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单词 Domestic
1. Modern devices facilitate domestic work.
2. The revolutionaries expunged domestic opposition.
3. We share the domestic chores.
4. She commuted some foreign currency to domestic.
5. She is a very domestic sort of woman.
6. Many young girls became domestic servants .
7. It appears to be an idyllic domestic set-up.
8. Domestic flights go from Terminal 1.
9. Most domestic freezers operate at below -18 ?C.
10. Women are still the main victims of domestic violence.
11. The loss of his high-paying job caused enormous domestic upheaval.
12. A government split would have dire consequences for domestic peace.
13. The slowdown in domestic demand was offset by an increase in exports.
14. This is domestic news.
15. Rising import prices tend to feed back into domestic prices.
16. Domestic fuel bills are set to rise again in the autumn.
17. A number of domestic animals have some utility for man while they are alive.
18. Their stated aim was to free women from domestic slavery.
19. She was twittering about domestic trivialities.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. Police have difficulties in dealing with domestic disputes.
21. The police were called to sort out a domestic.
22. Wild boar readily hybridises with the domestic pig.
23. They had to reflate with a view to stimulate their domestic economy.
24. The reduction of crime levels is the centrepiece of the president's domestic policies.
25. The objective would be to recycle 98 per cent of domestic waste.
26. To the casual observer(), it would have looked like any other domestic argument.
27. The next day he put himself first on the new roster for domestic chores.
28. They would spin and weave cloth, cook and attend to the domestic side of life.
29. Output consists of both exports and sales on the domestic market.
30. The size of the machines makes them inappropriate for domestic use.
1. Modern devices facilitate domestic work.
2. The revolutionaries expunged domestic opposition.
3. We share the domestic chores.
4. She is a very domestic sort of woman.
5. Many young girls became domestic servants .
6. It appears to be an idyllic domestic set-up.
7. Domestic flights go from Terminal 1.
8. Most domestic freezers operate at below -18 ?C.
9. Women are still the main victims of domestic violence.
10. The loss of his high-paying job caused enormous domestic upheaval.
11. A government split would have dire consequences for domestic peace.
12. The slowdown in domestic demand was offset by an increase in exports.
13. Domestic fuel bills are set to rise again in the autumn.
14. The reduction of crime levels is the centrepiece of the president's domestic policies.
15. The objective would be to recycle 98 per cent of domestic waste.
16. To the casual observer, it would have looked like any other domestic argument.
17. The next day he put himself first on the new roster for domestic chores.
18. They would spin and weave cloth, cook and attend to the domestic side of life.
19. A number of domestic animals have some utility for man while they are alive.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. Their stated aim was to free women from domestic slavery.
21. Output consists of both exports and sales on the domestic market.
22. The size of the machines makes them inappropriate for domestic use.
23. He could do his work in life efficiently with a background of domestic comforts.
24. Some resurrection of domestic price pressure was apparent in the early part of the year.
25. The Fourth of July domestic culinary pyromania is followed by community pyrotechnics.
26. Growth in the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) decelerated significantly, from 10.5 per cent in real terms in 2000 to a mere 0.1 per cent in 2001.
31. Low prices crimped domestic output and foreign imports.
32. She stood there, quietly observing the domestic scene.
33. China's austerity program has cut domestic consumption .
34. Hard work always takes your mind off domestic problems.
35. Most domestic hobs have four gas or electric rings.
36. Domestic violence seems to cut across most social divisions.
37. Nowadays there is more sharing of domestic chores.
38. Domestic coal supplies were more plentiful in the mid-1950s.
39. We spent the whole evening discussing domestic trivia.
40. The cow is a domestic animal.
41. Domestic violence is a regular occurrence in some families.
42. I am worn out with domestic worries.
43. She felt fenced in by domestic routine.
44. She does the domestic affairs every day.
45. German domestic consumption buoyed the German economy.
46. He left all the domestic chores for his wife.
47. Cars are subject to a high domestic tax.
48. Their domestic arrangements were considered unconventional at the time.
49. Unfortunately his domestic life wasn't very happy.
49. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
50. Domestic opinion had turned against the war.
51. Domestic policy was soon overshadowed by political unrest abroad.
52. No, I'm not very domestic.
53. It was a scene of such domestic bliss.
54. The film turns about a domestic tragedy.
55. The hijacker comman-deered the plane on a domestic flight.
56. I resented this intrusion into my domestic affairs.
57. Some of the wolves had interbred with domestic dogs.
58. Their business schools provide recruits for domestic industry.
59. I'm not a very domestic sort of person.
60. The domestic market is still depressed, but demand abroad is picking up.
61. The report documents the staggering amount of domestic violence against women.
62. She stood at the door observing the peaceful domestic tableau around the fire.
63. The domestic market makes up about 75% of their sales.
64. Domestic conditions did not justify a loosening of monetary policy.
65. Meanwhile, the domestic debate on Denmark's future role in Europe rages on.
66. The front pages are, as usual, a mixture of domestic and foreign news.
67. At the very least, the Government must offer some protection to mothers who fear domestic violence.
68. He could do his work in life efficiently with a background of domestic comforts.
69. Some resurrection of domestic price pressure was apparent in the early part of the year.
70. Social workers went to great pains to acknowledge men's domestic rights.
71. The issue of taxing domestic fuel has become a political hot potato.
72. The country's fixation on the war may delay a serious examination of domestic needs.
73. The media was criticized for its thoughtless incursion into the domestic grief of the family.
74. There is a sharp distinction between domestic and international politics.
75. On the domestic front, the president got his way with his budget proposals.
76. We stock a wide range of domestic appliances, including fridges, freezers and dishwashers.
77. It is clearly desirable that domestic and European law should be compatible.
78. Domestic prices have been aligned with those in world markets.
79. It is important that the recovery be export-led rather than led by domestic consumption.
79. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
80. Their domestic reforms did nothing to solve the problem of unemployment.
81. The police don't usually like to intervene in domestic disputes .
82. She correctly observed that there was very little difference between the two parties on domestic policies.
83. They sell a wide range of domestic appliances-washing machines, dishwashers and so on.
84. He's demonstrated how a campaign based on domestic issues can move votes.
85. The government seems to think that international problems are more pressing than domestic ones.
86. The Fourth of July domestic culinary pyromania is followed by community pyrotechnics.
87. Wolves and domestic dogs are members of the same species .
88. The house is a textbook example of medieval domestic architecture.
89. On the domestic front, de Gaulle's priority was to secure his government's authority.
90. She drew a sharp distinction between domestic and international politics.
91. It sounded like the neighbours were having a bit of a domestic.
92. I find that I just can'tfit in regular domestic work.
93. On the surface, their life seemed a model of domestic harmony.
94. It is desirable that domestic and EU law should be mutually consistent.
95. The Prime Minister's globetrotting has led to accusations that he is ignoring domestic problems.
96. This week's broadcast features a report on victims of domestic violence.
97. As the NEC's deputy for domestic policy issues, Sperling has functioned as both policy wonk and political guru.
98. This cat is domestic.
99. Soon smoking will be banned on all domestic flights .
100. Many small birds and rodents fall prey to the domestic cat.
101. Growth in the Gross Domestic Product decelerated significantly, from 10.5 per cent in real terms in 2000 to a mere 0.1 per cent in 2001.
102. Growth in the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) decelerated significantly, from 10.5 per cent in real terms in 2000 to a mere 0.1 per cent in 2001.
103. Foreign policy will take a back seat to domestic problems for a while.
104. He is trying to wriggle out of his various domestic commitments.
105. Sadly, his reforms opened up a Pandora's box of domestic problems.
106. And what are the centrepieces of Bush's domestic agenda?
107. The students shared the cooking and domestic chores.
108. These are the finest flowers of our domestic architecture.
109. Domestic violence is insanity of the worst sort.
109. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
110. She offered the familiar argument that a strong domestic steel industry is needed for national defense.
111. The wild ancestors of our domestic cats liked to eat freshly killed prey - they were not scavengers.
112. Domestic violence, they say, is all over town, in all types of neighborhoods.
113. The norms of domestic life it set forth drew a clear ideological boundary between rational members of society and the feckless.
114. The annual percentage rise in the implicit gross domestic product deflator.
115. In 1991 Zurich bought Genevoise Assurances to bolster its domestic position in the life-insurance sector.
116. Some of the deepest cuts are in the catch-all category called domestic discretionary spending.
117. Both these men, under the Yorkists, were more concerned with national administration than with the domestic affairs of the household.
118. And another bankruptcy, involving Braniff Airlines, reminded everyone of the stranglehold the Big Eight carriers have over the domestic market.
119. This snake-mimicry is employed by many species, from the familiar domestic cat to less familiar finches.
120. What's more, it tends to suffer from domestic appliance interference.
121. But two years ago the airlines, looking to boost revenues, capped the commission on round-trip domestic tickets at $ 50.
122. It will offer advantages to international and to domestic travellers.
123. Not having a housekeeper meant most of the domestic chores became mine.
124. The average attendance was about a hundred and had particular appeal to young women factory workers and those in domestic service.
125. On the down side, domestic broadcasters decided to ban any songs or plays that could cause offence.
126. Seeing him engaged in domestic activity, Tibbles came up to him and began to rub her harsh fur against his legs.
127. They combined domestic, personal care, and specialist skills, taught by other professionals, such as physiotherapy, or speech therapy.
128. After all, they're treated in rather the same disgraceful way as domestic cats.
129. Such transactions are recorded in a separate set of books from purely domestic banking business.
130. A separate utility room nearby houses all the noisy domestic appliances.
131. As indeed is the lion, the otter or the domestic cat when they are out a-hunting.
132. Both the workplace environment and domestic circumstances can cause a build-up of stress which can drive people to rely on drink.
133. Many governments thus resort to financing expenditure through domestic bank borrowing and printing money, both of which are inflationary.
134. The providers of domestic, portering and ward ancillary staff are also subjected to pressure from staff for the peak-holiday periods.
135. Working in prisons, with the need for round-the-clock supervision poses particular problems for women who also carry traditional domestic responsibilities.
136. Rosenthal said Barneys has received no domestic goods shipments since it filed for bankruptcy protection last Wednesday night.
137. I am bespoke in the evening, but the daytime is free, once I've done my domestic chores.
138. Several residential neighborhoods have seen increases in robberies, burglaries, street violence and domestic abuse, the spokesmen said.
139. The city is served by several domestic and international airlines.
139. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
140. Meanwhile the domestic harvest continues apace, with 72 % of the crop gathered.
141. He also was arrested Dec. 22 in Lowell on a charge of domestic assault and battery, which is pending.
142. Gas Aga which serves central heating and domestic hot water and set in most attractive brick recess with exposed beam over.
143. The increased deficit is to be financed by borrowing on the domestic market, largely from the domestic banking system.
144. Despite this, externally borrowed funds are used to supplement domestic funds made available to finance their development by the government.
145. Martin Anderson was President Reagan's first chief domestic policy adviser.
146. They were not accounted for in private consumption expenditure, general government expenditure, or domestic capital formation.
147. To confront domestic abuse is to confront the failure of the church.
148. The changeover from the domestic system of manufacture to that of the textile mill was completed during the next generation.
149. We are expected to follow their fickle games, before launching our rich domestic cargo upon those blue, blustering flames.
150. Some ratios use domestic product, which measures resources produced entirely within the domestic circular flow.
151. Employment agencies Employment agencies used to be only for domestic and office staff.
152. Embraer had long adopted policies of aiming for international competitiveness; the domestic market was too small to support its ambition.
153. Third - the occasional sums needed for holidays, car repairs, house repairs, and replacement of furniture and domestic appliances.
154. The Hanoverian kings were not uninterested in political life but they had difficulty comprehending the complexities of domestic and foreign affairs.
155. Trading Standards Officers in West Sussex warned consumers to beware of buying the second-hand domestic fire extinguishers.
156. From now on, all domestic violence cases will be followed by the same team of prosecutors through every court appearance.
157. And this brings me to my fourth point, and that is the notion of domestic - public opposition.
158. He has a room allotted in the social sciences department and special arrangements with the university domestic staff.
159. Labourers were found in the docks, railways, factories and domestic spheres, many of them employed on a casual basis.
160. In the credits, this was a nice comic moment, underpinning a scene of domestic bliss.
161. But others want to limit Washington's ability to buy its way out of its domestic obligations.
162. I come after finishing the domestic chores at home which is not far off.
163. The explanation is that the domestic cat uses two vocabularies at once.
164. A few precautions are advisable to eliminate any risk that may exist in a domestic situation.
165. The majority of voters also favoured cuts in the defence budget and level or increased Spending on domestic education and health programmes.
166. The ruling dynasties and aristocracies required an essential stability in international as well as domestic affairs.
167. Bobby Rahal, the reigning champion in the current Indy Car series, has tried to develop a domestic car-building programme.
168. Government intervention, usually involving the direct buying or selling of domestic and foreign currencies by central banks.
169. Many physicians have been trained to screen women for domestic abuse.
170. Chrysler is the only domestic automaker increasing production in the first quarter.
171. We provide a complete range of domestic and international banking services.
172. President Mitterand continued to be very active in foreign policy,(http:///domestic.html) but allowed the premier to control the domestic policy agenda.
173. Personal circumstances Employees' personal circumstances, such as their domestic commitments, health and age are often taken into account.
174. Its domestic equity funds account for only $ 13 billion of its $ 145 billion in assets under management.
175. Others say Gwinn has used domestic violence to advance his career.
176. Two other characteristics of the sample population require some comment: the incidence of employment, and of domestic help.
177. It thus provides lower cost loans by operating with narrower interest rate margins than those of domestic banking operations.
178. Aiding the domestic industry to gain or maintain international competitive advantage has never been an explicit expectation.
179. The tree regenerates elsewhere, where there are bison and wild cattle or even domestic buffaloes and cattle.
180. Sixteen standing commissions were also created to advise on domestic and foreign affairs.
181. In Britain booming domestic sales of videocassette machines have brought the prices down and made them more attractive to institutions.
182. In 1989 Midland increased its domestic banking division's bad-debt charges by 53%, from £51m in 1988 to £78m.
183. The dramas dealt with some somber aspect of domestic life.
184. The lack of fish remains and the presence of bones of domestic animals suggests that food supply was no problem.
185. He decided to defend slavery as a domestic arrangement that lay beyond the scope of busybodies.
186. Diseases similar to bovine spongiform encephalopathy have recently been reported in several species of domestic and zoo animals.
187. In view of the official line that April's supplementary budget was designed to boost only domestic firms, this may be naive.
188. The bill would abolish the distinction between domestic and international banning orders.
189. Any company or bank conducting business outside of its domestic currency zone must have access to international capital.
190. It has a number of attractive old domestic buildings, schedule for preservation, and some interesting antique shops.
191. The committee's brief is to investigate and report on domestic violence in the region.
192. The president has put the fight against corruption high on his domestic agenda.
193. Unproductive meetings, domestic rows and uncomfortable social chit-chat can all be caused by status needs being ignored and camouflaged.
194. They may regulate their internal affairs and their domestic commerce as they like.
195. Katell was fighting a cold and her show was played out against the distracting backdrop of a surreal domestic theatre set.
196. The blinds pulled, by her domestic decree, half way down the windows discouraged all hope.
197. By reducing domestic burdens, family planning is a fundamental part of any definition of empowerment.
198. If you turned to domestic politics, the news was no better.
199. The main cash crops were coffee, sugar cane and cotton, with cassava the domestic staple.
199. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
200. I was basically asking the company to decide whether or not it wanted to maintain a domestic production capability.
201. Even to suggest that efforts he made to expand the labor force by increasing the domestic birth rate would seem slightly artful.
202. Worse was expected to come as industrial and domestic consumption of electricity picked up after the attrition of the war years.
203. An outline of some of the domestic chores undertaken by Mr and Mrs McGill will help to answer this question.
204. The image of the government was one of strength in domestic affairs.
205. They are affected by a myriad other factors, both foreign and domestic.
206. Even these companies are barred from selling to the domestic market.
207. The place had been a quiet country house in his books. Domestic bliss and all the rest.
208. Most people think of waste as being the contents of the domestic rubbish bin.
209. Passing sentence, Lord Sutherland said he took into account Hynd's domestic background.
210. Similarly, reporting of domestic abuse doubled in the London area between 1991-92.
211. However, June looks like being a month of domestic bliss with some happy twists of fate in store.
212. His suspension was as lame as O. J. Simpson getting to do counseling over the telephone for domestic abuse.
213. In alternate weeks the auction is wholly devoted to domestic buyers or to foreign buyers.
214. The status of legitimacy puts obligations on the members of the domestic unit to provide care for the child.
215. This is a domestic drama, with characters you come to care about as people.
216. For most purposes the floor of a canal boat may be considered stable, like that of a domestic interior.
217. This urged states to sign and ratify the convention and to make domestic legislation and administrative procedures compatible with it.
218. For example, if the male breadwinner is unemployed, more of the domestic tasks may fall to him.
219. Only nations that reduce their budget deficits to 3 percent of gross domestic product and accumulated debt to 60 percent automatically qualify.
220. Faced with growing domestic demand, further tree growing seems desirable, offering ample scope for the development of sylvopastoral systems.
221. The engineers are not cavalier in their attitude towards the women they employ to do part of their domestic work and childcare.
222. Their domestic agendas and failings, even their backgrounds, are surprisingly similar.
223. This short gestation means that, like the kittens of a domestic cat, the cubs are born blind and helpless.
224. A law passed by voters in 1994 gave retirement and health benefits to city employees' domestic partners.
225. The trouble is that Barbary apes are not domestic animals.
226. Loss of beachfront habitat and predation by domestic cats and introduced red foxes pushed the least tern to the brink of extinction.
227. It is not unusual for women to work a 40-hour week, followed by a further 40-hour week of domestic chores.
228. In the domestic sphere the policy was equally fundamental, for tariff reform was seen as the antithesis of socialism.
229. The economy was mixed with remains of wheat, grinding stones and iron sickles indicating agriculture alongside the remains of domestic animals.
229. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
230. These are the seven most important sound messages made by domestic cats.
231. Last month, we enacted legislation to allow civil marriage ceremonies for domestic partners in San Francisco.
232. There is definitely a link between domestic violence and child abuse.
233. Most are constrained by limited resources and by intractable domestic agendas that impede their capability to implement policy.
234. Yesterday he was offered the chance to pull out of part of it and go home because of his domestic troubles.
235. Domestic policies have repercussions abroad: external policy can markedly affect a state's internal circumstance.
236. J.-hungry media with snappy sound bites and an attention-grabbing stance on domestic abuse.
237. Increased exports were boosted by higher oil prices, which encouraged domestic investment, particularly in coal mining.
238. At the time, 1948, the Cold War was becoming the pervasive issue in international affairs and domestic politics.
239. The sugar program works by limiting domestic production and erecting trade barriers that keep the price of imported sugar high.
240. Familiarity alone prevents our seeing how universally and largely the minds of our domestic animals have been modified by domestication.
241. The founding of these organisations gave real impetus to a movement directed towards improving the lot of domestic animals.
242. The city council has to find a better way of dealing with domestic waste. One answer is to burn it.
243. Disposal of our domestic rubbish is something we tend to forget about once it's been picked up by the dust-cart.
244. There is no reason today why Paris should intervene massively in our domestic affairs.
245. It can also be used with domestic pork to make it taste more like wild boar.
246. Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole drew criticism Thursday, when he blamed the welfare system for increases in domestic violence.
247. It is the domestic courage and creativity of the poor in the most adverse circumstances that is usually emphasized.
248. The home pack relates to domestic environmental issues and has been designed to capture the interest of the whole family.
249. The bits of information range from play dates with friends to the sometimes frightening bits and pieces of domestic violence.
250. The manufacture and sale of nine types of foreign and domestic semi-automatic assault weapons would also be prohibited for three years.
251. And because the domestic style was unsuited to amplified discourse, the domestic rules of politeness also went by the board.
252. Dark environments overcome by imported religious signs and local domestic amenities.
253. We question simplistic quantitative measures-based on Gross Domestic Product-of which countries are to qualify for debt cancellation.
254. Previous research into the response of domestic energy expenditure to changing prices has concentrated almost entirely on the use of aggregate data.
255. Nobody, least of all a Party boss, could be expected to watch, still more record, domestic television output!
256. Although the afflicted creatures do not behave aggressively, Fosco said, they still pose a threat to domestic animals.
257. Thereafter, his form fluctuated as irregularly as his training and his domestic affairs.
258. Designing, building, and delivering advanced technology for domestic and foreign governments, the military and commercial customers.
259. On the domestic market,() total annual turnover of £433 billion was the highest since 1987.
260. The houses gave some of the poorer residents their first taste of modern domestic amenities.
261. Without a theatrical release in their own domestic market, they stood little chance of recouping the money lavished on them.
262. Red Jungle Fowl are the progenitors of the bewildering variety of domestic fowl.
263. The doctrine of the origin of domestic races from several aboriginal stocks was once carried to absurd extremes.
264. The meat of these wild birds is dark and rich compared to that of domestic ducks.
265. On the other hand reduced injections will have a contractionary effect on income levels in the domestic circular flow.
266. It is typical of a certain sort of domestic architecture which exudes an air of virtue and solidity.
267. The essential concepts and processes of marketing apply as much to marketing in the international arena as the domestic one.
268. Catherine had trouble tending to their own domestic affairs though they had a handy expertise for the affairs of others.
269. Tensions soon simmered beneath the impression of domestic harmony and marital bliss.
270. Such rules serve to distinguish further basic social categories: friends from enemies, domestic animals from wild beasts, and so on.
271. Up to that time coal was chiefly used as a domestic fuel but from 1812 onwards it went to sea as bunker fuel.
272. Then, compared the development mode of science park with domestic science park.
273. SCM domestic industry was well - known brand - SCM Zhou, who granted the official agents in Shanghai.
274. The suggestion that the domestic dog originated in East Asia has been challenged.
275. Midwestern and western Domocrates were ardent supporters of Second New Deal domestic policies.
276. Our domestic enterprises can take the scale expanding strategy if they are strong themselves or the market saturation is low.
277. Problems of the current cost accounting methodology in domestic logistics enterprises must be solved with new methods.
278. First,(http:///domestic.html) the paper summarizes the development and application of architectural bionic structure and dendriform structure in domestic and international.
279. Teng also interact naturally divided into the domestic network sci - fi originator.
280. Gross domestic savings are calculated as GDP less final consumption expenditure (total consumption).
281. The domestic and foreign measurements of lubricating film of the slipper-pair in axial piston pumps were compared, and they were classified by where the displacement transducer can be installed.




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