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单词 Dryden
1. There was still room on his desk for Dryden and Pope beside his knuckle-duster.
2. It was the family home of the Dryden family and was visited by the poet John Dryden.
3. Dryden makes him sound a monument of dullness; in reality he is brisk, lively and journalistic.
4. Dryden spent his £13,000 redundancy money on the plot of land where he illegally built the bungalow.
5. John Dryden was appointed the first Poet Laureate.
6. Dryden and Pope are the great masters of the artificial style of poetry in English language.
7. John Dryden 233. One is easily fooled by that which one love.
8. Representative writers of this period are John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Jonathan Swift and Samuel Johnson.
9. The Augustan age of English literature includes the writers Dryden,(Sentencedict) Swift and Pope.
10. In October 1922 he was still a bright and energetic undergraduate with enthusiasms for Dryden and Carlyle.
11. Collinson was gunned down after ordering bulldozers to demolish the bungalow which Dryden had built without planning permission.
12. His comments on the great world conflict were studded with quotations from Marlowe and Dryden, Milton and Tennyson.
13. You can actually see the mechanics of end-stopped verse quite clearly in the rhymed version of Paradise Lost that, admittedly, the great poet John Dryden wrote.
14. The greatness of Milton's epic was immediately recognized, and the admiring comments of the respected poets John Dryden and Andrew Marvell helped restore Milton to favor.
15. Errows, like straws, upon the surface flow, he who would search for pearls must drive below—John Dryden.
16. The old rule against stranding a preposition at the end of a clause, like "whom we've worked with", was a peeve of the 17th-century essayist John Dryden.
17. We first make our habits, then our habits make us. - John Dryden.
18. Beauty unaccompanied by virtue is as a flower without perfume . ---- Dryden.
19. Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; And every little absence is an age. John Dryden.
20. The wings of birds were clogged with ice and snow - Dryden.
21. Fama, Eugene , and Merton H. Miller, 1972, The Theory of Finance, II 1: Dryden Press.




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