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单词 Turning
(1) It is a long lane that has no turning
(2) Woe is me. Me thinks I'm turning into a god. 
(3) The garden is turning into a wilderness.
(4) His hair is turning gray.
(5) The sky was turning rosy over the harbour.
(6) Take the second turning on/to the left.
(7) Before turning, you should slow down your car.
(8) No, there's no turning back.
(9) The situation in the streets was turning/growing ugly.
(10) Turning refugees away would be an inhumane action.
(11) Joan is turning into quite a skilled musician.
(12) The fox eluded the hunters by turning back quickly.
(13) Where's the key for turning off the radiator?
(14) Turning away under a strong attack is a sure recipe for defeat.
(15) Howe was turning into an alcoholic because of the stress of his job.
(16) It was early autumn and the leaves were turning yellow.
(17) This win could prove to be a historic turning point in the fortunes of the team.
(18) Turning his trousers upside down[Sentencedict], she shook out a lot of coins.
(19) He displayed his incompetence by turning in a report that was full of errors.
(20) Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
(21) The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.
(22) The housing sales have been turning down since the summer.
(23) She bustled about, turning on lights, moving pillows around on the sofa.
(24) We like the needle on the surface, keep turning, turn, a time left in a hurry, powerless.
(25) All my life, I've only been pretending. Without me, his world will go on turning. A world that's full of happiness that I have never known.
(26) I have not reckoned with the possibility of his turning up so soon.
(27) We went the wrong way and had to backtrack till we got to the right turning.
(28) The timing of the gun was precisely synchronized with the turning of the plane's propeller.
(29) The road of life is a spiral path, only swagger, flexible turning, can rise to the ideal.
(30) A new day will come. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer...Folk in these stories had lots of chances of turning back, they kept going because they trust that's some good in this world.
(1) His hair is turning gray.
(2) The sky was turning rosy over the harbour.
(3) Before turning, you should slow down your car.
(4) No, there's no turning back.
(5) Turning refugees away would be an inhumane action.
(6) Joan is turning into quite a skilled musician.
(7) The fox eluded the hunters by turning back quickly.
(8) Turning away under a strong attack is a sure recipe for defeat.
(9) Howe was turning into an alcoholic because of the stress of his job.
(10) It was early autumn and the leaves were turning yellow.
(11) This win could prove to be a historic turning point in the fortunes of the team.
(12) I have not reckoned with the possibility of his turning up so soon.
(13) We went the wrong way and had to backtrack till we got to the right turning.
(14) The timing of the gun was precisely synchronized with the turning of the plane's propeller.
(15) Turning his trousers upside down, she shook out a lot of coins.
(16) He displayed his incompetence by turning in a report that was full of errors.
(17) The housing sales have been turning down since the summer.
(18) She bustled about, turning on lights, moving pillows around on the sofa.
(19) I've got into the habit of turning on the TV as soon as I get home.
(20) His collection of ancient pottery is turning one hundred pieces.
(21) The vote yesterday appears to mark something of a turning point in the war.
(22) His induction as a teacher was a turning point in his life.
(23) The bracken was turning to the dusky gold of a fine autumn.
(24) ASH, the anti-smoking group, called the new regulations a turning point in the campaign against smoking.
(25) He must have taken a wrong turning in the dark.
(26) I only take on work that excites me, even if it means turning down lots of money.
(27) There is a switch on the wall for turning on the lights.
(28) This place is turning into a jungle already.
(29) The wheels were turning swiftly.
(30) He was idly turning the pages of a magazine.
(31) I've got into the habit of turning on the TV as soon as I get home.
(32) His collection of ancient pottery is turning one hundred pieces.
(33) The vote yesterday appears to mark something of a turning point in the war.
(34) His induction as a teacher was a turning point in his life.
(35) The bracken was turning to the dusky gold of a fine autumn.
(36) ASH, the anti-smoking group, called the new regulations a turning point in the campaign against smoking.
(37) He must have taken a wrong turning in the dark.
(38) I only take on work that excites me, even if it means turning down lots of money.
(39) There is a switch on the wall for turning on the lights.
(40) You're turning into a real old fogey !
(41) She was turning over old letters.
(42) Try turning the key a trifle .
(43) Pedestrians have right of way at this turning.
(44) Take the first turning on the left .
(45) I'm still turning the matter over in my mind.
(46) He sighed, turning away and surveying the sea.
(47) The team excels at turning defence into attack.
(48) I was turning his proposal about all day long.
(49) Do me a favor by turning off that radio!
(50) The rain was turning to sleet.
(51) His mind kept turning in an endless loop.
(52) The chairman is turning over the documents.
(53) He was turning the pages of the book.
(54) The bolt and handle are deadlocked against turning.
(55) Several students were turning out the classroom.
(56) Many people here are turning to solar power.
(57) She waited, idly turning the pages of a magazine.
(58) We came the wrong way/took a wrong turning.
(59) We must have taken a wrong turning.
(60) "Sweet dreams," she said, turning off the light.
(31) The process of disarmament is at a crucial turning point.
(32) The timing of the gun was precisely synchronised with the turning of the plane's propeller.
(33) All night I have been tossing and turning racking my brains to think what could have possessed the young man to kill himself.
(34) We didn't reckon for the weather turning bad so suddenly.
(61) The economy seems to be turning up.
(62) The cutters are opened by turning the knob anticlockwise.
(63) I got muddled up and took the wrong turning.
(64) Turning the company around won't be easy.
(65) I was tossing and turning all night.
(66) She's turning into a proper little madam.
(67) The promotion marked a turning point in her career.
(68) This place is turning into a jungle already.
(69) Charles was rapidly turning red in the face.
(70) Investment is turning up sharply.
(71) I'm turning the project over to you.
(72) Neither nation is renowned for turning the other cheek.
(73) the second turning/road on the right after the station.
(74) It was a turning point in his career.
(75) The wheels were turning swiftly.
(76) I've been tossing and turning all night.
(77) That game was a turning point for the team.
(78) Take the first turning to the right.
(79) He kept turning the central heating down.
(80) Consumers are turning away from credit cards.
(81) I'd committed myself and there was no turning back.
(82) He is turning the engine over.
(83) 'I'm thirsty,' she said[ ], turning on the tap .
(84) My mum is turning into a religious maniac.
(85) The yen is turning up.
(86) He appeared to be still turning the idea about.
(87) Rose's hair was already turning grey.
(88) Turning the car around , we headed home.
(89) We are all turning our thoughts to the matter.
(90) Take the next turning on the right.
(91) He was turning over pages of an encyclopedia.
(92) The economy has been turning down since last month.
(93) He had a reputation for turning violent .
(94) She listened to his confession without turning a hair.
(95) You're turning into a real scrooge!
(96) Meeting her was the turning point in my life.
(97) Stop turning round to look at people.
(98) 'Help!' I screamed, turning to run.
(99) Take the first turning on the right.
(100) Only traffic turning right may enter the box.
(101) Turning off the ignition de-energizes the spark plugs.
(102) The leaves were already turning brown.
(103) Why are you all turning on me ?
(104) Take the first turning but one .
(105) He was idly turning the pages of a magazine.
(106) He sat turning the pages idly.
(107) His father had been turning the idea over in his mind for some time.
(108) The process of disarmament is at a crucial turning point.
(109) The mid-sixties were a turning point in sports car design.
(110) She kept turning over the events of the day in her mind.
(111) Teachers were turning a blind eye to smoking in school.
(112) A few yards up the hill, on the left,[/turning.html] was a turning.
(113) As already mentioned, the legislation does not consider low pay as an acceptable reason for turning down a job.
(114) These communities are now turning to recycling in large numbers.
(115) Surely nobody would suggest turning him out of the house.
(116) We hope that the next government will do more to keep the wheels of industry turning .
(117) I think we went the wrong way at that last turning.
(118) He has stropped three turning tools as I went into the workshop.
(119) We've promised to help, and there's no turning back !
(120) Go like this with your hand to show that you're turning left.
(121) He took his commission out before turning in the rest of the money.
(122) Simon was good at turning on the charm at parties.
(123) British car workers did not earn nearly enough money to buy the products they were turning out.
(124) The people are turning back to natural resources to survive.
(125) The timing of the gun was precisely synchronised with the turning of the plane's propeller.
(126) The crusade for sexual morality is turning into a witch - hunt.
(127) I was so annoyed with him for turning up late.
(128) His turning up will guarantee the success of the meeting.
(129) I struck on turning on the radio on the way to the station.
(130) Japanese corporations have been turning away from production and have diverted into finance and real estate.
(131) All night I have been tossing and turning racking my brains to think what could have possessed the young man to kill himself.
(132) We're taking relatively benign medicines and we're turning them into poisons.
(133) Afraid of their way being cut off, they lost no time in turning back.
(134) The way Bill plays that piece would have Mozart turning in his grave.
(135) Politicians are increasingly mindful that young voters are turning away from traditional parties.
(136) They have been turning out great blades for 400 years.
(137) He sat there idly turning the pages of a book.
(138) The bull looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador.
(139) The wheels were turning.
(140) 'No,' she said,[/turning.html] turning her head to see David's reaction.
(141) You gave her such a fright turning the lights out like that.
(142) My landlord is turning me out at the end of the month.
(143) She really did a number on her old boyfriend, making him beg her to come back and then turning him down.
(144) Take the first turning, sorry, the third turning on the right.
(145) The industrial revolution was a major historical turning point .
(146) The turning disc is connected by a drive belt to an electric motor.
(147) Within ten years the theme park was turning over £20 million.
(148) The girl's natural father claimed that her stepfather was turning her against him.
(149) These trousers are too long; they'll need turning up/to be turned up.
(150) The turning point in her political career came when she was chosen to fight a crucial by-election.
(151) Can't you find a way of turning a deaf ear to her endless complaints?
(152) We saw the van carve up several cars, before turning left.
(153) The turning point came when reinforcements arrived from the south.
(154) The organization is turning to political agitation in order to achieve its aims.
(155) His chauffeur misread his route and took a wrong turning.
(156) I considered turning back, but it was getting late, so I pressed on.
(157) I couldn't sleep, but kept tossing and turning/tossing about in bed all night.
(158) We really went to town on it, turning it into a full, three-day show.
(159) In 1914 the world reached a turning point in its history.
(160) Dave felt she was deliberately turning the kids against him.
(161) Take the third turning on the left after the traffic lights.
(162) Once you have made a promise, there is no turning back.
(163) The promotion proved to be a turning point in his career.
(164) You stay on this road for a mile before turning off.
(164) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(165) I took the precaution of turning the water supply off first.
(166) Corbett rode along, turning over in his mind what Bruce had said.
(167) Take the first right, and then it's the second turning on your left.
(168) I could plainly see him turning his head to the right and left.
(169) He was a political gadfly, turning up at city council meetings and complaining about the waste of taxpayers' money.
(170) I think we must have taken a wrong turning somewhere.
(171) We said we would do it-there can be no turning back.
(172) Attach the nozzle to the garden hose before turning on the water.
(173) He fixed the rope around the post by turning it in.
(174) I've just had an inspiration: why don't we try turning it the other way!
(175) While other people were turning over the matter, he leapt in with his proposal.
(176) Darwin must be turning in his grave at the thought of what is being perpetrated in his name.
(177) He indicated that he was turning right, but then he turned left!
(178) He started life as a teacher before turning to journalism.
(179) During the daytime, it will be overcast, turning clear later.
(180) He turned his eyes to the door when he heard the handle turning.
(181) There was no air conditioning, just a ceiling fan turning slowly.
(182) This proved to be the turning point of the game.
(183) Insects smell by turning their antennae to scents in the air.
(184) We didn't reckon for the weather turning bad so suddenly.
(185) Her latest novel marks a turning point in her development as a writer.
(186) The project must go ahead; there can be no turning back.
(187) At that moment he heard Gill's key turning in the lock of the door.
(188) Once the charcoal is glowing, place the food on the grill, turning it regularly.
(189) He kept turning the idea of resigning over in his mind.
(190) She offended them by turning down their offer of friendship.
(191) Turning the corner the sun blinded me, so I didn't see the other car.
(192) I couldn't sleep but kept tossing and turning in bed all night.
(193) He wanted to land his plane when the left engine of the plane stayed turning.
(194) The tide of public opinion seems to be turning at last.
(194) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(195) Italy versus Japan is turning out to be a surprisingly well matched competition.
(196) It was too dark to read our map and we took a wrong turning.
(197) After twisting and turning for a while, he managed to wriggle free.
(198) They may succeed in turning a little local difficulty into a full-blown regional conflagration.
(199) She reacted to the insult by turning her back on him.
(200) Even when she didn't say anything you could see her turning things over in her mind.
(201) Teachers are turning a blind eye to pupils smoking at school, a report reveals today.
(202) Only the skill of the goalkeeper prevented the match from turning into a rout.
(203) He had some cockamamie idea about turning waste paper into animal food.
(204) I'm in the habit of turning back the corner of the page to mark my place.
(205) I went around the apartment turning off lights.
(206) The election is not due until next April(), but the battle is already turning hot.
(207) Emily was turning over their labels, to the accompaniment of Mr Zamoyski's hammering from the back room.
(208) I should like to make a couple of points about the Bill's two substantive provisions before turning to its hidden agenda.
(209) Ever so gradually Milton had to admit that this whole thing was turning out all right.
(210) Astronomers had accidentally caught a comet in the act of turning into an asteroid.
(211) The dime reminded me of myself, turning hard corners and accelerating into a final bell-ringing disappearance through a bright metal trapdoor.
(212) She advanced on herself cautiously but with dignity, turning round before her turning image.
(213) Soon sales had increased by 17 percent and the center was turning a $ 111, 000 annual profit.
(214) Turning off the tape, he lay on the bottom bunk and crossed his arms under his head.
(215) He knew the airliner would be turning right at the end of the runway and that he would be turning left.
(216) But turning around such a tarnished image will not be easy.
(217) Hunters might seek to kill them, but they are quite capable of turning the tables and acting out the agent role.
(218) For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity. William Penn 
(219) Passion is blushing furiously across pop, rapidly turning it to ashes in its shame.
(220) And look at her ... turning soft with admiration for a man who cared for nothing but his ambition.
(221) We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man. C.S. Lewis 
(222) Turning now to benefit payments, marriage can, in some cases, affect existing arrangements.
(223) She imagined herself turning up at Alan's bedside with an armful of freesias and went hot all over.
(224) He was turning to ascend the ladder to the engine room when the ship's fire alarm sounded.
(225) After it he'd become withdrawn and moody,[/turning.html] his formerly friendly nature turning acerbic and harsh.
(226) I remember their leader turning to go and wondering whether that was his signal for an all-out attack.
(227) Both cases can be covered by imposing the additional constraint and then turning to the second objective.
(228) The brief appearance of what may seem like an inconsequential maidservant may end up being the turning event of the story.
(229) American history reached a turning point when the first black American, Barack Obama, was elected and re- elected as president in 2008 and 2012 respectively. Dr T.P.Chia 
(230) The tide on Capitol Hill appeared to be turning against the Gallegly amendment.
(231) If Joan was an abstract purist(), other young artists were turning toward Bad Painting and cartoon art.
(232) Big processors such as Archer Daniels Midland have already announced they will be turning less corn into ethanol this year.
(233) It's claimed that Honda is turning away job applicants who belong to a union.
(234) Turning to the Babel story, Dark then elaborated his plan and announced his vision of things to come.
(235) Action has the magical power of turning dreams into reality. Dr T.P.Chia 
(236) Nobody knows why, any more than anyone knows why amphibians are disappearing, dolphins are dying or coral is turning white.
(237) Hospitals can no longer afford medicines and are turning patients away.
(238) Hers is a one-in-a-million case which results in her turning blue and stopping breathing whenever she becomes excited or agitated.
(239) The Raiders finally abandoned hope of turning Ismail into a productive wide receiver.
(240) The school ethos was mainly concerned with turning out well-educated, potential wives of professional able-bodied men.
(241) A typhoon also moved in that day, obscuring the mountain and turning the airborne ash into a downpour of mud.
(242) It calls for turning around and approaching the problem from a completely different angle.
(243) By now I was thinking that our simple request for shelter was turning into a rather cumbersome affair.
(244) Other companies are turning to television, which offers access to a much broader but less affluent market.
(245) They were all the same, those men, turning away their heavy faces and failing to acknowledge my greetings.
(246) This extra width would also allow for right hand turning lanes to be incorporated at the junctions on to adjacent military land.
(247) To avoid simultaneous borrowing and depositing you should monitor how accurate your forecasting is, without turning this into an art form.
(248) Computer graphics is, among other things, just what the mathematician needed: an appropriate mechanism for turning algebra into forms.
(248) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(249) Training programs are turning hightech, and venture capitalists are staking millions on the new approach.
(250) Turning physical activities into games, especially the ones the child benefits from, requires ingenuity.




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