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单词 Profit from
1. It seems the banks always profit from farmers' misfortunes.
2. He hoped to profit from his investments.
3. A lot of companies will profit from the fall in interest rates.
4. He made a huge profit from the sale of shares purchased in January under the company's stock option program.
5. She makes a big profit from selling waste material to textile companies.
6. The net profit from the sale was 100 dollars.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. You could profit from listening to a wise man.
8. The thieves carved up the profit from the robbery.
9. She salted away most of the profit from the business.
10. Jennifer wasn't yet totally convinced that she'd profit from a more relaxed lifestyle.
11. Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it. Publilius Syrus 
12. Sharing confidences Never profit from a confidence, but make profit in confidence Sharing confidences is essentially a two-way process.
13. If we are to profit from an international perspective on curriculum management, we have surely to deepen our questions.
14. It could profit from increased efficiency, as long as the technology is available.
15. But unlike physicians, veterinarians sell -- and profit from -- the drugs they prescribe.
16. Allowing insiders - ie, better-informed people - to profit from trading means that share prices reflect information more quickly.
17. The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a different way. Dale Carnegie 
18. Would efficient sewage companies make a profit from compost and give rebates to prolific producers?
19. Taught postgraduate and higher degree students profit from a very wide range of national and international contacts in the department.
20. Publishers, eager to profit from the new surge of interest in romances, hurriedly launched new romance lines.
21. To interest my heart and soul in my work, and aspire to the highest efficiency in the achievement of results. To be patiently receptive of just criticism and profit from its teaching.
22. In the final analysis, it is the drug companies that are going to profit from this policy.
23. These neglected aspects weaken attempts to distribute land due to the very low levels of profit from the minifundia.
24. The education in analytical chemistry and environmental sciences will certainly profit from this book, too.
25. Because they are not big campaign contributors while those who profit from the present system are.
26. Analysts said the mining shares are also expected to profit from the growing global demand for electronics parts which use their metals.
27. The learned judge held not, for the reason that no one is entitled to profit from his own wrong.
28. All but a few would advise others to seize the chance and profit from it.
29. As is invariably the case in such matters, the only people to profit from the entire episode were the lawyers.
30. Clothiers in Gloucestershire did not reduce piece rates, and so weavers were able to profit from their enhanced productivity.
1. It seems the banks always profit from farmers' misfortunes.
2. He hoped to profit from his investments.
3. A lot of companies will profit from the fall in interest rates.
4. He made a huge profit from the sale of shares purchased in January under the company's stock option program.
5. She makes a big profit from selling waste material to textile companies.
6. The thieves carved up the profit from the robbery.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
31. The bank would profit from this, but the investors might not fair as well.
32. The current yield is used to estimate the cost of or profit from holding a bond.
33. Also it should not be assumed that the vendor will wish solely to extract the profit from the company.
34. Who makes a profit from cramming more climbers on to our cliffs?
35. There are now nine partners who stand to profit from the sale.
36. Midas, whose name has become a synonym for a rich man, had very little profit from his riches./profit from.html
37. There has been no mention of any way to profit from the use of lunar material.
38. It is a good example of how manufacturers and customers can profit from joint developments.
39. Microsoft said profit from operations rose 45 percent in its second fiscal quarter ending in December.
40. So, the star of the group was the oil division, which saw operating profit from continuing operations up 40%.
41. Is this really how we should allow these broadcasting companies to profit from the public airwaves?
42. The main concern of their administration was to profit from the monopoly over cinnamon, the principal export commodity.
43. He will not in the long run profit from arrangements that turn the surviving research institutes into training grounds for emigrant specialists.
44. As convicted felons are not allowed to profit from their crimes, then Johnson should not be allowed to benefit.
45. He expects to profit from the high strike mostly when he throws his overhand curve which breaks late into the strike zone.
46. Timmy was a natural games player and was quick to profit from the tips his father gave him.
47. What many need is to be told that they can achieve something more constructive than a profit from others' financial predicament.
48. No matter how old we become, we can acquire knowledge and use it. We can gather wisdom and profit from it. We can grow and progress and improve-and, in the process, strengthen the livs of those within our circle of influence. Gordon B. Hinckley 
49. But back on the marshes and fens, who was really to profit from this continual process of ever more intensive cultivation?
50. Yet savers will still profit from the bull market as beneficiaries of the pension funds to which they sold their shares.
51. But Arnold Thomas smelled a bigger profit from the up-and-coming developers who were looking to build back-to-backs for the mill-workers.
52. The latter were continuing to draw prestige as well as profit from their ill-gotten gains.
53. Speciality Chemicals division saw a slight rise in operating profit from £223m in 1990 to £225m.
54. Life insurers used to be able to show any profit from selling a bond in the year in which they traded it.
55. Until now they have made a tidy profit from selling re-issued pop hits from the fifties, sixties and seventies.
56. How investors profit from Singapores Real Estate Investment Trusts?
57. The medical establishment doesn't profit from preventive medicine.
58. We prefer the larger profit from a bigger turn-over.
59. This requires construction companies to enforce their cost control, lower the cost, and gain profit from management and try to maximize their profit.
60. However, the real problem in judging property market speculation goes beyond the debate on Wenzhou groups and the holders of idle money who profit from property prices.
61. Investors fall into a special category as news consumers; they tend to operate on a hair trigger so they can profit from breaking news before other investors act and wipe out their advantage.
62. Mr. Lee expects a windfall profit from playing the stock market.
63. Modern economy needs modern liaison man , the freeway of modernization of modern traffic profit from.
64. Bank why does state edge have such charm?This profit from bank state city desk does to understand and hold to investment climate.
65. Meanwhile, the opportunities for true profit from innovation in the unfettered global internet are staggering.
66. The success of osmund appearance, greatly profit from enters chemist's shop mode of this one sale.
66. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
67. Therefore, our country Commercial bank urgent ly needs to profit from the international advanced managerial technique and the experience to manage our country Commercial bank's market risk.
68. For example, a business objective could be: "The data warehouse has to support the analysis of operational costs, and the analysis of profit from the sale of products."
69. However, Chinese commercial banks, including China Merchants Bank, earn their 80% of their profit from the wholesale banking business.
70. Event management is the commercial operation in which the Organizer uses activities related to Expo 2010 as resources to carry out market development and gain profit from it.
71. That represented growth % in revenue and 5 % in profit from the year before.
72. MOUNTAIN VIEW , Calif. - Have you ever made a profit from a catering business or dog walking?
73. The high speed of two regions economy grows, greatly the interpose with profit from strong government.
74. And, this actual case can provide a reference for other companies to find and fix their problems when they face SA8000 and gain profit from social morality marketing.
75. He says the Kurdish government allowed cronies to profit from an oil deal, which should have been strictly between Kurdistan and the foreign oil company that won the contract.
76. The rate of operating profit from the sale or the percentage of revenue.
77. Therefore, how to gain profit from limited resources by integration of college sports resources has become an important topic that college sports reform need to face.
78. they tend to operate on a hair trigger so they can profit from breaking news before other investors act and wipe out their advantage.
79. The idea of allowing companies to profit from falls in their own liabilities proved controversial when accounting rule makers debated the idea.
80. London's banks are now readying themselves to profit from the growing offshore market in China's currency, the yuan.
81. He hoped to profit from loaning money to make money.
82. Event Management Event management is the commercial operation in which the Organizer uses activities related to Expo 2010 as resources to carry out market development and gain profit from it.
83. Any undistributed profit from previous year may be distributed with the profits of the current year.
84. Almost all modern machines have enough cache memory to profit from LAPACK's design.
85. It achieved a compound growth rate of 46% in operating income and 39% in net profit from 2006 to 2010.
86. Isn't it a result of gainful business owners who profit from products, regardless of the increasingly and severely damaged environments in the process of production?
87. Intermediary bussiness is off-balance-sheet activities. Profit from intermediary business is non-interest income of commercial banks.
88. The bill seeks to help publicly-funded researchers commercialise their research, and would enable scientists in publicly-funded organisations to keep 30 per cent of the net profit from patented work.
89. Low profit from construction of hydropower station directly influences simple reproduction and expanded one of power enterprises.
90. AAPL.O), which entered the handset industry only three years ago, makes one iPhone for every 13 phones Nokia sells, but it generates larger total profit from these fewer phones.
91. Content of profit from game upgrades and have agglutinant game group, netease is able to lengthen the lifecycle of its myth game.
92. Therefore, the model most likely to profit from the services side, that is, network service charges.
93. A Pakistani driver even turned down a chance to profit from my loss of hope: he refused to take me to the middle of the George Washington Bridge, a $20 trip.
94. Needless to say the Golden there're company is zillionaire Smith company because of the popularity of potato chips and profit from it.
95. That represented growth of 48 % in revenue and % in profit from the year before.
96. Since 2006, China Yurun Foods has generated about 9% of its profit from negative goodwill, an accounting quirk that allows the company to mark up the value of the pig slaughterhouses it buys.
97. The best time to profit from a trend is before it becomes overpriced and volatile.
98. Both turned into huge hits with staying power: in fiscal 2006 and 2007 combined, Disney made over $100m of operating profit from "High School Musical" and various spin-off products.
99. Currency note arbitrage: Activities that seek to profit from the deviation between the official exchange rate applicable to the issue and redemption of banknotes and the market exchange rate.
100. Each business relies on human waste as its primary input, makes a profit from reusing it, then ploughs a portion of those profits back into providing sanitation for the poor.
101. Nevertheless, partial socialization website however the information data that purloin user registers, seek profit from which.
102. The surplus profit from a mining right should be shared by the vendor and the vendee.
103. To be patiently receptive of just criticism and profit from its teaching.
104. China does not pursue trade surplus and the Chinese Government has never used so-called currency manipulation to gain profit from international trade.
105. Speculation The process of selecting investments with higher risk in order to profit from an anticipated price movement.
106. Banks have raked in profit from the buy - out industry's appetite for loans and deal - making advice.




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