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单词 Perspective
1. A fine perspective opened out before us.
2. That tree is out of perspective.
3. Her attitude lends a fresh perspective to the subject.
4. Try to see the issue from a different perspective.
5. His father's death gave him a whole new perspective on life.
6. His experience abroad provides a wider perspective on the problem.
7. You can get a perspective of the whole city from here.
8. We can now see things in their true perspective.
9. I think Viv's lost all sense of perspective .
10. Sustainable development implies a long-term perspective.
11. The figures have to be put into perspective .
12. He writes from a Marxist perspective.
13. The book adopts a historical perspective.
14. It helps to put their personal problems into perspective.
15. In 15th-century Italy, artists rediscovered the rules of perspective.
16. I tried to put the matter into perspective.
17. Her death put everything else into perspective.
18. I let things get out of perspective.
19. Try to keep these issues in perspective.
20. He sees things in their right perspective.
20. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
21. The tree on the left is out of perspective.
22. She has drawn a good perspective.
23. I would like to offer a historical perspective.
24. Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective. Don't leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.
25. Recent events seem less serious when put into an international perspective.
26. Travel and see the world; afterwards, you will be able to put your concerns in perspective.
27. Sometimes you need to look at life from a different perspective.
28. Mannerism is characterized by a distortion of proportions and perspective.
29. He says the death of his father 18 months ago has given him a new perspective on life.
30. She drew a row of trees receding into the distance to demonstrate the laws of perspective.
1. A fine perspective opened out before us.
2. That tree is out of perspective.
3. Her attitude lends a fresh perspective to the subject.
4. Try to see the issue from a different perspective.
5. Recent events seem less serious when put into an international perspective.
6. His father's death gave him a whole new perspective on life.
7. Mannerism is characterized by a distortion of proportions and perspective.
8. His experience abroad provides a wider perspective on the problem.
9. He says the death of his father 18 months ago has given him a new perspective on life.
31. The artist plays with perspective to confuse the eye.
32. Remember to keep things in perspective.
33. The novel is written from a child's perspective.
34. Let's get this into perspective.
35. We learnt how to draw buildings in perspective.
36. If you can be a sympathetic listener, it may put your own problems in perspective.
37. In his art he broke the laws of scientific linear perspective.
38. We may get a clear perspective of the people's happy lives.
39. His paintings prefigure the development of perspective in Renaissance art.
40. It's easy to lose perspective on things when you are under stress.
41. When you reach middle age you get a different perspective on life.
42. The painting provides us with one of the earliest examples of the use of perspective.
43. Most literature on the subject of immigrants in France has been written from the perspective of the French themselves.
44. Our work in Uganda and Romania adds a wider perspective.
45. Total investments for this year reached £53 million, and, to put this into perspective, investments this year were double those made in 2001.
46. Talking to others can often help to put your own problems into perspective.
47. Because of its geographical position, Germany's perspective on the situation in Eastern Europe is rather different from Britain's.
48. It is important not to let things get out of perspective.
49. When you get to my age you get a different perspective on life.
50. We have to look at everything from an international perspective.
51. We should view this from the perspective of the people involved.
52. You must keep things in perspective - the overall situation isn't really that bad.
53. This website puts a completely different perspective on world news.
54. She was aware that she was losing all sense of perspective.
55. That tree on the left of the picture is out of perspective.
56. But the lack of historical perspective was discomfiting.
57. No perspective, no perception. New perspective,[ ] new perception. Toba Beta 
58. These developmental changes in perspective and technique were deliberate.
59. They have a unique perspective on compassionate capitalism.
60. Such links contributed to the development among patients of a broader perspective about themselves and about leprosy.
61. Taking a broader perspective, Mira remarks on the situation at large.
62. The particular sonnet I am about to examine, however, approaches the subject from a much different perspective.
63. Political and legal anthropology Many of the anthropologists dealing with political organization have chosen to approach this from a conflict perspective.
64. We conclude, therefore, that the radical perspective on the labour process offers a far-reaching critique of conventional organisation theory.
65. The same basic principles of animation can be applied when animating 3-D objects, where in fact perspective is usually built-in anyway.
66. It is this shift in perspective that is creating a wealth of new possibilities.
67. Despite the obvious advantages of a unified perspective for collective political action, the differences among women disallow such a perspective.
68. These demanding on-site visits gave Pearl a better perspective on the tenders received.
69. The Realist perspective remains broadly the one described in this chapter.
70. Nothing at all out of the ordinary. Small communities get things out of perspective.
71. He or she must learn to perceive his or her main studies in a broader perspective.
72. Similarly, software experts are suggesting and developing approaches that may be technologically elegant but financially infeasible from a business perspective.
73. It is necessary to appreciate these facts if social policy is to be seen from a sociological perspective.
74. From a business perspective it is a manoeuvre which meets a much-recognised need for the agency to offer clients international service.
75. This brings us to the last perspective which has influenced us: the study, in the broadest sense, of personality.
76. Maybe it is just a totally different perspective so far away from home and being immersed in the local culture.
77. He was the first and only Presidential contender to propose a world-view profoundly alternative to the traditions of imperialist perspective.
78. Most Christians reading the Bible from a New Testament perspective would not spot the difference unless it was pointed out.
79. The box set has given a history to popular music, by providing perspective.
80. Winners have the ability to step back from the canvas of their lives like an artist gaining perspective. They make their lives a work of art - an individual masterpiece. Denis Waitley 
81. Conversion to this perspective represented a transition point in the socialization of new arrivals.
82. From a Piagetian constructivist perspective,[] critical thinking is not fundamentally different from regular thinking.
83. From the federal perspective, generally acceptable activities were being planned and carried out, largely on local initiative.
84. They certainly help to enhance a perspective that sees Faustus as a pawn between two more powerful forces.
85. Linear, scientific perspective allows for a fairly accurate mental reconstruction of the distances separating objects.
86. From this perspective we can see a direct contrast with the normativist style.
87. The results provide a new perspective on the association between area deprivation indicators and population health.
88. We would argue that the chain-of command perspective is neither a biblical nor a psychologically sound pattern for the marriage relationship.
89. From a Piagetian perspective, development is appropriately viewed as a continuum.
90. Another consideration is whether conceptual distinctions and classifications in family and marriage sociology are appropriate to a female perspective.
91. From an economic perspective, there is no substantive difference between a stock split and a stock dividend.
92. There is a large literature on technology transfer, though not much of it is from the perspective of the developing countries.
93. All these indicate the kind of critique that is possible when we employ a perspective other than that provided by the immediate discipline.
94. As demands crowd in on you it becomes increasingly difficult to keep things in perspective.
95. In general, the classical perspective contained a peculiarly narrow view of what it actually is that controls human behaviour.
96. The final perspective upon resource allocation is by age group.
97. They are seen in a partisan perspective, a perception that limits the extent of their popular appeal.
98. From their historical perspective Marx and Engels could be forgiven for arguing that late-nineteenth-century Britain had a repressive capitalist state.
99. We therefore continually try to correct one philosophical perspective about it against another.
100. There are certain assumptions in the study of pottery from an evolutionary perspective.
101. This is the perspective from which we should approach the novel constitutional questions presented by the legislative veto.
102. By distinguishing too sharply between the divine Word and the divine Spirit the Church has lost a most important biblical perspective.
103. Introduction InPart One I have briefly outlined the origins and fate of the classical perspective in criminology.
104. The language within the marks also provides a nice change from the narrative voice and gives your readers an interesting third-person perspective.
105. To put this project into perspective, it is essential to examine Mary's short, but action-packed sailing career.
106. It is from this perspective that she approaches the women's issue.
107. From a Marxist perspective, systems of stratification derive from the relationships of social groups to the means of production.
108. From the perspective of youth culture and pop music two aspects of this are significant.
109. It gave them a welcome break from the mania of the Olympics and seemed to put everything in its proper perspective.
110. Does the whole conceptual perspective of the Monitor theory narrow down to a focus on filling in the blanks?
111. It is perhaps that long-term perspective which is at the root of present-day concern over the nuclear arsenal held by the superpowers.
112. Kegan has much more to say to educators and clinicians from his constructivist perspective.
113. Like modern archeology,[ ] anthropology also depends upon the historical perspective which Hecataeus and his successors first opened.
114. Crucially, from Weber's perspective, the values and actions of state bureaucrats tend to override the policies of elected politicians.
115. Lenin was one of the first theorists who examined the international growth of capitalism from a Marxist perspective.
116. Whilst the issue of alcohol abuse is quite properly a matter for concern, it should be seen in perspective.
117. The state according to Castells's perspective, had the central role of ensuring a healthy capitalist economy.
118. And so rhetoric allows associative feminist psychologists to address psychology from outside, but from a recognizable and relevant perspective.
119. John Berger and John Barrell have both argued the connection between economic power and artistic perspective.
120. Using that broader perspective, we did away entirely with centralized pickup and delivery.
121. Prevalence of human papillomavirus in cervical cancer: a worldwide perspective.
122. The more deep-seated problem is not factual accuracy but the writer's perspective on his subject.
123. From the perspective of economic analysis, children are high-priced consumption goods that are rapidly becoming more expensive.
124. In summary, the key to understanding society from a Marxist perspective involves an analysis of the infrastructure.
125. Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. Marcus Aurelius 
126. Some problems of aggregation remain for the relative deprivation perspective, but the examination of groups works well for the mobilization perspective.
127. As its name suggests, the dual perspective argues that rights and movements actually encourage each other, acting as mutual catalysts.
128. This is why the method is often applied to soften and diffuse distant objects or hills, as in atmospheric perspective.
129. Or whether mutually to reinforce their ability to perceive and understand this city - two viewpoints yielding a stereoscopic perspective.
130. The use of perspective allows us to represent three dimensions on a flat page.
131. Or maybe because you get a new perspective with hard copy.
132. The projection of triangles Projective geometry evolved out of the geometric perspective, beloved of Renaissance architects, engineers and painters.
133. I want to defend a radically different picture, which takes a much broader historical perspective.
134. But if the moment of performance is considered as potentially an act of composition, a different perspective can emerge.
135. From this perspective, the rioters are not a unique group but rather are comparable to others in the urban underclass.
136. Conductors such as Barenboim or Wolfgang Sawallisch, for example, perhaps approach music from a broader perspective.
137. In another innovation, you can move about your environment in all directions, taking everything in from a first-person perspective.
138. Once you master the arts of reflection, understanding, and resolution, perspective and point of view will follow.
139. His misgivings about religious doctrines extend even to his own, and he is quick to put it into perspective.
140. Burton always had a calm, lofty perspective on his work as an actor.
141. From their perspective, schools are repositories of the authentic national culture which they transmit between generations.
142. Which makes it the bargain of the week or a disposable donkey of a release, depending on your perspective.
143. From this perspective democratic politics, and the two-party system in particular, was the problem and the cause of our economic ills.
144. In order to clarify the problem, and put it into perspective, a number of questions need to be asked.
145. Turning to Britain's educational system, the vice chancellor of Salford adopted a different perspective.
146. This perspective, which comes from Peter Mott, was one he arrived at after several years of analysis.
147. From this perspective, 1993 looks likely to be another year of substantial audit fee cuts.
148. In this perspective, people's control over their health and their health services is a democratic right.
149. The Bank has not given a formal ruling on this method of presentation from a capital adequacy perspective.
150. After a full assessment, priorities of care can be determined from both the nurse's and the patient's perspective.
151. In its extreme form, the domain of appropriate state action is reduced to almost nothing, a perspective usually termed libertarianism.
152. Gordon's analysis calls for a longer term perspective and points to the inherent instability of world capitalism today.
153. To locate objects in relation to interest and power, however sophisticated and non-reductionist, is only one perspective upon mass consumption.
154. I stared at a picture of a cedar tree in curious perspective.
155. At last perspective plan of next period is given.
156. And from that perspective leave much to be desired.
157. Hemophilia treatment Immune tolerance : a nursing perspective.
158. Su's calligraphic aesthetic perspective formed an integrated system.
159. Perspective : expert analysis program is now time?
160. From the provider's perspective, an analysis result can be loosely described as a container for domain-specific data, along with some basic access methods to manipulate it.
161. The financial dual nature determines that the study of finance should be researched from the perspective of combination of capital movement and enterprise's property rights contract characteristics.
162. This paper examines linguistic sexism in current English textbooks of China primary schools from a sociolinguistic perspective.
163. It recounts many of the horrors of the Holocaust, but through a very personal perspective, detailing how Wiesel loses his belief in God and humanity.
164. From the perspective of trade management, the Government to regulate the shop, bound by nothing wrong in law, regulations also put-on .
165. This paper attempts to analyze the retailing shape evolution from the perspective of organizing ability.
166. From shifting narrative perspective, the way of narration and epiphany. this article proves Katherine Mansfield's remarkable contribution to the forming of modern short novel techniques.
167. This dissertation aims to prove that Reinhold Niebuhr's theology belongs to neo-liberalism by deeply and wholly studying from perspective of political theology.
168. The study is also a rhetorical study emphasizing the meaning generation from the perspective of sematic generation.
169. It then makes a research of Mary Shelley from a gender perspective in a bigger science communication study environment.
170. Through enterprise of value chain analysis,[/perspective.html] we can deal with influencing cost elements from new perspective and found decreasing cost different methods.
171. Especially, we attach importance to the producing process of panorama and cinematograph calibration, matching method of homonymy points and coherence of perspective relationship.
172. The Noticer: Sometimes, all a person needs is a little perspective.
173. This paper will not only specify the MAOS system from theoretical perspective but also cover the application of MAOS system in reality from product development perspective.
174. As an experimental gerontologist, I approach this issue from a wider biological perspective, by looking at other animals.
175. This policy brief is an attempt to put concerns relating to potential allergenicity into perspective.
176. Viewing things from one extreme perspective to another, anguish, jealous, witless were packed in between.
177. The task of supporting these teams from an IT perspective is challenging because new products, solutions and improvements are often specified without consideration for department or system boundaries.
178. In the perspective of the vertical integration of operational process in emergency management, emergency materials can be classified into responsive materials and recovery materials.
179. From your perspective as a job seeker, many of these benefits will be costs deducted from your gross salary along with a variety of taxes.
180. Athens is credited through the Eurocentric perspective as the home of democracy as a political system.
181. As a team, we think we have an interesting perspective: one a returnee, the other moving to another country.
182. This thesis investigates and examines cultural image translation as well as image translation strategies from the perspective of Verschueren's adaptation theory.
183. From the perspective of ideologically marginal Argentine, Borges creatively develops his deconstructionist translation theory which is against tradition, authority and cultural imperialism.
184. We shall find the rational basis of the new criterion respectively from the perspective of linguistics, epistemology and axiological philosophy.
184. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
185. From the perspective of interior design, the various forms of endocellular corridor space, is often easily ignored.
186. Labeling the feeling helps both the yeller and the receiver calm down and get a bit of perspective.
187. As the participant and witness, Michael Payne narrates, in an unmatchable perspective, the hard journey of safeguarding the Olympic dignity and dream.
188. In discussing means and ends, as well as facts and values, Simon (1947) is forthcoming concerning his own (logical positivist) philosophical perspective.
189. This paper is a study of the co-occurrence of antonyms in the Chinese language from the perspective of Construction Grammar.
190. During the visit , Abraham put William Eckhardt's utility theory of risk in perspective with an example.
191. An Xue (Curator of the Academic Department of National Art Gallery): I will talk about something from the perspective of knowledge and accountability.
192. Most of all, it takes you inside their world, allowingyou to see things from their perspective and to understand another way oflife--the orca way.
193. The slogan "in by grace, stay in by works, " sometimes associated with the so-called "New Perspective on Paul, " is nothing less than the Galatian heresy condemned by the Apostle Paul.
194. This paper introduces a method that we can apply it to draw angular perspective without view points, and it demonstrates this method according to the geometric principles.
195. Transforms the perspective drawing after the camera view exaggerates the camera view.
196. Perspective taking is closely related to the process of lexical choice.
197. Viewed from the perspective of history, life is but a flash in the pan.
198. Generally speaking, most scholars usually analyze and explore agent provocateur from the perspective of solicitation, it is undeniable that it's reasonable aspect.
199. Based on the social stratification perspective, we emphasize on farmer workers' Social stratum, consciousness from. a subjective dimension.
200. This thesis analyzes different approaches and strategies adopted in metaphor translation from the perspective of functionalism.
201. This review outlines the progress of the types, occurrence, structures, extraction, separation, bio-assay and induction of Solanaceous phytoalexins. The future perspective is also discussed.
202. This article, from the perspective of language style, explores the features, principles and techniques of headword translation in bilingual dictionaries.




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