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单词 New algorithm
1. The new algorithm is being tested by executives in the finance department of large multinational companies.
2. The ant colony system is introduced and a new algorithm for TSP is presented. This algorithm is a distributed parallel algorithm with a new state transition rule and new global updating rule.
3. The new algorithm can cut down the redundant state information, so that the composition intensity of learning space is decreased and the convergence of the learning course is accelerated.
4. The simulation results indicate that the new algorithm greatly improves the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) of the reconstructed image compared with EZW.
5. The new algorithm is computationally simple and standalone in some sense that a self-training scheme can be used without employing any other training data.
6. To deal with broadband signal processing, a new algorithm for the Direction Of Arrival (DOA) estimation of wideband Linear Frequency Modulation (LFM) signal was introduced.
7. The new algorithm is obtained by improving the multiplicative congruential and the mixed congruential methods which are in common use now.
8. This paper presents a new algorithm used to demodulate high code rate DQPSK telemetry signal by digital frequency measurement. This algorithm has high efficiency and low error code ratio.
9. Then the numerical results show that new algorithm effectively overcomes the shortcomings of secant method, and evidently improves the convergent speed, convergent range and algorithm stability.
10. A new algorithm of super - resolution image reconstruction based on bilateral filter is proposed in the paper.
11. This paper proposes a new algorithm of video watermarking based on kurtosis and DCT.
12. A new algorithm for array synthesis based on inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) is proposed in the paper.
13. Here a new algorithm is described, i. e. two arbitrary linear graphs are computed with 'union, intersection and difference' to constitute another geometric graph.
14. The new algorithm is shown to be globally convergent and numerical experiments indicate that it is very effective for large scale unconstrained minimization problems.
15. A new algorithm to store bintree of digital image was given. This Algorithm decrease storage space and does not increase time as compared with conventional algorithm.
16. Experiments proves that the new algorithm can quicken convergence speed under certain condition.
17. After the free weights are preassigned , the new algorithm can find the target weights of the other layer by solving linear equation sets.
18. A new algorithm based on fuzzy inference theory is proposed for generating decision rules of pattern classification, which can define a complex nonlinear decision boundary.
19. A new algorithm reuse technique based on algorithm pattern is presented in this paper. Aiming at the optimization problems the paper exposes how to realize the algorithm reuse.
20. Then a new algorithm for linear programing is described and proved without the use of any artificial variable.
20. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. In the new algorithm, buffers are utilized availability to avoid disposing a voxel repeatedly to save memory and time.
22. A new algorithm for the direct allocation method named "adjacent facets searching algorithm" was presented to solving the three-objective constrained control allocation problem.
23. A new algorithm is presented for position regulating of aerofoil bracket on an automatic drilling and riveting machine.
24. This paper proposes a new algorithm for transient current test (IDDT) generation for delay fault.
25. Based on the analysis of the features of large character set language and the string searching procedure of human, a new algorithm was proposed.
26. Based on the concept of correlation of annihilator, a new algorithm is proposed that allows to deciding whether a Boolean function has low degree annihilators successfully.
27. Based on feature coding idea, this paper puts forward a new algorithm of fragile text watermarking based on changing the underlining feature of character.
28. Computer simulation results confirms the theoretical analysis and shows the new algorithm provides faster convergence speed than the complementary pair algorithm and usual LMS algorithm.
29. Based on the element-free Galerkin method and refinement integration method, a new algorithm was proposed for finding the solution of dynamic response of Euler-Bernoulli beam.
30. This paper presents some results of numerical experiments which show the new algorithm is more universal, effective and robust than its competitors, especially the constringency and stability.
31. Compared with Least-Square Approach, the new algorithm is more robust to the overestimation of channel order.
32. A new algorithm stream function method ( SFM ), engendering vector currents from radial currents mapped by two HF Radar sites detection is provided.
33. Based on the analysis of the existing physical topology discovery algorithm relying on SNMP MIB II information, a new algorithm is proposed.
34. After analysing the character of Fourier transform, using 3 level symmetry of Fourier Kernel as a new algorithm for fast Fourier transform was proposed.
35. Given the conditions supposed in the paper, a new algorithm for the performance analysis of the non-hierarchical circuit switching network is proposed.
36. At last, simulation is performed on the new algorithm, and the simulation result is given. The example checking computation of how tor...
37. A new algorithm of computing network reliability by using binary decision diagrams ( BDD ) is presented.
38. The simulation results indicate under multipath channel for low SNR, the new algorithm has lower probability of failure than the conventional algorithm by adopting proper training symbols.
39. The theoretical analysis and the simulation results proved to show that the new algorithm has improved performance of the convergence speed and residual error than traditional CM algorithm.
40. A new algorithm is presented for recognizing planar objects from a line drawing under axonometric and perspective projections based on principle of homograph.
41. Through theoretical derivation, a new algorithm based on IFFT and time domain randomization for the simulation of non-gaussian random processes with specified PSD, skewness and kurtosis was proposed.
42. These two ideas are well combined in this paper, and a new algorithm is derived, that is the multigroup parallel genetic algorithm based on simulated annealing method.
43. By studying the point - to - point comparison method author presented a new algorithm based on point - to - point comparison method.
44. Combining security-constrained economic dispatch(SCED) with continuous power flow(CPF), a new algorithm of ATC calculation in a power market environment is proposed.
45. A new algorithm was developed for the non - rigid point matching problem.
46. A new algorithm for modeling regression curve is put forward in the paper, it combines B-spline network with improved support vector regression.
47. The new algorithm was based on single population without intermediate population, in which mutation operation, crossover operation and selection operation were used on the current population.
48. It is proven that this sorting device has a high recognition ability and this new algorithm has a...
49. In this paper, a. new algorithm substituting an optimized round arc for the outline of tooth curve of an epicyclic gear tooth with long amplitude is discussed.
50. This paper takes stroke segment as pattern primitive to represent the structure information of Chinese character. On the basis,[] a new algorithm to recognize handwritten Chinese character is proposed.
51. The abecedarian numerical computation shows that the new algorithm is more effective than the primary simplex algorithm.
52. In phase compensation, a new algorithm based on accurate target parameter estimation by use of discrete chirp-Fourier transform (DCFT) transform is presented.
53. Then a new algorithm of brivate vector -valued rational interpolants by means of complexification of the knots and backward three-term recurrence relations is given.
54. New algorithm for solving a maximum entropy problem with linear equi- lity constraint is given in this paper.
55. This paper presents a new algorithm used to demodulate high code rate DQPSK telemetry signal by digital frequency measurement.
56. To solve the broadcast storm problem by the use of flooding mechanism in MANET, a new algorithm has been proposed in this paper.
57. Experimental results show that the new algorithm has better performance than Density Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise(DBSCAN).
58. In the paper, a model based diagnosis using qualitative causal model and polynomial algorithm is presented, which has less computation burden and the correctness of this new algorithm is proved.
59. The trackability limitation of current gradient algorithm is discussed. A new algorithm, named variable parameter gradient estimation algorithm with local polynomial approximation is proposed.
60. For the Post-nonlinear mixtured source signals, a new algorithm based on the decorrelation is proposed.
61. This new algorithm uses the background subtraction method to get the foreground image, and then gets the binary image using threshold value and makes the morphology processing.
62. A new algorithm for finding the critical paths is proposed by using coding graph and without topological sort.
63. A new algorithm for line-generating circle is presented in this paper.
64. It is proven that this sorting device has a high recognition ability and this new algorithm has a fast speed.
65. The new algorithm can solve the non-minimum phase mixing problem well.
66. The new algorithm is better than the former one in sieving efficiency, and accordingly the modeling efficiency of disassembly AND-OR graph is greatly increased.
67. Based on this mathematical model, a new algorithm for geological reconstruction is come up, which exactly handles some geological phenomenon such as layer"s disappearance, break away, pucker etc."
68. A new algorithm for tracing equiangular curves is presented to improve the machining quality of free-form surfaces.
69. In the paper presented a new algorithm using the relative analysis and the fuzzy maths to identify the fault current and inrush current of power transformer.
70. A new algorithm for calculating impedance based on derivative method is proposed in order to improve the accuracy and real-time.
71. In this paper A new algorithm is proposed to design a decentralized optimal excitation controller for multimachine power systems.
72. This new algorithm obtain the length of link waiting queue and response time, which helps distribute all the data traffic loads on multiple links and increase the link bandwidth usage.
73. The applications show that the models set up by the new GEP algorithm are superior to the models set up by GP and simple GEP. The new algorithm has high-blooded forecasting accuracy.
74. At last, an example is given, which shows that the new algorithm is easy to be understood and programmed as well as its low time and space complexity.
75. Experimental results show that new algorithm provides by higher discrimination ratio.
76. A new algorithm for detecting R-wave of ECG was proposed on the basis of wavelet transform and morphological operation.
77. In this paper, we give a new algorithm for the bottleneck assignment problem on the basis of Knig s theorem, and show that the time complexity of the algorithm is O(n 3 ).
78. This paper proposed a new algorithm of retiming which can be combined well with other combinational optimization methods to speed up logic circuits.
79. The new algorithm decreases the computational complexity greatly , and increases the accuracy ofestimation greatly.
80. A new algorithm is proposed for the stripe code autocalculating based on the combinatorial mathematics.
81. Because the new algorithm extends the state component of the automata, which makes constructing automata more complex,[http:///new algorithm.html] the security will be improved and it's harder to break into this cryptosystem.
82. A new algorithm for the maximum clique problem has been presented in this paper, the local enumerative algorithm based on average degree sorting.
83. This paper proposes a new algorithm for scheduling an Out-Tree task graph.
84. By comparison test, the new algorithm significantly improves the image corner detection performance.
85. Based on zero crossing representation of wavelet transform of this radial function and matching procedure, a new algorithm to identify orbits of shaft centerline is proposed.
86. A new algorithm is proposed to detect the phase of sinusoidal voltage output from the inverted power supply so as to make the high-precision control of power supply inversion easy to implement.
87. Integer Programming is a famous NP hard problem. This paper presents a new algorithm, in which the method of similar dimidiate is adopted.
88. In order to extract the edge of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) series, a new algorithm based on an improved active contour model was proposed.
89. Based on Multi_sensor Multi_model information, we present a new algorithm based on total information fusion estimation on target state. We prove the validity of this algorithm by computer.
90. The simulation results show that the new algorithm has better performance, less steady residual error and lower calculation complexity than conditional ones.
91. In the new algorithm, two populations are used during the evolution, with one float coding population and the other binary coding population.
92. In this paper, the relation between DFT and DHT of the real value sequence is extended to complex value. A new algorithm of DFT by DHT using this new relationship is proposed.
93. Based on the improved SNN similarity matrix and spectral bisection method, this paper proposed a new algorithm for detecting the community structure in complex networks.
94. In this paper, a new algorithm solving logical relation equations has been obtained.
95. The experimental results show that the new algorithm has better global convergence, and also has higher speed-up ratio.
96. After that, a new algorithm is provided: rapid intra prediction mode decision algorithm.
97. When diameters follow uniform distribution pattern, a new diameter algorithm of generalized model is proposed. The new algorithm is applied to Wenchuan earthquake successfully and worth popularizing.
98. New algorithm of matrix inverse iteration on the eigenvalue problem are presented in this paper.
99. The new algorithm, by way of detecting a one-to-many relationship, allows multi-valued dependencies to be decomposed into relational tables.
100. Many application dilemmas, such as uneven space division, an excessive number of heuristic parameters, poor adaption to dense track scenes, can be avoided by the new algorithm.
101. So, a new algorithm with two - filters for the echo cancellation is proposed.
102. The simulation result shows that the new algorithm can restrain the broadband noise, narrowband noise and multi-path interfere.
103. The new algorithm is used for the tomographic reconstructions of the density distributions in rocket exhausted jet and hypersonic flow, and some errors of the reconstruction result are discussed.
104. A new algorithm for automatically generating single-line diagram is presented.
105. The new algorithm gives good performance on complex optimization problem. Therefore, it has accessional value for the field interrelated with the research.
106. An efficient approach of accelerating capital turnover in enterprises and enforcing financial management can be obtained by adopting the new algorithm.
107. This paper presents a new algorithm for very useful symmetry fuzzy optimum model in optimum design of agricultural engineering equipment.
108. At last, this paper analyses the delay correlation properties of 2FSK signal, and proposes a new algorithm for symbol synchronization, which shows better performance when frequency offset exists.
109. In this paper, an explicit induction method in rewriting systems is proposed, and a new algorithm based on it is designed to prove inductive theorems of equational systems.
110. In the mining process, we present a new algorithm of loose break sequence mining.
111. By studying the functional properties of index expressions of array elements in FORTRAN DO-loops, a new algorithm, called the associative function algorithm, is developed.
112. A new algorithm based on line - labeling and region - growing was proposed for binary connected component labeling.
113. A new algorithm was proposed to partition triangular meshes into quadrangular segmentation automatically.
114. A new algorithm is presented for training of multilayer feed forward networks by integrating a genetic algorithm with an adaptive conjugate gradient neural network learning algorithm.
115. We propose a new algorithm for playfield color detection based on intrinsic image.
116. A new algorithm for linear interpolation is presented based on trial-and-error method and least error method.
117. Based on the discussion of quick sort algorithm, a new algorithm, position computing, is proposed.
118. Compared with traditional wind vector algorithm and wind measurement from buoy, the new algorithm, which has no problem with the wind direction ambiguity, is more accurate.
119. A new algorithm for digital image watermarking based on binary operation in the wavelet transform domain is proposed, and the original image is not required for detecting the watermark.
120. The new algorithm has the same results as the FRSAR, but its execute time has been largely reduced.




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