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单词 Flow control
1 Their flow characteristics permit accurate and repeatable flow control.
2 This character has severe impact on flow control and queuing analysis in broadband networks.
3 Flow control ensures that a source host does not overflow the buffers in a destination host.
4 To sum up: balance valve and constant flow control valve are optional equipment, and set the flow valve generally not be considered.
5 According to air flow control principle, by adoption of pneumatic line drive technology and vacuum suction technology, pneumatic feeding mechanism was manufactured.
6 Bare shaft, lever - lock flow control handle, worm gear operator, electric and pneumatic actuators.
7 Fluid flowing through flow control element 352 is directed into first cavity 216 within valve body 212.
8 Available Bit Rate ( ABR ) Flow Control in Asynchronous Transfer Mode ( ATM ) Networks.
9 This thesis uses FIFO input flow control strategy to improve performance of ATM multimedia network of Shanghai Railway Station.
10 The fluid flow control system of claim 1, wherein the inlet valve actuation device is a motor.
11 The second type of flow control statement in Python is the while loop, which executes a block of program statements while an expression evaluates True.
12 This loop can be an alternative standard flow control loop to receive the maximum output flow.
13 A compound statement consists of a flow control instruction, followed by a colon character (:), followed by a block of program statements.
14 A flow control method which combines fuzzy control and PID control and simulate human intellection is realized in the system of blowing argon from ladle bottom.
15 Discusses the problem about the water flow control primary network when consumers randomly regulate flow.
16 The design of an effective flow control mechanism is critical to the enhancement of the network performance.
17 This paper proposes an approach to design a rate based flow control mechanism in order to regulate the Available Bit Rate (ABR) traffic and effectively control congestion of the networks.
18 Performce improvements obtained from 3D blading, which can provide more powerful flow control scheme, are widely recognized by the industry.
19 Functions : two stage shut - off, flow - rate control in conjunction with any electronic register with digital flow control.
20 The default parameters for the console port are 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
21 Logistics requirements for the accuracy, timeliness, reflect business - to - cash flow control.
22 That is not as easy as it sounds, because the only control typically supplied by the machine builder is a coolant flow valve, and often that valve is not designed for accurate flow control.
23 Fluid Energy Controls Surge Stop Surge Suppressors are designed to dampen the pressure surges caused by rapid closing and opening of flow control valves in any liquid handling system.
24 Prioritization - In contrast to changing the order of incoming requests (which is described by flow control), prioritization enables the ODR to apply a certain logic or ruleset on the request flow.
25 This dissertation gives emphasis to the batch control, the flow control, the heating and the heat preservation.
26 In order to improve the authenticity of the application simulation, the flow control services have been added for the TCP agent, which make the analog network closer to the real network.
27 The DFP method of non-linear optimization is used to calculate shadow price in link. The REM algorithm is improved on the basis of analysis of REM algorithm and optimization flow control model.
28 The asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) forum has chosen rate based control as the flow control scheme for available bit rate(ABR) service.
29 The flow visualization and measurement technology were used to study the flow separation, development of mass vortex and flow control mechanism of triplane at large angle of attack in a water tunnel.
30 A new architecture for interconnecting legacy LANs and ATM WANs is proposed in this paper, namely the DQDBATM MAN approach, which borrows the flow control scheme from DQDB MAN.
31 HOKE realizes that no two plants are exactly alike and can offer you custom designed solutions to meet your unique process flow control component requirements.
32 The last flow control signal present in DTE / DCE communication is the CD carrier detect .
33 The distributed computation ability of active networks provides a new approach to network flow control.
34 With the Manual Flow Control (MFC) pump capacity can be changed from maximum to zero without altering the discharge pressure, without by-passing fluid, and without changing pump RPM.
35 This paper analyzes the mechanism of flow control in bang-bang valves and the method to improve control accuracy.
36 Throttles dense solutions of paper mill stock for headbox flow control, etc.
37 Variable vane pump is used as flow control element in the system, whereas two electrohydraulic proportional valveacts as leading valve controlling the eccentricity of the vane pump.
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38 In order to reduce delay and minimize the cost of delay, takes flow control method in terminal area.
39 A first flow control element 352 is disposed within first cavity 216 of valve body 212, and a second flow control element 354 is disposed within second cavity 218 of valve body 212.
40 And HSP uses a new flow control method which is based on data group window, in this way HSP can transmit more data in one transport process.
41 A single flow control element would be disposed in cavity 216.
42 Discusses the problem about the water flow control primary network when consumers randomly regulate water flow.
43 This paper mainly designs a flow control routed protocol based on the characteristics of WSNs for applications of shipping equipment monitoring.
44 In user access control, the system realizes user access right control[], operation flow control and change control.
45 The EcmaScript component offers only the core language features -- the primitive data types, expression evaluation, flow control, etc.
46 Because of this cross connection, the DTR output line can be used for simple flow control.
47 The article brings forward file level flow control mechanism, this mechanism use stream information layers to choose strip files with less data rate to send when networks is congested.
48 Reference will be given through introduction of budget management and its flow control.
49 Cash flow statement analysis could be used as an effective tool for cash flow control.
50 A flow control system is still needed in the future, thus how to obtain real time and accurate flight data especially for preflight information will be an important task.
51 Serial communication experiment: the results of this experiment, open HyperTerminal, set the baud rate to 115200, data flow control bit is not.
52 Set the speed to 115200, the data bits to 8, the parity to None, the stop bits to 1, and flow control to None.
53 Its programming interface is based on message, which makes it convenient to buffer management, flow control, and priority based message schedule strategy.
54 WebSphere Sensor Events relies on the CBE event format specification for the envelope of the event message for flow control and routing.
55 Timing and flow control are key problems in strategic decision-making simulation system.
56 The EFCI-based ABR flow control scheme is a very simple scheme, and is adopted in many ATM switches.
57 HDLC defines a Layer 2 framing structure that allows for flow control and error control using acknowledgments and a windowing scheme.
58 A second stream or flow path "FP2" is defined by fluid flowing through flow control element 354 into cavity 218 in valve body 212.
59 First, connect to each switch using the serial console port with a straight serial cable (9600, 8-N-1, no flow control) with a default user ID admin and no password.
60 Some issues such as clock, fault propagation, flow control and auto-negotiation are analyzed in detail and solutions to the problems are also presented.
61 This paper Analyzes current all kinds of Available Bit Rate (ABR) Service flow control schemes of ATM network.
62 For all devices, the settings are 115200, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no hardware or software flow control.
63 Available Bit Rate (ABR) flow control is an effective measure in ATM network congestion control and traffic management.
64 The self-test of intelligent device, signal interface and test flow control, database management, and result display and storage is finished with industry computer.
65 In this paper, we first contrast the pros and cons of rate-based and credit-based flow control patterns, and get the conclusion that the latter is more suitable for the IP router design.
66 Study the Model for Evaluating Social Benefit of Walley Debris Flow Control.
67 Phantom scheme was a simple and effective flow control method for congestion avoiding.
68 Ecologic benefit of valley debris flow control has studied from the angle of stability of ecologic system.
69 The boundary layer flow control using dielectric barrier surface discharge plasma is simulated using Poisson's equation, drift-diffusion model and N-S equations.
70 The console port does not support hardware flow control .
71 Cooling water flow control plays an important part in plate mill controlled cooling process.
72 This paper studies the simulation method of tie line power flow control among areas of an interconnected network in load flow calculation.
73 In this paper we studied effects of interactions between routing and global Isarithmic adaptive flow control algorithms on the performance and stability in packet-switching networks.
74 Scope of application: lab, gas analysis and testing, flow control, gas bus-bar, testing equipment.
75 The switch! ' supports 10M/100M automatic negotiate, half-duplex and full-duplex mode operations, line switching, flow control, address learning, and port-based VLAN, etc.
76 The simplest flow control statement is the if statement, whose basic syntax is demonstrated in the pseudocode shown in Listing 4.
77 The refrigerant system further comprises a controller in electrical communication with said flow control device.
78 In 1, the company human resources informatization overall planning and project promotion; the overall human resource flow control and comb has very rich experience.
79 The fluid surface forcing control system applied on counter pressure casting is built based on the combined digital valve as the main flow control component.
80 IrLAP is the link accesses protocol layer responsible for IrDa device discovery, retransmission, and flow control.
81 In order to analyze the electrical parameters' evolving mechanism in plasma flow control , plasma aerodynamic actuation system's resonance characteristics are experimentally investigated.
82 The system uses the simplest axial-flow sleeve as flow control valve to blank off, isolate and select reservoir. The system adopts all-hydraulic operation.
83 The steel plant process has been modeled as a multi-dimensional mass-flow control system in which the transformation of mass states, mass properties and flow control have been mixed.
84 Configure the terminal or PC terminal emulation software for 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
85 That which running daily in a refinery belongs to the procession of continuous production. Its job control program should be listed in the flow control model.




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