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单词 North
1. The wind shifted to the north.
2. The cliffs fall away to the north.
3. The River Tees empties into the North Sea.
4. cold winds coming from the north.
5. China bounds on Russia in the north.
6. A compass shows you which direction is north.
7. North Korea is one of China's staunchest allies.
8. Most employees of the firm are from the north.
9. The wind shifted from east to north.
10. There was widespread industrial unrest in the north.
11. In which direction are you going, north or south?
12. The building is oriented south and north.
13. A compass needle always points north.
14. Our position is latitude 32 degrees north.
15. The farther north they went,[ ] the colder it became.
16. The wind has come round to the north.
17. He flew to Europe via the North Pole.
18. The Indians were the original inhabitants of North America.
19. Our position is latitude 40 degrees north.
20. South is opposite north on a compass.
21. Good fish abound in the North Sea.
22. The village is due north of Paris.
23. The north wind cuts like a knife.
24. He lives in North Parade.
25. The wind has come around to the north.
26. Coeducation is very common in North America.
27. There are many buffalo in north America.
28. Mount Kenya is to the north of Nairobi.
29. He lives to the north of here.
30. Interstate 8 bypasses the town to the north.
1. The wind shifted to the north.
2. cold winds coming from the north.
3. North Korea is one of China's staunchest allies.
4. Most employees of the firm are from the north.
5. There was widespread industrial unrest in the north.
6. Our position is latitude 32 degrees north.
7. The farther north they went, the colder it became.
8. He flew to Europe via the North Pole.
9. There are many buffalo in north America.
10. Mount Kenya is to the north of Nairobi.
11. A keen north wind was blowing.
12. This combination of cheese and apples is not an invention of the north of England.
13. The north of the country rose in rebellion against the government.
14. In France's former North African colonies, anti-French feeling is growing.
15. The earth's axis is the line between the North and South Poles.
16. Radio Caroline used to broadcast from a boat in the North Sea.
17. From the lowlands of the south to the rugged peaks in the north, Derbyshire has something for everyone.
18. A lot of firms are relocating to the North of England.
19. Zidane has become the poster child for a whole generation of French-born youths of North African extraction.
20. Latest statistics suggest the North/South divide is becoming even more pronounced.
21. A nationwide poll revealed different food preferences in the North and the South.
22. The Labour Party retained its traditional stronghold in the north.
23. The earth's poles are called the North Pole and the South Pole.
24. The north magnetic pole lies to the west of the geographic North Pole.
25. Dense / thick fog is affecting roads in the north and visibility is poor.
26. In the north the ground becomes very cold as the winter snow and ice covers the ground.
27. Which way is north?
28. The pioneers went west across North America, cutting down forests and planting new crops.
29. There appeared to be a growing gulf between the prosperous south and the declining towns of the north.
30. The family owns a large estate in the north of the country.
31. A keen north wind was blowing.
32. The industrial north of the country felt the full impact of the recession.
33. This combination of cheese and apples is not an invention of the north of England.
34. when you are gone, who with me from south to north.
35. I still remember the mountains in the north, locked in snow and ice.
36. Toxic chemicals continue to be dumped in the North Sea.
37. The Earth revolves about the axis which joins the North and South Poles.
38. The north of the country rose in rebellion against the government.
39. He stowed away on a ferry and landed in North Shields.
40. In France's former North African colonies, anti-French feeling is growing.
41. It seems almost inevitable that North African economies will still be primarily oriented towards Europe.
42. Dense fog is covering roads in the north and visibility is very poor.
43. I haven't save your feeling, just facing north say goodbye.
44. The earth's axis is the line between the North and South Poles.
45. Radio Caroline used to broadcast from a boat in the North Sea.
46. The north and south of the island are linked by a narrow isthmus.
47. North Americans often hold off a certain distance in conversation, which is about 21 inches apart found by studies.
48. From the lowlands of the south to the rugged peaks in the north, Derbyshire has something for everyone.
49. A lot of firms are relocating to the North of England.
50. Zidane has become the poster child for a whole generation of French-born youths of North African extraction.
51. The M6 diverges from the M1 just north of Rugby.
52. The needle on a compass always points to magnetic north.
53. Latest statistics suggest the North/South divide is becoming even more pronounced.
54. The north central states have a very different kind of climate.
55. A nationwide poll revealed different food preferences in the North and the South.
56. The Labour Party retained its traditional stronghold in the north.
57. Heavy industry was concentrated in the north of the country.
58. The United States is bounded in the south by Mexico and in the north by Canada.
59. He plans to fence in about 100 acres of his ranch five miles north of town.
60. The earth's poles are called the North Pole and the South Pole.
31. The Republicans have quite a large following in the North.
32. With the expanded production of North Sea oil and gas, the UK has become a net exporter of fuel .
33. The boat was hit by a squall north of the island.
34. The buses went in opposite directions — one went south and the other went north.
35. The coastal road diverges from the freeway just north of Santa Monica.
36. The points of the compass are North, South, East and West.
37. A cinema was burnt out in north London last night. Police suspect arson.
38. NATO is short for North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
39. The Eskimos of the far north are primitive.
40. North Carolina is classed as an agricultural state.
41. The north wind howled around our cabin.
42. The house has a north - facing aspect.
43. The riots swept the industrial north and midland.
44. The needle of a compass points to the north.
45. This city is close to the fortieth parallel of north latitude.
46. The painting depicts the Grand Canal, Venice, looking north from the Rialto Bridge.
47. Several villages in the north have been isolated by heavy snowfalls.
48. South America is joined to North America by a canal.
49. Cod are found in the North Atlantic and the North Sea.
50. North America is connected with South America by the Isthmus of Panama.
51. The arctic tundra is at the top of the world around the North Pole.
52. All communications with the north have been stopped by snowstorm.
53. In their geography class, the children are doing a special project on North American Indians.
54. The centre of the U.S. economy shifted from the agrarian areas to the industrial centres in the north.
55. A child born in the far north is soon conditioned to the long cold dark winters.
61. The company wants to situate its headquarters in the north.
62. In the 19th century industry gravitated towards the north of England.
63. North of the city to the north is not to miss.
64. Buildings were strung out on the north side of the river.
65. The north magnetic pole lies to the west of the geographic North Pole.
66. Dense / thick fog is affecting roads in the north and visibility is poor.
67. The kitchen faces north.
68. In the north the ground becomes very cold as the winter snow and ice covers the ground.
69. The Sahara Desert is a natural barrier between North and Central Africa.
70. Which way is north?
71. And when he speaks to you,believe in him,though his voice may shatter your dream as the north wind lays waste the garden.
72. The pioneers went west across North America, cutting down forests and planting new crops.
73. Large herds of bison used to live on the plains of North America.
74. Salisbury sent him on a diplomatic mission to North America.
75. This weather pattern of the southern hemisphere has no parallel in the north.
76. There appeared to be a growing gulf between the prosperous south and the declining towns of the north.
77. The family owns a large estate in the north of the country.
78. The Republicans have quite a large following in the North.
79. In winter,[http://] the weather in the North can ice people's breath.
80. With the expanded production of North Sea oil and gas, the UK has become a net exporter of fuel .
81. The boat was hit by a squall north of the island.
82. The buses went in opposite directions — one went south and the other went north.
83. The coastal road diverges from the freeway just north of Santa Monica.
84. The points of the compass are North, South, East and West.
85. A mariner must have his eye upon rocks and sands as well as upon the North Star.
86. A cinema was burnt out in north London last night. Police suspect arson.
87. It is difficult to imagine how the North and South could ever agree on a formula to unify the divided peninsula.
88. When we think of adventurers, many of us conjure up images of larger-than-life characters trekking to the North Pole.
89. Islam spread rapidly through North Africa.
90. NATO is short for North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
91. They came over the mountains in the north.
92. It faced seawards to the north.
93. A cold front is moving in from the north.
94. She's the MP for Liverpool North.
95. The two roads meet just north of Flagstaff.
96. We went north in order to circumvent the mountains.
97. The car broke down just north of Paris.
98. Anita drove north up Pacific Highway.
99. The Eskimos of the far north are primitive.
100. The hotel is situated two miles north of downtown.
101. There's a good A-road going North -- the A1.
102. The wind is coming from the north.
103. North and south are opposite directions.
104. We moored off the north coast of the island.
104. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
105. There are mountains to the north/south/east/west of here.
106. North Carolina is classed as an agricultural state.
107. Scotland is to the north of England.
108. The stadium is oriented south and north.
109. He confessed to spying for North Korea.
110. The fort was vulnerable to attack from the north.
111. The refugees streamed north to the border.
112. Canada lies on the north of America.
113. We camped on the north shore of Lake Michigan.
114. Chicago is four hours north of Indianapolis.
115. He was taken prisoner in North Africa in 1942.
116. I've never been north of Edinburgh.
117. He began his own abolitionist newspaper, The North Star.
118. He is working at some place in the north.
119. Atlanta was only an hour's drive to the north.
120. The north wind howled around our cabin.
121. The North defeated the South in 1865.
122. Fighting was concentrated around the towns to the north.
123. They live in the north of Spain.
124. You'll have to back up north.
125. The North/South divide is characteristic of Britain.
126. Then they headed north to join forces with us.
127. Manchester is known as the gateway to the north.
128. The house has a north - facing aspect.
129. The geology of north Devon is particularly interesting.
130. The wind is tending to the north.
131. The North will be dry and bright.
132. The compass needle was pointing north.
133. The village lies five miles due north of York.
134. They fenced the seedbeds from the north wind.
135. Italian industry is concentrated mainly in the north.
136. The steamer will go west by north.
137. Canada bounds the United States on the north.
138. Clifford is enjoying life north of the border.
139. Cod stocks in the North Atlantic have dropped radically.
140. It's on the north bank of the Thames.
141. The Rhine empties into the North Sea.
142. Cambridge is/lies to the north of London.
143. The mountain is best viewed from the north side.
144. The team climbed the north face of the mountain.
145. He saw service in North Africa.
146. The two roads meet just north of the city.
147. The river turns north at this point.
148. Severe winds have been battering the north coast.
149. A convicted murderer was executed in North Carolina yesterday.
150. He's got a curacy in the North of England.
151. They controlled the greater part of North Africa.
152. These fish are native to North America.
153. The explorers dared the dangers of the ice north.
154. Poverty and deprivation are by no means confined to the north of the country.
155. The North, by and large, has fared better than most regions in avoiding high unemployment figures.
156. The summers out here are not congenial to the average North European.
157. Crossing the North Pole on foot was an amazing feat of human endeavour.
158. The grey squirrel was introduced into Britain from North America.
159. His wilderness years in the 1990s were spent in North America.
160. Many houses in the north are warm in winter because they are insulated so that the heat is not lost.
161. Canada and Britain have established diplomatic relations with North Korea.
162. Caesar marched north into the forests that border the Danube River.
163. The South and North Pole are the two points at opposite ends of the earth, about which it revolves.
164. A similar feature is found at 13 degrees North between 230 degrees and 250 degrees longitude.
165. Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, while those in the south are relatively poor.
166. In the year 1700, about 60 million bison wandered freely in North America.
167. The dramatic desiccation of North Africa is a perplexing phenomenon.
168. From Fort William drive north for a couple of miles.
169. Rome's sphere of influence extended across Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.
170. Most of the country's population is concentrated in the north.
171. As you move north, the landscape takes on a different character.
172. It is possible to escape the tourist honeypots by heading north.
173. North was a man who added to the intrigue of meetings.
174. The north side of the building doesn't get much sun.
175. The painting depicts the Grand Canal, Venice, looking north from the Rialto Bridge.
176. She remembers when her dad ran for governor and stumped the north of the state.
177. The army had been positioned to the north and east of the city.
178. The coal mines in North China have to rev up their outputs to meet ever - increasing demand.
179. These prejudices are particularly prevalent among people living in the North.
180. North American sales account for 40% of the worldwide market.
181. The church is remotely situated on the north coast of the island.
182. When his rent was raised, he made the fateful decision to move north.
183. Most western European nations are signatories to/of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
184. He learnt his trade as a diver in the North Sea.
185. Jamaican reggae music is quite distinct from North American jazz or blues.
186. The wind suddenly changed and began blowing from the north.
187. The garden faces north and doesn't get much sun in winter.
188. Birds are so sensible, migrating between the north and south, according to the weather.
189. He had flown to the north of the country to drum up support for the campaign.
190. The revolt in the north is believed to have been instigated by a high-ranking general.
191. Britain's possession of North Sea oil has proved a bonus for British technology.
192. In North America, vehicles drive on the right-hand side of the road.
193. He was forced to cut short a visit to North America.
194. Houses are less expensive in the North than in the South.
195. He fell and died while attempting to climb the north face of Mont Blanc.
196. He achieved/gained notoriety for murdering eleven women in the north of England.
197. North Africans make up the largest and poorest immigrant group in the country.
198. South America is joined to North America by a canal.
199. No crops can grow here in the frozen North,[http:///north.html] so all the vegetables have to be flown out.
200. For the purposes of this book, America is taken to include the continent north of Mexico.
201. The Yorkshire Dales are twenty miles to the north of the city.
202. The bus passed by the edge of the railway station and turned north.
203. Shannon Airport in Ireland was the first European landfall for airplanes flying from North America.
204. The factory will be built at a site to the north of the city.
205. The general had mustered his troops north of the Hindu Kush.
206. Both sides say they want to try to reach a political settlement in the embattled north and east of the island.
207. You can go anywhere and still the compass points north or south.
208. He is leaving his north London business in the hands of a colleague.
209. Our first choice for a holiday is the north of Scotland.
210. The great divide between north and south seems to be as unbridgeable as ever.
211. a paper company which imports raw materials from North America.
212. Our decision to build the museum in Hartlepool was influenced by the fact that there were no national museums in the North East.
213. He made several attempts to reach the North Pole unsupported.
214. Dr North ceremoniously raised his glass to offer a toast.
215. It will become windy in the far north and west.
216. His unit was responsible for intelligence gathering in North Africa.
217. The accident is a grim reminder of the potential dangers involved in North Sea oil production.
218. She travelled widely in North America, lecturing on women's rights.
219. The Sierra mountain range runs the length of the north west coast of Majorca.
220. The US is bounded on the north by Canada and on the south by Mexico.
221. The worst winter storms of the century lashed the east coast of North America.
222. Where Marcella lives, the rents are fairly cheap, but a little further north it'sa different story.
223. Cod are found in the North Atlantic and the North Sea.
224. They narrowly escaped shipwreck in a storm in the North Sea.
225. The debate will pit the industrial North against developing countries in the South.
226. He was a diver on a North Sea oil rig.
227. There was an electricity black-out in a large area in the north of the country.
228. The helicopter took off and headed north. Then it looped west,[sentence dictionary] heading for the hills.
229. The pilot was drowned in his plane when it crashed into the North Sea.
230. These riots in the north are a sign of the times.
231. North American literature is the main theme of this year's festival.
232. The share price is expected to rise north of $20.
233. I live in Cambridge, but my relatives live up north in Manchester.
234. Reports are just coming in of a major oil spillage in the North Sea.
235. What is the total oil output from the British sector of the North Sea?
236. The group built their reputation by playing across the length and breadth of North America.
237. My first drop of the day is usually somewhere in north London.
238. The invading troops have pushed further into the north of the country.
239. The North defeated the South in the American Civil War.
240. The Baltic Sea is a continuation of the North Sea.
241. The garden is flanked to the north with large maple trees.
242. North America is connected with South America by the Isthmus of Panama.
243. The US is bounded in the north by Canada and in the south by Mexico.
244. To the north lie the flat and fertile farmlands of the Solway plain.
245. All communications with the north have been stopped by snowstorm.
246. The 1980s property boom in and around London helped to create a North/South divide in the cost of housing.
247. To the north are the hot springs of Banyas de Sant Loan.
248. Wreckage has been sighted fifteen miles north of the island.
249. Increased competition is really putting the squeeze on North American producers.
250. The commanders were keen to press home their advantage with a further offensive in the north.
251. A forest fire is sweeping across portions of north Maine this evening.
252. I was amazed that virtually all the things I took for granted up north just didn't happen in London.
253. The north is less expensive to live in than the south.
254. Clashes between the rebels and government forces have broken out in the north.
255. The firm is anxious to gain a toehold in the North American market.
256. Our farm is a few miles north of the village.
257. Most of the fighting was centred in the north of the capital.
258. At the unspoiled North Bay, three white pyramids rise like futuristic sails from the sea.http://
259. Such fish is rarely met with in the north country.
260. The mountaineers succeeded in climbing the north face of the mountain to the top peak.
261. He collided with a pine tree near the North Gate.
262. The island is just 80 miles north of the equator.
263. The American Civil War was fought between the North and the South partly over the issue of slavery.
264. Unemployment is higher in the north than in the country as a whole.
265. The whole of the island was flooded with the exception of a small area in the north.




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