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单词 Strategy
1. The coach called a time-out to discuss strategy.
2. Strategy wins wars; tactics wins battles.
3. This strategy has its drawbacks.
4. Gates responds with a lengthy discourse on deployment strategy.
5. Their strategy produced the desired outcome.
6. It is the general's role to develop overall strategy.
7. I went home and mapped out my strategy.
8. He is an expert in military strategy.
9. Their overall strategy is quite good, but one or two of the details could be improved.
10. This strategy effectively neutralized what the Conservatives had hoped would be a vote - winner.
11. He has failed to work out a coherent strategy for modernising the service.
12. The fear is that we have no exit strategy from this conflict.
13. It's all part of an overall strategy to gain promotion.
13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. This over-ambitious strategy has saddled them with debts of around $3,000,000.
15. It is certainly a strategy worth exploring.
16. They're pursuing a strategy of massive retaliation.
17. The document sets out the government's new strategy.
18. He disingenuously remarked that he knew nothing about strategy.
19. Give me a broad idea of your new strategy.
20. The director was fishing for information about our strategy.
21. The company's financial strategy is not working.
22. This strategy could cause more problems than it solves.
23. The company must first resolve questions of strategy.
24. By careful strategy she negotiated a substantial pay rise.
25. We will brook no opposition to the strategy.
26. Making people feel foolish is emphatically not my strategy.
27. Their strategy was essentially political in nature.
28. The president held an emergency meeting to discuss military strategy with his defence commanders yesterday.
29. I admired the general who was a master of strategy.
30. In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.
1. The coach called a time-out to discuss strategy.
2. Strategy wins wars; tactics wins battles.
3. Gates responds with a lengthy discourse on deployment strategy.
4. Their strategy produced the desired outcome.
5. It is the general's role to develop overall strategy.
6. I went home and mapped out my strategy.
7. He is an expert in military strategy.
8. The president held an emergency meeting to discuss military strategy with his defence commanders yesterday.
9. This strategy effectively neutralized what the Conservatives had hoped would be a vote - winner.
10. He has failed to work out a coherent strategy for modernising the service.
11. The fear is that we have no exit strategy from this conflict.
12. It's all part of an overall strategy to gain promotion.
13. This over-ambitious strategy has saddled them with debts of around $3,000,000.
13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. By careful strategy she negotiated a substantial pay rise.
15. He pretended that resigning was part of his long - term career strategy.
31. Don'tlet him draw you into his strategy.
32. De Gaulle conducted his strategy with consummate skill .
33. He pretended that resigning was part of his long - term career strategy.
34. The most appropriate strategy may simply be to walk away from the problem.
35. Each party has its own strategy for building a strong economy.
36. We need someone with enterprise and imagination to design a marketing strategy.
37. I think it's time to adopt a different strategy in my dealings with him.
38. Clinton and Zedillo ordered their respective Cabinets to devise a common counter-drug strategy.
39. We are now piloting through Parliament a new strategy to tackle youth crime.
40. How does this fit into the company's overall marketing strategy?
41. The coming year may herald a change in strategy for major publishers.
42. The IMF has given its seal of approval to the government's economic strategy.
43. The second prong of the strategy is the provision of basic social services for the poor.
44. This advertisement is a typical example of their marketing strategy.
45. Now the leadership wants to look forward, and to outline a strategy for the rest of the century.
46. You should take careful note of what she tells you because she knows their strategy well.
47. If its strategy succeeds, Mexico could even steal a march on its northern neighbour.
48. The strategy was designed to wear down the enemy's resistance.
49. The government has backed away from its nuclear weapons strategy.
50. The police presented a reactive rather than preventive strategy against crime.
51. Their marketing strategy for the product involves obtaining as much free publicity as possible.
52. The candidate's brain trust is gathering this weekend to plan strategy for the primary election.
53. We do not have a strategy. We merely respond to ideas from local people.
54. The government's economic strategy has attracted a lot of criticism .
55. It did not persuade them to abandon the war but it did force them to reappraise their strategy.
56. The overall strategy involves a major improvement to the built environment.
57. It must be a strategy to make me let him go on holiday alone.
58. The company will now focus its strategy on its core business areas.
59. Politicians tried to dress up the bill as a bold new strategy for combatting poverty.
60. The government has employed a dual strategy to achieve these two objectives.
61. The opposition parties have so far failed to set out an alternative strategy.
62. The council is drawing up a strategy to meet the needs of the homeless.
63. Their single-minded pursuit of this controversial strategy led to their fall from power.
64. Somebody must have clued him in on our sales strategy.
65. Yesterday's meeting was intended to plot a survival strategy for the party.
66. A coherent strategy for getting more people back to work needs to be developed.
67. It can be done without following some absurd, off-the-wall investment strategy.
68. We need to decide soon what marketing strategy we should pursue for these new products.
69. The two countries were unable to agree on a common strategy.
70. The strategy alliance served to strengthen the country's hand in the region.
71. We have to balance the risks of the new strategy against the possible benefits.
72. They must be prepared to flesh out their strategy with some details.
73. He was very influential in shaping the government's economic policy/strategy.
74. Their strategy for the moment is to hunker down and let the fuss die down.
75. The company ought to be making changes in its marketing strategy.
76. The purchase of 500 tanks is part of a strategy to increase military capacity by 25% over the next five years.
77. The company reaped rich dividends with its new strategy for packaging holidays.
78. Haig was limited by his blinkered approach to strategy and tactics.
79. I've just been explaining the basic principles of strategy to my generals.
80. Next week, health ministers gather in Amsterdam to agree a strategy for controlling malaria.
81. We must develop a new policy/strategy to deal with the problem.
82. Their strategy is expansionist and im-perialist, and it is greatest in effect, of course, when there is no countervailing power.
83. I spent the five-minute break between games gathering my wits and rethinking my strategy for the second half of the match.
84. All the committee members present are all behind you in this sale-promotion strategy.
85. The dental museum has adopted a different strategy.
86. Everything is above board except the strategy.
87. Instead they are supposed to discuss future business strategy.
88. The allied strategy further demonstrates this.
89. Several kinds of insects adopt a similar strategy.
90. Consequently, nonviolent direct action as a strategy endured.
91. This strategy looks increasingly moth-eaten.
92. The broader patient centred aims of the information technology strategy are to be welcomed.
93. The plan was the central plank of the Government's strategy to save 18,500 post offices around Britain.
94. Its strategy was an abject failure on its own terms, for the Gaullists romped home in the June elections.
95. As ever, the potential gains through a properly thought-out strategy emphasise the importance of talking to a specialist independent financial adviser.
96. Another strategy my children use is to keep their notebooks open to a blank page while reading one of their books.
97. The long-term strategy to combat knife crimes through schemes like Operation Blade is to achieve a change in the law.
98. All of our checks on the strategy statement made sense, and I am comfortable with it.
99. The state bureaucracy works very closely with firms to implement a comprehensive, collaborative strategy for economic growth.
100. It must be consciously incorporated into the strategy of building revolutionary Marxist parties in colonial countries. 14.
101. If they had positive data, it would be the best advertising strategy possible.
102. A strategy of re-investigation by the police itself might not, at least at first, provide an invincible check on mistakes.
103. We require information from the Science Strategy Group as to their views on the future of collaborative research projects.
104. It identifies key issues directly affecting the company and gives advice on strategy or operations.
105. That strategy could be thwarted by a lawsuit challenging expansion financing that is now awaiting review by the state Supreme Court.
106. Barley is much too astute to state this baldly,(/strategy.html) but it informs his every strategy as author.
107. It was found that key characteristics was by far the most popular strategy, followed by realist strategy.
108. A third disability lay in her constitution: Sparta had no satisfactory apparatus for decision-making and the formulation of strategy.
109. Work reorganization was achieved in Pilkingtons despite the absence of a pre-planned strategy for cultural change.
110. Thus far, Dole has shown no signs of adopting such a strategy.
111. The step-by-step approach was adopted and the high degree of success achieved can be largely attributed to this strategy.
112. With his friends and allies about him, a prince might discuss future strategy, consider marriage alliances, resolve disputes.
113. The Centre for Corporate Strategy and Change also tends to implicitly adopt this model.
114. The approach for bridging this gap is frequently called a strategy.
115. Another part of the strategy was an attempt to change community leadership in local areas where the government was having problems.
116. Their strategy was to claim that output targets were unattainable, and not to attain them.
117. This is part of the Government's strategy to improve conditions for researchers in academia.
118. A better strategy is to announce the changes quickly and then implement them slowly.
119. Clientelism is a strategy used by capitalists and workers to adapt to a situation where there is limited mobility.
120. For the male pied flycatcher, bigamy is obviously a successful strategy, but it also requires quite complex behavioural adaptations.
121. A far-reaching and comprehensive strategy, carefully integrated with broader plans for health care reform, is required.
122. Tradition, then, becomes a strong power base from which to employ a defensive strategy to resist change.
123. Yet, if you show people the ad, they will tell you just the things that the strategy was looking for.
124. It is not the safe strategy that some Dole aides preferred.
125. This strategy has produced the following results: The college now has close links with 65 institutions across 16 countries.
126. Other Republicans say the failure of their first package has left them bitterly divided over what strategy to follow now.
127. The most appealing strategy is integration or collaboration, by which groups in conflict modify their views and seek a third alternative.
128. Gibbs says the same strategy is happening again, under the unspoken banner of gentrification.
129. Would another strategy accomplish the same objective at lower costs?
130. How much importance was attached to these initiatives in terms of overall company strategy? 5.
131. From now on, in every by-election that occurs in a Tory-held seat, the same strategy should be followed.
132. Nevertheless, substantial progress was made toward reaching an agreement on a new strategy.
133. This strategy was possible because they have sold mainframes mostly to computer vendors in the country concerned rather than through direct sales channels.
134. But the new strategy threatens not only combatants, but those coordinating attacks.
135. Women are taking command of organised crime: negotiating syndicate structures, mapping strategy, clinching deals and ordering executions.
136. The complex man will respond to no single managerial strategy, but will consider its appropriateness to circumstances and his own needs.
137. The single case design embodies a strategy that is applicable to the study of a single case.
138. This strategy must be explained clearly and positively to the public, and especially within by-election constituencies.
139. The patient with damage to one frontal lobe catches on to the original sorting strategy and gets the string of yes answers.
140. The same strategy seems to have characterized the work of most development agencies in rural areas.
141. The critical point about an advertising strategy is that it is a guide to making ads.
142. In this as in all other aspects of your strategy, bear in mind that change is as change does.
143. Local advertising agencies will be hired to translate the strategy into a media campaign.
144. Meanwhile, since the beginning of 1941, Navy planners had been giving careful thought to a revamping of fleet strategy.
145. Current government strategy on unemployment has been described fairly aptly as being the carrot and stick approach.
146. Managers would do better to think of just two kinds of business strategy - competitive and corporate.
147. Professor Budd's remarks echo a widespread belief in the City that the Government needs to develop a credible monetary strategy.
148. Intel said it is not making any about-face in its strategy.
149. For investors, the Ketchum acquisition is a positive sign that Omnicom intends to stick to its strategy of growth through acquisitions.
150. But such a strategy, chancy at best, certainly can not succeed without a credible threat of a resolution.
151. You have to be fast on your feet and adaptive or else a strategy is useless. Charles De Gaulle 
152. The appointment of supporters on the Cabinet committee dealing with economic strategy has already been noted.
153. Can we oppose the checkerboard strategy on the ground that it would produce more instances of injustice than it would prevent?
154. An alternative strategy for the government in these circumstances was to place the burden of financing social provision upon local government.
155. Concepts of strategy introduce consideration of market forces, environmental pressures, and organizational imperatives which form the backdrop for visionary initiatives.
156. His leadership style was to maintain power through a combination of force and cunning strategy.
157. It was during the episode of Supersense on chemical warfare and trap strategy.
158. Furthermore, it is said, a defensive strategy based on such weapons effectively rules out the actual use of nuclear weapons.
159. Day care should be viewed as only part of a strategy and should link in with other locally based resources.
160. Kasparov was thrown off by the computer adjusting its strategy as different situations arose.
161. We can advance development with the bonus of decreasing our impact on climate if we have the proper energy strategy.
162. The strategy worked brilliantly.
163. Our strategy is to focus all our resources on the two core businesses of spirits and beers.
163. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
164. By comparison firms which rely more heavily on advertising are described as adopting a pull strategy. 23.
165. Apart from the implications of this for prayers and strategy, it was a comforting thought - so long as one was winning.
166. Improvisation is at odds with the legitimate caution in managerial concerns over decision making, strategy organization design, and compliance.
167. He stresses that formal planning can only be one of the many building blocks which determine corporate strategy.
168. Their strategy was overheard on a police scanner that was able to intercept cellular phone transmissions.
169. Moreover, it alerts us to the fact that short-sighted tactics may thwart the overall strategy.
170. What is the role of your work group in helping your company to implement its business strategy? 9.
171. In Aden the path forward became clear, the alternative strategy was revealed.
172. The particular strategy appropriate to the organisation will depend to a large extent on the political and financial circumstances of the organisation.
173. His strategy of seeking an accommodation with Labour was bitterly opposed by many Liberals.
174. Genette's relational strategy leads him to construct purely abstract combinations without any real existence in literature.
175. However, 39% felt tax planning was the most useful area of advice, and only 27% cited business strategy.
176. Our focus is on the convergence of business acumen, strategy, technology directions, and capital requirements.
177. Following this strategy you stand a good chance of getting what you need.
178. This strategy has the added benefit of helping you get ready to escape the emptiness and find a new job.
179. Research can help a company to develop its global marketing strategy.
180. Too often New Labour appeases and buys off opposing forces: this third-way strategy makes few friends or permanent changes.
181. Control of spending was crucial to the government's strategy because it wanted to cut governmental borrowing and taxes.
182. Its strategy is to acquire engineering companies in niche markets and dispose of existing businesses to reduce borrowings.
183. The strategy of bartering, mentioned earlier is one way to rein in the cost of a date.
184. Far more career plans reflected concerns for acquiring the strategy and related client skills so essential to advancement within the firm.
185. A crucial innovation strategy has therefore involved the creation of new agencies for this purpose.
186. When we put this strategy into place. it was bitterly opposed by many people.
187. During the last few years our strategy has been clearly focused on those businesses where we have significant competitive advantage.
188. The district developed a coherent strategy to compete with its neighboring suburbs, focused on the use of technology in the classroom.
189. As they learned to appreciate communication and ownership, they set themselves to building subordinates' commitment to the strategy.
190. Setting a strategy and putting it into action are challenges that can overwhelm even the most effective managers.
191. Johnson cocked his head, and there was strategy in that delay.
192. Woods solution was to use this algorithm with the island-driving search strategy.
193. She contributed a great deal to the original strategy and remains very involved as a member of our player advisory board.
194. In what ways are the changes related to changes in the company's business strategy? 10.
195. The favoured strategy so far has been to introduce a cooling-off period before industrial action could be taken.
196. She also will play an important role in organizational and leadership development and in developing Verio's business strategy.
197. If the system had been built on popular votes rather than the electoral college(http://), each would have pursued a different strategy.
198. They must find the information for you to base your strategy on.
199. It is vital that a reformulated strategy be built upon better intelligence gathering and better coordination of intelligence between agencies.
200. The strategy raises the prospect of voters with mobile phones being bombarded with election slogans from all parties.
201. As part of its general consultation process, Greater Glasgow health board consulted in respect of its acute services strategy for Glasgow.
202. Another strategy that Cooley uses occasionally is the analogy between things that are very different in most respects.
203. Favored locations included Riverside and San Bernardino counties, listed by 42 percent of builders pursuing this strategy.
204. This strategy will not only secure the affection of my president and my client but will also advance my career.
205. In recent months, Clinton has made a substantial about-face in his drug strategy.
206. To preserve nonuse will require policies more ambitious and comprehensive than the obsolete bipolar deterrence strategy.
207. Working out an effective strategy to control it rather than let it control us is a formidable challenge.
208. Companies which utilize an aggressive sales policy, based on personal selling, are said to be adopting a push strategy.
209. At a meeting on 21 July the Cabinet approved the Chancellor's strategy.
210. Should your management bet the company on a high-risk business strategy?
211. Newbridge officials said they are working out a business strategy with their prospective partner, whom they declined to name.
212. The parliamentary debate on the Report showed the Home Secretary adopting a two-pronged strategy in his response.
213. Their strategy is, near as anybody can tell, to find every female Clinton might possibly have cavorted with.
214. Political paralysis has prevented the evolution of either clear tactics or a coherent strategy.
215. This implies that their organizational strategy commences by considering the needs and wants of the customers.
216. On other occasions a high settlement has been desired as part of a strategy of political alliances.
217. This strategy should be agreed in advance between agency and client, before any advertising ideas are put forward.
218. Clarification of issues such as these should be of great significance to both business strategy and government policy.
219. I am optimistic, therefore, that they can serve as the basis for an effective Mega long-term strategy.
220. But today, after the disaster that has befallen a very traditional Labour strategy, things may change.
221. But it is very difficult to measure the marginal contribution, so the strategy of "Tit for tat" has to be adopted in order to encourage members in an organization to secure the encompassing interests.
222. Conclusions A comprehensive control strategy based on interventions to reduce the rate of transmission of S. japonicum infection from cattle and humans to snails was highly effective.
223. It lies in the strong stockholder plundering strategy under the surplus demanding power of enterprise.
224. Under pressure of competition(), Phi Delia made great innovation in its strategy of operation and competition.
225. Embedded systems are usually diskless systems. In order to keep permanent data inthe systems, it is a widely adapted strategy to use flash memory.
226. America's strategy to seek for "overlordship" is meant to be realized by restraining China and controlling the Asian_Pacific area.
227. Gastric carcinoid tumors are rare tumors in gastrointestinal tract. Endoscopic polypectomy and surgical excision are the major strategy for treatment.
228. In the paper we give a definition of an optimal strategy and show the existence of it.
229. The model makes the calculation simper than load-shedding strategy by neighbor.
230. Extraterritorial assassinations facilitated by unmanned drones have become, he writes, "an integral part" of national security strategy.
231. A sensorless control strategy for a salient-pole PMSM using saliency tracking at low speed and back EMF at high speed is presented to obtain the rotor speed and position.
232. Our domestic enterprises can take the scale expanding strategy if they are strong themselves or the market saturation is low.
233. Consider the deficiency of current routing strategies, we propose a new local information based routing strategy on a scale-free network.
234. It is used to design the quality control strategy of transcoder.
235. Moving onto land may have been a survival strategy resulting from the need to abandon one shrinking body of water for another .
236. A company - wide business strategy designed to reduce costs and increase profitability by solidifying customer loyalty.
237. The tactical planning has the task to implement the maintenance strategy and minimize maintenance costs.
238. Based on these, the optimum control strategy ( parameters ) are obtained.
239. Synchronizing and asynchronous ignition timing can be realized by ECU and control strategy condition.
240. The control strategy of adaptive ASLMS-based harmonic cancellation is proposed for eliminating the higher harmonics of acceleration response.
241. And his Impersonally Appraising and poetic reflection in writing strategy narrated those killing events without turning a hair. This relates with his experience, thanatopsis and aesthetic pursuing.
242. Then, give out the strategy of establishing forward index file.
243. The optimal strategy that can regulate the cluster radius automatically is introduced into the guarantee of the cluster rationality.
244. Inhibition of cholesteryl ester transfer protein has been proposed as a strategy to raise HDL cholesterol levels.
245. The strategy can achieve satisfactory control of time delay systems.
246. Combining optimal control and self-tuning control theory, the adaptive control strategy for semi-active landing gear is proposed.




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