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单词 Isotopic
1. Plutonium is graded by its isotopic composition.
2. Both naturally-occurring and artificial isotopic mixtures can give useful information.
3. The problem was resolved using a trick called isotopic substitution.
4. As we have seen in Section 5.12, isotopic substitution can lead to changes in vibration frequencies.
5. Isotopic fingerprinting can also make an important contribution towards information about modern as well as ancient trade.
6. Their chemical and isotopic compositions are meteoritic and they have had long histories of flight through space.
7. This supernatant was used for measurement of isotopic enrichment of free leucine.
8. Isotopic compositions of continental intraplate mantle-derived magmas commonly vary as a function of lithospheric age.
9. Isotopic discrimination is not likely.
10. By correction of isotopic standards , the absolute measurement method of MC - ICPMS was established.
11. Based on isotopic geochemistry, relationship between mineralization of Shanmen deposit and regional magmatic activity is discussed.
12. The results agree with those by using isotopic method reported in the literature.
13. The isotopic signatures of most ancient limestones indicated the same process.
14. Stable isotopic method can be used effectively in the diagenetic research of deep water carbonate rocks.
15. Stable isotopic composition of fossil ostracode is used as an ideal proxy for paleo- lake sedimentary environments.
16. Development of geochronology from isotopic chronology to tectonic chronology must evolve several stages including ther- mal chronology, tectono-thermochronology and deformation chronology.
17. The relative large lithium isotopic fractionation in natural samples has useful application in the fields of geochemistry, cosmo-chemistry and nuclear chemistry.
18. S isotopic evidence suggests that sulphur originated from marine sulfate and stored in the interlayer water, consisted of intercrystalline water, void water and muckle water.
19. The proportional and carbon isotopic compositions of hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon gases are almost identical among these gold capsules.
20. Deformation modes involving hydrogen also drop dramatically in frequency on isotopic substitution.
21. The observed correlations are perhaps most simply attributed to mixing between components with differing isotopic composition and elemental abundances.
22. For example, the origin of ivory can be identified by its strontium isotopic composition,(http:///isotopic.html) which reflects the diet of the elephant.
23. The array to the far left mimics the lead isotopic compositions at 130Myr.
24. Fluor carbonate minerals from the late stage veins have relatively low carbon and oxygen isotopic values, implying an involvement of mantle derived solution.
25. "We are currently undertaking osteological and forensics studies, but it will be some months before we have this information and we can compare it with the isotopic information, " he said.
26. It is showed that compensated neutron logging can be realized by using neutron generator instead of isotopic neutron source.
27. This paper discussed the relationship between solid content and density of aluminium hydroxide slurry and describes the measurement method and in situ applications of isotopic densitometer.
28. The succession, division and correlation of these strata are studied with lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and isotopic geochronology methods and by the combination of of point, line and area.
29. As a versatile example, the feasibility of this scheme applied to lutetium isotopic analysis by Laser Resonance ionization Spectrometry was discussed.
30. Micropore abundance increases with increasing coal maturity, which imposes much restriction on the gas flow and results in distinct isotopic fractionation.
31. According to isotopic geochronology, intrusion of Yunmengshan plutons happened in Middle Yanshanian.
32. Eight equations computed isotopic abundance and two equations computed isotopic abundance ratio have been given.
33. According to the isotopic dating, it was emplaced into the active continental margin in Permian, which was resulted from the eastward subduction of the Tethys sea.
34. This paper has summarized some advances, existing problems and developing tendency on the geochemical research by integrated application of noble gas isotopes and other isotopic methods.
35. With the noble gas isotopic data of mantle xenoliths from eastern China, the main advance are summarized in this paper.
36. It is important to avoid the use of uranium compounds of unspecified isotopic composition.
37. Carbon isotopic value of methane from similitude kerogen is lighter than that from total rock in the presence of element sulfur.
38. And the hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions heavy waters are calculated by the high - resolution mass spectrometer.
39. Because experimental condition and analytic technique have been improved, "double spike" isotopic dating method of lead isotope and analyses calc.
40. Recovering deuterium from uranium deuteride bed by means of the isotopic exchange reaction between the solid and gas phases at room temperature is introduced.
41. Osmium isotopes in the natural isotopic mixture are separation by gas centrifuge technology.
42. These achievements can be regarded as great contributions to the unification of datum mark and scale of isotopic measurements.
43. This change does not disturb isotopic fractionation andthethe stalagmite able to keep environment information.
44. Consistence between isotopic model age of lead ore and intrusion age of quartz porphyry shows close relations among structure movements, magmatism and mineralization in Stage of Yenshan.
45. The isotopic geochronology is an important way for researching the geologic development of these two groups.
46. At the same time, a Sm-Nd isochron age of 1180 Ma is obtained. According to the regional stratigraphic correlation, isotopic age and micropaleoplants, we put the Gaolan Group in the Mesoproterozoic.
47. This article briefly describes the method and applications of isotopic dilution mass spectrometry ( IDMS ).
48. Isotopic scans demonstrate a nonfunctioning ( cold ) nodule that does not concentrate radioiodine.
49. The isotopic abundance ratio and content are determined with isotopic mass - spectrometry.
50. Computative program of isotopic abundances and average atomic weights of elements.
51. The environmental isotopic tracer is a new technique developed in recent years.
51. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
52. The age of emplacement is at Upper Paleozoic Era from the result of isotopic age determination.
53. Isotopic and trace elements data show that mineralizing materials are of multi - sources.
54. Combining the isotopic dilution (ID) method with the on-line fractionation correction method, the rhenium content can be determined accurately at sub-nanogram level using the normal solution n.
55. The procedures for the extract and purification as well as isotopic measurement of boron in natural samples (salt lake brine, seawater and rock) were studied in this paper.
56. Then the isospin effect of the isotopic distribution produced in the fragmentation reaction was investigated via the modified statistical abrasion-ablation model.
57. The Pb, S isotopic study shows that the mass migration and the fractional distillation of Pb isotope took place in the whole rock and in the cement.
58. With the limnological characteristics of water and sediment, the influencing factors on isotopic composition in sedimentary organic matter and carbonate were discussed.
59. Noble gas isotopic geochemistry is a useful tool for studying on mantle degassing and evolution of the Earth′s atmosphere.
60. The Carbon and oxygen isotopic values show big difference among various plants in each peat bog and all plants are of C3 plants.
61. As a versatile example, the feasibility of this scheme applied to lutetium isotopic analysis by Laser Resonance ionization Spectrometry(LRIMS) was discussed.
62. The kinetic of heterogeneous isotopic exchange reaction in hydrothermal melt state is studied and the results show that this labelling method gives high yield, rapid rate and good purity.
63. The diamond, SiC and graphite grains with isotopic anomaly of noble gas are separated from original residue of chondrites.
64. The isotopic dating and fossil geochronometry are the basic methods of ophiolite geochronometry.
65. The portable type of isotopic radiogenic X-ray fluorescence analysis is a kind of method of instrumental analysis without the destructive effect on the samples.
66. The catalysis of enzymes causes much more complexity for the isotopic fractionation under microbial actions.
67. Sulfur isotopic analyses are consistent with derivation of sulfur from a mixed source in deep crust, and lead isotopic analyses support derivation of lead from multiple sources.
68. This paper determined the sulfur isotopic composition of the Mianning REE deposit, Sichuan Province , China.
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69. The authors collected systematic samples from the growth layers of Tridacna squasama in the Xisha Islands, determined Sr isotopic composition and obtained Sr isotopic growth curve of the mollusk.
70. Therefore, development of analytical techniques is always a major task of study on isotopic geochemistry.
71. Evidence from isotopic dating suggests that the greenstone belts vary considerably in age.
72. Noble gas isotopic compositions in mantle fluids are associated with their tectonic settings and magmation in deep mantle.
73. An isotopic analysis of the grains has made that fear come true.
74. Following the Chernobyl accident, the radiation was prolonged and mainly isotopic. Exposure was therefore via ingestion and inhalation of radiostopes, mainly iodine-131 and caesium-137.
75. Since Monte Carlo code cannot be applied to calculate the isotopic composition of burned fuel, a new algorithm combined with the depletion code is proposed to calculate burnup.
76. This study provides a high-precision Re-Os isotopic dating for ten molybdenite separated from the different ore types with an isochron age of (168.
77. Radiation can be divided into two main types – highly penetrating such as X and gamma ray, and isotopic such as iodine-131, which needs to enter the body to have an effect.




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