would be limited to about two hours.
94. Price volatility for each week was measured as the square root of the average of daily squared price changes.
95. The cost of the payroll will usually be charged to cost accounts each week.
96. Department heads also attend an interdepartmental meeting each week.
97. Each week Dr Buczacki chooses a listener's question and gives a detailed answer.
98. Sesame candy or sesame oil is also another nice means of providing enough of this form of B vitamin each week.
99. That means exercising at a moderate intensity level for at least 2.5 hours spread over most days each week.
100. Not to mince matters, his work is getting worse each week.
100. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
101. E courses, while in fact, it's really not enough to promote students' psychological healthiness only through two P. E lessons each week, whether from time or pertinency.
102. He worked with his record-breaker twenty to thirty hours each week during the main growing season in July and August.
103. Cards will expire half a year after issuing , Two hours fixed time slot each week.
104. Our playgroup does something different each week and we never run out of new things to do (next week the free Umlauf Sculptor Gardens).
105. Paul Covarrubias, 26, who lives in Chula Vista and works in construction in San Diego, crosses the border each week just to refuel his dual-cab Ford F-250 pickup.
106. Yea. We have two tours each week, leaving Monday and Thursday mornings.
107. It also makes the guy from the shop who supplies the flowers happy, makes two people feel good each week and causes a good deal of pleasant bemusement.
108. Social anthropologist Silvia Basua spends several hours each week helping families to gather the documents they need to register with the state.
109. The music teacher comes twice each week to bridge the awful gap between dorothy and chopin.
110. Your doctor is checking your progression each week, looking for signs of dilation and effacement.
111. It is a daily newspaper, appearing from Monday to Saturday with a Sunday edition of Business Weekly each week.
112. Mountain could be heard on the Burl lves radio program each week.
113. It comes out each week and it has a magazine supplement.
114. Although China is notoriously building one a new coal-fired plant each week, most of them are more efficient than similar facilities in the UK.
115. A US study found parents eat the equivalent of almost a pepperoni pizza of saturated fat each week.
116. It appears from Monday to Saturday with a Sunday edition of Business Weekly each week.
117. On his blog, Mr Mauldin hebdomadally profiles one of the many articles he reads each week, to challenge and stimulate investors to 'think outside the box'.
118. In 1962, due to the burning of garbage each week, an opencast coal mine accidentally ignited.
119. And the San Jose District Attorney's office reports receiving at least two new cases each week.
120. All told, roughly 60 million Americans take acetaminophen each week.
121. The public vote a contestant off the show each week.
122. He is able to lay aside fifty pounds each week.
123. That's why Kitty, a nonbeliever who didn't want her last name used to protect her kids' privacy, brings them to Bishop's class each week.
124. Nearly 22,000 copies all together are printed in-house on a secondhand 1950s litho-plate printing press each week.
125. The hour-long programme will be updated each week and feature highlights from recent games.
126. Members of an investment club pool a set amount of funds each week or month,(http:///each week.html) meet on a regular basis to research stocks and then as a group decide where to place their investment dollars.
127. Jeff: No problem. I just look-out for the Xiamzai. com email newsletters each week!
128. He would sign off each week with the catch-phrase, "I'llsee thee!".
129. Typically, the earliest clear indicator of what's happening to the economy is the number of new claims for unemployment benefits, a statistic compiled each week by the Department of Labor.
130. She asked the grocer to keep a good cut of beef for her each week.
131. Emma Merkas owns the website $30 Date Night and says she and her husband go on dates each week using one of the ideas from the site. Stargazing is one of their favorites.
132. It clears from Monday to Saturday with a Sunday edition of Business Weekly each week.
133. The body mass and food-intake were recorded each week and the food using rate were calculated.
134. Since we crank out so many stories each week some really good ones get lost in the cracks.
135. Once each week multitudes congregate at worshiping to pay homage and respet to Him.
136. Volunteers receive £21 pocket money each week, accommodation and expenses.
137. Just by cutting back on small expenses each week you can save a nice bit of money by the end of the year.
138. Each week, the show took them and viewers on an emotional and mind-bending roller coaster ride, through a dizzying loop of supernatural forces, armed conspirators and, of course, romance.
139. Each week, the show took them and the viewers on an emotional and mind-bending roller coaster ride, through a dizzying loop of supernatural forces, armed conspirators and, of course, romance.
140. He's become a fan of Urban Pantry's sourdough loaves and likes that the rye 'tastes different each week, ' he says.
141. Two high probability trades yielding 15 pips each and using a lot size of 50 is all you need each week.




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