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单词 Republican
1, Some families have been republican for generations.
2, Who will get the Republican nomination for president?
3, The area is a Republican stronghold.
4, He is a member of the Republican Party.
5, Can he heal the deep divisions among Republican ranks?
6, Preliminary results show the Republican party with 11 percent of the vote.
7, Both Democratic and Republican parties are courting former supporters of Ross Perot.
8, At heart he is a republican.
9, Republican leaders called him a disgrace to the party.
10, She has frequently expressed Republican sympathies.
11, The speech was badly received by republican leaders.
12, He addressed the annual Republican convention.
13, Amy's own Republican sympathies strengthened as the days passed.
14, The state has swung from Republican to Democrat.
15, He ran for governor on the Republican ticket.
16, The Los Alamos district is solidly Republican.
17, Clinton carried his campaign into Republican areas.
18, The Republican Party will run Johnson for President.
19, The state is solidly Republican.
20, This newspaper is just a Republican mouthpiece.
21, Democrats lashed Republican plans,(http:///Republican.html) calling them extreme.
22, Republican strategists are taking particular aim at Democratic senators.
23, What made you decide to become a Republican?
24, Republican leaders are making open solicitation of the Italian-American vote.
25, After 12 years of Republican presidents, the US went Democratic in 1992.
26, Although the curtain has now fallen on the Republican era, many of its values still remain.
27, The Republican candidate stands a good chance of getting in.
28, Moderates are putting it about that people shouldn't take the things said at the Republican Convention too seriously.
29, There is no reason why they cannot see off the Republican challenge.
30, Radical remarks like this amount to heresy for most members of the Republican party.
1, Some families have been republican for generations.
2, Who will get the Republican nomination for president?
3, The area is a Republican stronghold.
4, He is a member of the Republican Party.
5, Can he heal the deep divisions among Republican ranks?
6, Moderates are putting it about that people shouldn't take the things said at the Republican Convention too seriously.
7, There is no reason why they cannot see off the Republican challenge.
8, Preliminary results show the Republican party with 11 percent of the vote.
9, Radical remarks like this amount to heresy for most members of the Republican party.
10, Both Democratic and Republican parties are courting former supporters of Ross Perot.
11, A third candidate has entered the contest for the Republican nomination.
31, There was a fall in support for the Republican party at the last election.
32, The loss of Georgia would sound the death knell of Republican hopes.
33, He plans to remain on the Republican ticket for the November election.
34, He kept his cool on the convention floor when he was heckled by a young Republican.
35, The promise of tax cuts proved, as always, to be the Republican Party's trump card.
36, His report was scathing about Loyalist and Republican terror groups.
37, It was the Republican Party's third election triumph in a row.
38, He fought on the republican side in the Spanish Civil War.
39, In the Senate race, the Republican outspent his rival by nearly $2 million.
40, There are two political parties in the US - the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
41, He called on former Republican voters to return to the fold.
42, The Republican candidate said he would "work like crazy to stay ahead".
43, A number of Republican congressmen were elected on Bush's coattails.
44, A third candidate has entered the contest for the Republican nomination.
45, Everyone was predicting a Republican win at the last election and look what happened.
46, Mr Lake was an important cog in the Republican campaign machine.
47, Yet it is feared the Republican leadership could split over the agreement.
48, After several years of Republican government,( ) the pendulum will undoubtedly swing back and voters will elect a Democrat.
49, His Republican rival may be expected to take up the gauntlet.
50, Republican party members were confidently proclaiming victory even as the first few votes came in.
51, The Democrats were ready to pounce on any Republican failings or mistakes.
52, One of the goals of the campaign is to cut off the elite Republican Guard from its supplies.
53, The election may not be the traditional two-horse race between the preferred Democrat and Republican party candidates.
54, When Republican write-ins were included, Johnson's margin of victory was only 330 votes.
55, The Republican Senator won a third term by a razor-thin edge over his Democratic challenger.
56, He fought for the republican cause in the civil war.
57, Both policies attracted sharp Republican criticism.
58, Bob Bennett, the Ohio Republican chairman.
59, Forbes dramatically increased his support among Republican voters statewide.
60, Franklin had a long association with Republican politics.
61, That responsibility is particularly acute in the Republican race.
62, All the leading Republican governors qualify as fiscal conservatives.
63, John McCain, a conservative Republican from Arizona.
64, True, it had not been a banner year for Republican candidates, thanks to the resignation of President Nixon that summer.
65, His appeal extends beyond the old Republican base of suburban country club whites.
66, Two retiring Republican senators warned their fellow lawmakers Tuesday that they need to fix the Social Security system before it goes broke.
67, John F.. Kerry, to the leading Republican lobbyists who support conservative and pro-business candidates at a cocktail reception here.
68, Republican Congressional leaders have launched a rhetorical assault against the Clinton proposal this week.
69, Self-interest now propels both Clinton and Republican leaders in Congress to reach accommodation on issues that long have divided them.
70, The strength of the argument for splitting the bill is evident in the reaction of the two Republican senators from Texas.
71, Clinton remains far ahead of Republican rival Bob Dole, according to the latest public opinion surveys.
72, His Republican challengers, if they want to be successful, need to offer a better alternative.
73, In one of the most closely watched races in the country, he defeated incumbent Republican Andrea Seastrand in a bitter rematch.
74, Ohendalski, a Huntsville accountant and former Republican county chairman, is running against state Rep.
75, Running counter to mainstream Republican thinking, he is calling for tariffs and new trade barriers to protect jobs.
76, Christopher Shays of Connecticut, Republican sponsor of the leading bipartisan bill.
77, He was agreeable to a request to help the Republican senator out.
78, I was in New Hampshire recently watching the Republican presidential candidates chase each other and potential primary voters around.
79, When he is sworn into office he will have to pledge his allegiance to the republican constitution.
80, Its springtime for President Bill Clinton as he watches his Republican challengers rip each other to shreds.
81, It was loathed by the Republican conservatives and the private-power interests.
82, The father is always a Republican toward his son, and his mother's always a Democrat. Robert Frost 
83, Poor blacks dislike the Republican attack on welfare; rich blacks resent the Republican criticism of affirmative action.
84, Already, one top Republican fund-raiser, Ohio attorney Thomas Tripp, has established such a committee.
85, An attempt to pass a Republican budget that includes major changes in Medicare may occur again next month.
86, Some of the Republican policies have left feminists dismayed and aghast.
87, If you want to live like a Republican, vote like a Democrat. Bill Clinton 
88, The stepped-up Republican attack against Mr Rubin only heightened investors' concern over the budget stalemate in Washington.
89, They none the less strengthened the authority of the republican leaderships as they gradually extended their effective control over local affairs.
90, Alan Keyes, the only other Republican presidential candidate to participate in Louisiana, won no delegates.
91, Interest groups have always been with us, but they used to operate within coalitions called the Democratic and Republican parties.
92, Mr Keyes, a former radio talk-show host and Reagan administration diplomat, is the most eloquent of the Republican candidates.
93, Under Republican caucus rules, censuring Gingrich would force him to give up the office of speaker.
94, Anybody linked with the Republican cause would be in peril of their life under the Fascists.
95, The main weakness of these republican reforms was that they threatened fundamental change but didn't fully implement it.
96, The Rockefeller episode vividly demonstrates the Republican appetite for strife.
97, The civil liberties group is seeking a preliminary injunction barring Republican Gov.
98, The governors, nevertheless, bowed to pressure from Republican congressional leaders not to call for reopening welfare legislation for major changes.
99, The Democratic National Committee, in its failed attempt to match Republican fund raising, went a little bananas.
100, The Republican governors have proved much more supple in adapting themselves to local conditions on these polarizing issues.
101, By some estimates, as many as 2 of every 5 Iowa Republican voters are religious conservatives.
102, A new poll makes drought-stricken Texas look like an oasis for the support-thirsty presidential campaign of presumptive Republican nominee Bob Dole.
103, Those who heard the debate on radio thought Republican candidate Richard M.. Nixon carried the day.
104, He was the only Republican ever elected county commissioner of Chicago.
105, But the republican counter-espionage was highly organized, and early in 1814 he was arrested, tried and condemned to death.
106, Another political reality is the ascendancy of the Republican Party.
107, Also,(sentence dictionary) Gingrich plans to address a Republican caucus Monday night.
108, Barton said it was no accident Republican leaders scheduled the vote on April 15.
109, Loyalist paramilitaries yesterday threatened a new outbreak of bloodshed in republican areas of Northern Ireland.
110, But hardly anyone in political circles, including Republican loyalist redoubts on Capitol Hill, believes that right now.
111, Attorney General Dan Lungren is the lone Republican candidate thus far.
112, Aides to Republican Bob Dole had no immediate comment on whether the cash-strapped presidential candidate would campaign by bus.
113, Republican Senator Rod Grams of Minnesota who was a home builder.
114, This prompted two Republican candidates who are faring poorly to invite Mr Weicker back to the party; he refused.
115, House Republican Conference rules prohibit a censured lawmaker from being a committee chairman or holding a leadership post.
116, Dole may receive some help from the national Republican Party, which is already planning to run ads criticizing Clinton administration policies.
117, The Nationalists' military advances were everywhere marked by the slaughter of leftist militiamen and of known left-wing and Republican activists.
118, Elfant is a political button vendor, a lifelong liberal who is making his living this week at the Republican National Convention.
119, Both the president and the Republican Congress want to reverse that trend with broadly similar plans.
120, Other prominent left-wing republican activists were Eamonn Melaugh and John White.
121, By 1980 the Republican Party platform had become antiabortion; and a president who pledged to outlaw abortion altogether had been elected.
122, All but one of the current justices on the state high court were appointed by the last two Republican governors.
123, But last week the Republican ad cavalry charged to the rescue.
124, Dole is now expected to tap a new source of campaign financing: the Republican National Committee.
125, As a senator, Dole has worried more about budget deficits and debt than most of his Republican colleagues.
126, Mitt Romney, the former Republican Senate nominee who contributed large amounts of his private fortune to his campaign against Sen.
127, But he is no longer the Republican senate candidate for Massachusetts.
128, The Democratic party's demands include equal representation on committees, but they have yet to win Republican agreement to this.
129, That leaves Bush, in Texas(), poised to reach national prominence as a Republican advocating a cooler approach to the issue.
130, Afterwards, Republican pessimism about the latest development was fed by an inspection of the new Clinton-backed budget plan.
131, It contained a registration card for the Republican party and a membership card to the National Rifle Association.
132, Another Republican Education Department document, published in 1970, offers further clarification.
133, Indeed, many people here made their money under Republican leadership and cite family values and school choice as their chief concerns.
134, Clinton syphoned off suburban traditional Republican voters while still commanding backing from the poor and black Democrats in the inner-cities.
135, He then served on committees to set up a republican government and abolish kingship and the House of Lords.
136, The Republican National Committee has complete control over the security for its convention.
137, The anticlerical religious settlement was perhaps the most emotive and damaging reform of the republican government.
138, Sezer shares the military's belief in republican and secular values.
139, Barbour is now Republican national chairman, and Stevens went on to a string of successful campaigns(http://), including those of Sens.
140, Three Republican candidates addressed a group of 500 senior citizens concerning tax cuts.
141, Nor did the president offer much of an olive branch to the Republican majority in Congress.
142, There, local officials allowed Republican activists to take away several hundred forms and complete them.
143, An undistinguished Senator from Ohio, he had been nominated as a compromise candidate at the Republican convention.
144, Bob Dole is the most terrible of the candidates for the Republican nomination, until you consider all the others.
145, Humphrey has often clashed with Republican leaders over tax cuts.
146, An intellectual entrepreneur stands a much better chance of getting a new initiative off the ground than a corporate Republican.
147, Yet any big move by the reborn Republican governor will require a compromise with Democratic legislators.
148, Despite her keynote address at the 1996 Republican National Convention, her national profile remains low.
149, Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole appears to have two minds when it comes to taxes.
150, A conservative coalition of Democrat and Republican congressmen developed which could delay further reforms, and sometimes block them altogether.
151, There were more angry protests outside the Republican convention Friday.
152, But he and his Republican Congressional opponents have yet to decide on a seven-year plan to balance the budget.
153, The AFL-CIO has targeted 75 vulnerable Republican seats as part of a push to restore Democratic control of the House.
154, That they have ideological allies among Republican congressmen is not surprising.
155, In short, nowhere illustrates better than Mississippi the coming of age of the Republican Party in the South.
156, The Republican governor, Arne Carlson, has promised to veto the bill.
157, Party loyalty and a good war record had made Rutherford Hayes an acceptable Republican candidate that year.
158, There are more dubious politics than sensible economics in the budget deal negotiated by the White House and the Republican leadership.
159, Under no circumstances, however, should the Dole campaign let Buchanan speak during prime time at the Republican Convention.
160, Republican voters were not anti-foreigner because their neighbours were Arabs.
161, Yet, the aspiration for social cohesion is the unstated aim of much of the republican agenda in New Labour.
162, But by any measure, the Republican presidential campaign right now boils down to Dole and Forbes.
163, The former media consultant to Republican presidents has headed the business news and talk show channel since August 1993.
164, Christians have hauled the Republican Party towards their views on abortion and school prayer.
165, Participants in the conference call included Gingrich, other Republican leaders, and one of his lawyers, former Rep.
166, Candidates, not networks, should decide how to communicate with citizens, the Kentucky Republican said.
167, Some leading Republican members of Congress said Friday they consider $ 825 million to be a more accurate estimate.
168, Most of the Republican members have not been attending the committee meetings.
169, Texas Republican chairman Tom Pauken expressed strong support for the proposal.
170, Even Republican governors, who had gathered here to give the candidate advice on Tuesday, were unaware of the decision.
171, Elite Republican Guard troops deployed tanks and heavy artillery against lightly armed guerrilla units.
172, In each case a clear majority of Republican voters rejected him.
173, And in 1994, the first Republican Congress in 40 years won its revolution by getting 52 percent of the Catholic vote.
174, The feistier sort of Republican is as hostile to big government by indirect means as to the direct variety.
175, This republican religion, as we shall see, was sometimes a political ally but also an ideological competitor.
176, Robert Dornan and Patrick Buchanan -- to pledge to continue to include in the Republican platform a constitutional ban on abortions.
177, Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole drew criticism Thursday, when he blamed the welfare system for increases in domestic violence.
178, Even Republican. businessmen contribute money to the Machine, more than they give to Republican candidates.
179, Bob Dole, the expected Republican presidential nominee, came out against the proposition Tuesday.
180, In 1964, the Republican Party was torn asunder by the nomination of conservative Barry Goldwater.
181, Once his political affiliation was declared as Republican, Powell came under considerable pressure to run against Bill Clinton in 1996.
182, But it also showed the presumptive Republican presidential nominee trailing Clinton among women voters 34 percent to 41 percent.
183, Spafford Hutchinson, a computer analyst, had heard the television ads of Republican presidential candidate Steve Forbes.
184, Bob Dole, the indisputable Republican front-runner, had an even bigger day.
185, The Prime Minister was Alcala Zamora who lead a coalition government of republican radicals.
186, The Republican senator established the task force to help build consensus and draft legislation on issues facing rural areas of the state.
187, And even if there is a deal, Mr Clinton will try to caricature Republican reforms as monsters from the deep.
188, Dole and Kemp both oppose abortion, and the new Republican platform retains a strong anti-abortion plank.
189, Buchanan successfully tapped the economic insecurity of blue-collar workers by slamming trade agreements embraced by most Republican leaders, including Dole.
190, Face the facts: Mr Gore waged a lacklustre, message-shifting campaign against the weakest Republican candidate in recent history.
191, Experienced Iowa Republican activists suggest that undecided voters may stay home on what is likely to be a raw wintry evening.
192, In 1972 Richard Nixon became the first Republican to win a majority of Catholic votes.
193, Particularly significant was his capture of the Republican vote by 69 %-26 % over McCain.
194, In our civilization, and under our republican form of government, intelligence is so highly honored that it is rewarded by exemption from the cares of office. Ambrose Bierce 
195, One of the rarest creatures at a Washington cocktail party these days is a prominent Republican still working on the first marriage.
196, However, an expert on the aristocracy says Jamie Blandford's antics are adding fuel to the Republican cause.
197, And in Dusseldorf police said a member of the Republican party suffered a heart attack after being beaten up by demonstrators.
198, The Republican administration of the 1920s also responded to the desire of business for protection against foreign competition.
199, Clinton hammered away at campaign themes tailor-made to appeal to predominantly white swing voters who might otherwise vote for Republican Bob Dole.
200, A new breed of zealous,(/Republican.html) ideologically driven young political activists captured the Republican Party.
201, But even if Forbes loses his quest for the Republican presidential nomination, he may still go one better than his father.
202, Two-tier banking system introduced: a federal reserve comprising republican central banks, and commercial banks formed from sectoral state banks.
203, But this time the results have only compounded and exacerbated the problems of the Republican Party.
204, Republican Presidents of the late twentieth century-Eisenhower, Nixon, Fordhad all been men of humble background and no inherited wealth.
205, The joint declarations precipitated several days of military confrontation between the federal army and republican forces.
206, However, Clinton has no illusions that the Republican Congress would react favorably to a legislative agenda, McCurry said.
207, On Friday, he was at the Arizona Biltmore to raise money for Republican congressional candidates.
208, And this Republican candidate has won the New Hampshire primary with 28 percent of the vote.
209, But when Eisenhower opposed changes in the law, Durkin resigned and accused the Republican president of a double-cross.
210, The Republican cause embraced - far from comfortably - conservative, Catholic Basque Nationalists.
211, But the Republican governors recoiled from the prospect of reopening the welfare bill for anything.
212, Its unintended effect was also to crush a succession of much less well-prepared Republican hopefuls before a single vote had been cast.
213, Republican congressional leaders and Florida lawmakers announced an agreement Thursday to spend up to $ 300 million on Everglades restoration.
214, Republican Bob Dole is viewed favorably by 41 percent and unfavorably by 32 percent.
215, He is a staunch partisan of the Republican Party.
216, His Republican credentials made him an asset.
217, Mr Obama could respond by railing against Republican obduracy.
218, They are staunch supporters of the Republican Party.
219, My sister's a card-carrying member of the Republican Party.
220, The Republican sweep in the senatorial and congressional contests.
221, Every time there's been any out-of-bounds remark made by a Republican, no matter where they are, I have repudiated them.
222, Republican Senator Olympia Snowe, one of the co-sponsors of the reform act, asserted, "China's currency manipulation has been among the greatest impediments to our manufacturing sector."
223, But legalised corruption aside, the calibre of the "teabag party" Republican candidates are just plain scary.
224, I like to say I was embedded with the Iraqi Republican Guard.
225, Baseball Hall of Famer Jackie Robinson, the first black to play in the major leagues, resigned his post as an aide to Rockefeller because he could not back a Republican ticket he saw as racist.
226, Even in a state like Iowa, where roughly half of Republican caucus-goers identify themselves as born-again Christians, Mr Romney is leading in some polls because the right-wing vote is so fractured.
227, Obama has been more cautious about how he deploys the military, but his caution has prompted his would-be Republican challengers to denounce him for flaccidity in standing up for American values.
228, He is the most gifted campaigner in the Republican field.
229, Mr. Obama was introduced in Fort Myers by Charlie Crist, the popular Governor of Florida, who is one of few nationally-known Republican politicians to endorse the president's economic recovery plan.
230, You will now hear an officer from Republican Guard headquarters issuing an instruction to an officer in the field .
231, These included the Irish Republican Army and the Abu Nidal Group.
232, He then beat back Republican efforts to portray him as reckless, naive and inexperienced.
233, In 1940, after the Nazis had rolled over much of Europe, Franklin Delano Roosevelt appointed a Republican conservative to be his war secretary.
234, After discovering that The Sunday Republican had recently been scanned and digitized by Readex, a publisher of digital historical materials, I was finally able to zero in on this forgotten document.
235, Croatian Republican Party ( CRP ) : Zagreb; Pres . Borko Jurin.
236, He was James Garfield, a Republican leader in Congress. Soon, both Sherman and Blaine asked all of their delegates to vote for Garfield.
237, Roosevelt’s long tenure in the White House prompted the opposition Republican Party to pursue passage of the 22nd Amendment in 1947, with the law going into effect in 1951.
238, An officer called Rouget de Lisle wrote a song for the republican army The Marseillaise, which has become the national song of France.
239, The early 19th century, Democratic-Republican Party split, one group claiming to be the national Republican Party, later renamed the Whig party.
240, Republican supporters of the conservative Tea Party movement will worry that the cuts can't be enforced while some don't think the debt limit should be raised at all.
241, The two major candidates were Democrat James Cox and Republican Warren Harding.
242, The union leaders were pushed into a more defensive position by the return of a Republican Congress in November.
243, "He's trying to Europeanize us, and the Europeans are going the other way, " continues Ferlic, a former Democratic campaign donor who plans to vote Republican this year.
244, Republican leaders have moved to scupper Obama's healthcare plans by inflaming myths and lies about the system.
245, CD For the rebus-impaired, the above tags include 'sexual deviate', ' tooth doctor', ' hate foreign trucks', ' Democrat car', ' elephant', a symbol of the Republican party, and 'Government sucks'.
246, President Barack Obama admitted he had been "humbled" today by the worst Democratic midterm election defeat in 70 years, and promised to work alongside the revitalised Republican party in Congress.
247, An innovative earlier bill by Ron Wyden, a Democratic senator, has a number of Republican co-sponsors.
248, Republican strategists were consumed by heady visions of power without end.
249, Compromise is anathema to the virulently anti-tax Tea Party wing of the Republican Party.
250, Republican Senator John McCain, who is well known for deriding earmarks as "pork barrel spending," told Fox News the president should scrap the bill entirely.
251, The broad principles of that bill will be in the hands of the Democratic and Republican leaders tomorrow.
252, What on earth happened with the elite Republican Guard?It was easy for the American troops to control over Baghdad, the capital of Iraq.
253, The Republican Party would be wise to think carefully about its loss of Mr Specter, one of America's best known senators, whose views are shared by many old-line business-friendly Republicans.
254, Percival was off mistreating Irish Republican Army (IRA) leaders during the Anglo-Irish War before commanding British Malaya in World War II.
255, Obama set in February this year by the 18-member Democratic and Republican Congressional Budget Control Committee to study the control of expenditure and taxation options.
256, The army of Francisco Franco received advanced military hardware from Germany and Italy, while republican and leftist forces couldn't get sufficient weapons from the West.




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