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单词 Respond
1) I asked him his name, but he didn't respond.
2) I offered him a drink but he didn't respond.
3) He was noticeably slow to respond.
4) She asked where he'd been,(http:///respond.html) but he didn't respond.
5) We are pleased to respond to your inquiry of August 18, 1998.
6) They are likely to respond positively to the President's request for aid.
7) Some children respond more demonstratively than others.
8) Dave didn't respond to any of her emails.
9) I am pondering how to respond.
10) The plants readily respond to these stimuli.
11) Terry was, as usual, slow to respond.
12) It was difficult to gauge how people would respond.
13) Does the child respond to auditory stimuli?
14) Staff respond well to her unbuttoned form of management.
15) The infection did not respond to the drugs.
16) How did she respond to the news?
17) Eric could only respond in broken English.
18) She wasn't sure how he was likely to respond.
19) The patient did not respond to treatment.
20) Companies have to respond to the changing economic climate.
21) How did they respond to the news?
22) How did the editor respond to our suggestion?
23) The bank has yet to respond to our letter.
24) His condition failed to respond to the treatment.
25) The directors were unwilling to respond to questions.
26) Teachers can't always respond effectively to problem behaviour.
27) Colds do not respond to antibiotics.
28) I asked her what the time was, but she didn't respond.
29) I offered him a drink but he did not respond.
30) The future of the company will depend crucially on how consumers respond.
1) I asked him his name, but he didn't respond.
2) I offered him a drink but he didn't respond.
3) He was noticeably slow to respond.
4) I asked her what the time was, but she didn't respond.
5) The future of the company will depend crucially on how consumers respond.
6) We are pleased to respond to your inquiry of August 18, 1998.
7) They are likely to respond positively to the President's request for aid.
31) Some cases of arthritis respond to a gluten-free diet.
32) Did Mother's leg respond to treatment?
33) It remains to be seen whether the cancer will respond to treatment.
34) Once the news gets out that Armenia is in a very critical situation, I think the world will respond.
35) The animals were conditioned to respond to auditory stimuli .
36) You can rely on him to respond to a challenge.
37) We have a bounden duty to respond to this call for help.
38) The world community has been slow to respond to the crisis.
39) Let us respond.Let us rise as one man in defence of our motherland.
40) We need someone who can anticipate and respond to changes in the fashion industry.
41) Nora didn't respond to my attempts to lighten the conversation.
42) This modest group size allows our teachers to respond to the needs of each student.
43) The tanker failed to respond to a command to stop.
44) The cabinet met today to discuss how to respond to the ultimatum.
45) We do not have a strategy. We merely respond to ideas from local people.
46) It is hoped that the industry will respond positively to this new initiative.
47) The best way to respond to a flame is to ignore it.
48) We find children's emotional needs difficult to respond to because we are habituated to disregarding our own.
49) The government needs to listen to the public and respond accordingly.
50) Animals respond to kindness.
51) If we respond with violence, we'll be playing into their hands, giving them an excuse for a fight.
52) The Inter player was swift to respond with a counter-attack.
53) Democratic leaders under election pressure tend to respond with vague promises of action.
54) For patients who do not respond to drug treatment, surgery is a possible option.
55) She wasn't prepared to respond equably to Richardson's mood, and she spoke curtly.
56) They were prompt to respond to our call for help.
57) Managers must respond flexibly to new developments in business practice.
58) So far the police have refused to respond to their provocations.
59) You should deliberate over the question before you respond to it.
60) When I didn't respond, he jabbed a finger at me.
61) We were quite aware how you would respond to our terms.
62) Each trainee must be able to respond effectively to all imaginable crises.
63) Theodora watched the senior clergy failing to respond.
63) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
64) Our guys respond well to big crowds.
65) Respond to personal attack by getting angry or upset.
66) Not surprisingly, companies respond to its criticisms.
67) How should specialist services respond to this challenge?
68) Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment. Lao Tzu 
69) Yet historians have yet to respond to changing circumstances.
70) They review them and respond accordingly.
71) Will women respond to the Republicans' simplistic come-on?
72) How do you respond to criticism or instructions?
73) It preserves maximum flexibility to respond to changing circumstances.
74) We need to respond to growing demands.
75) As the police visibly tighten the noose around the mansion, the guerrillas respond with rhetoric and warning bursts of gunfire.
76) The stronger argument is a functional one, that brains do not respond to damage like typical interactive systems.
77) So a stallion may respond to punishment from us by trying to kick us with greater determination instead.
78) Audiences continued to respond to the warnings of the disaster which would befall were this rule not respected.
79) Be aware of how your employees respond to various existing channels of communication and pick what works best for your situation.
80) Yet we continue to respond with an acute care system of high-technology hospitals and highly trained doctors.
81) It had been a solemn and impressive ceremony and, whatever my uncertainties, I felt bound to respond.
82) Former president Nixon strongly criticized Bush for failing to respond to the crisis in the republics with a massive aid program.
83) Others use optical detectors, which seem to respond more quickly to smoke from smouldering fires such as those involving upholstered furniture.
84) Tests have shown that women are more likely to respond to unbiased employment advertisements.
85) It is true for intra-generational talk as well that speakers are not constrained to use Creole to respond to a Creole utterance.
86) A writer in the Berliner Zeitung said the authorities' failure to respond to complaints had created a feeling of insecurity.
87) I tried to wait, expecting him to respond with a gurgle or a chortle.
88) His progress is assessed on his ability to respond promptly and without feeling to whatever is asked.
89) The kiss was so brief, and he was so surprised, that he had no chance to respond.
90) Bauman recommended increased cooperation between the public and private groups that would respond to an emergency.
91) The Dole campaign did not respond to requests for interviews.
92) Manufacturers and specialists are struggling to respond to constantly changing requirements, he said.
93) We consider him a valuable asset(/respond.html), so we had to respond to keep him for the long term.
94) It is not a circular slipped under your door to which you may or may not respond with a pre-paid envelope.
95) Moreover, system technology is capable of reducing the time needed to respond to changes in demand or to serve orders.
96) It is very easy to respond to brief descriptions in catalogues that are not fully descriptive.
97) I hope that the Minister of State will respond positively to my criticisms.
98) Some patients seem to respond to propranolol and / or tricyclic antidepressants.
99) Twice, he got to Nicosia and could hardly respond to the ardour he found in Primaflora.
100) You want to see how defenses align against your particular formation and see how they respond to a particular play.
101) He made the point that most debtors will have to pay, and will respond positively when things improve.
102) He may respond with a shy smile when mom or dad blows bubbles on his stomach.
103) The evidence from the case studies demonstrates that managers did not respond to market signals in simplistic ways.
104) How to respond A serious breach of contract by your employer does not itself end your employment.
105) The organisation may prove to be inflexible and unable to respond to changing circumstances. 4.
106) When the pressure is on to respond to an event after it happens, the client will then judge your professional competence.
107) Happiness is not a feeling, it is a choice. To be happy, one must choose to be happy, not respond to a circumstance that now controls your happiness. Joyce Meyer 
108) In order to meet customer needs we must be able to respond more quickly and flexibly to changing conditions.
109) Even after the Czech coup, however, Congress was not willing to respond wholeheartedly to a call to arms.
110) Few attendees doubted that some fringe groups would respond violently.
111) People did not comprehend what was happening, and there was genuine confusion over how to respond.
112) Teachers respond most positively to those students who comply with their requests.
113) Yet a high proportion of these patients respond to an elimination diet.
114) But in order to respond fully, our active participation as spectators is very obviously called into play - as well as called into question.
115) People with dementia often respond to Reality Orientation and reminiscence or other therapies.
116) When their mailbags are bulging with outraged voters, they respond.
117) Many companies offer special trips to customers who respond to a pitch within 48 or 72 hours.
118) It is too ambitious for a financial organisation to hope to recognise such situations and respond accordingly?
119) The benefits of standardization are coupled with the capacity to respond to change-a way to have your cake and eat it too.
120) We shall create councils which reflect local communities and which are able to predict and respond to people's needs.
121) I would therefore be grateful if you could refer back to the letter I wrote and respond as best you can.
122) The complex man will respond to no single managerial strategy, but will consider its appropriateness to circumstances and his own needs.
123) An autonomous system would need to be able to respond rapidly.
123) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
124) The papacy did not respond well to this criticism of Hadrian, and Leo retaliated sharply in 798.
125) They can even recognize depth and may respond with a defensive reaction to approaching objects.
126) Another requirement to respond to unanticipated change is a short production cycle.
127) It has the ability to respond to local conditions, and the flexibility to adapt.
128) Rotating local authors include designer / writer Lynette Evans on how people respond to the built environment.
129) We respond to the call of work with long hours.
130) These traits are ingrained and stable dispositions to respond to certain situations in particular ways characteristic of the personality.
131) Even though some bushes may have well advanced young shoots they will still respond with strong new growth.
132) This is an advantage which allows the teacher full freedom to respond to local circumstances.
133) Harman said diversification is one way his company can respond to forces it can not control, such as market conditions.
134) Until recently the minister had to respond only when the report was debated in the House.
135) In employment, then, these firms respond pragmatically to local conditions.
136) If our mind refuses to let our body respond, the feeling stays locked in and can affect all our physical processes.
137) Some youngsters respond to persuasion and the idea that to do certain things is beneath their dignity.
138) Patients who fail to respond to these regimens or whose symptoms do not allow an accurate clinical diagnosis should be referred.
139) They make it impossible to respond to rapidly changing environments.
140) Last night Ford declined to comment on the long-awaited Jaguar/GM statement although the company is expected to respond shortly.
141) Q: How do you respond to those critics who accuse the movie of being over-directed?
142) This project will attempt to show that when firms are experiencing this dynamic competition they will respond by augmenting their knowledge base.
143) If the driver does not respond, a back-up system automatically applies the brakes or makes less engine power available.
144) All this will benefit the economy only if enterprises respond.
145) Mission-driven budgets give managers the autonomy they need to respond to changing circumstances.
146) If they do respond you may be able to see if they approach it with caution or with carelessness.
147) And he was the one who helped her make decisions about how to respond to the deadly disease.
148) The emergency services say it could cut vital minutes from the time it takes to respond to a call.
149) How you respond to changes or challenges is more important than how you react to them. Dr T.P.Chia 
150) When that happens and some one falls in a channel, the city and county fire department swift-water rescue teams must respond quickly.
151) It was to respond instantly to any complaint or grievance regard-less of the merits, and just fight the company.
152) Under the law, Reno has 30 days to respond to such petitions from congressional committees.
153) The pecs respond fairly quickly regular training, especially the bench press.
153) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
154) They did not respond if the perceived direction of movement of the chevron was in the preferred direction.
155) The file organisation methods so far discussed do not respond to all the desired features of database systems.
156) Capacity and other resource constraints which may limit the target's ability to respond to increases in demand.
157) All councils will have to respond in public to criticism from auditors.
158) It can not respond to unfamiliar challenges or develop new opportunities.
159) Even when the police did respond[], it took them hours to clear protesters away from clinic doorways.
160) First, they are far more flexible than centralized institutions; they can respond quickly to changing circumstances and customers' needs.
161) They are very sophisticated nerve cells that respond to three kinds of stimuli: physical pressure, temperature, and specific chemicals.
162) Each company is given considerable autonomy so it can know and respond to local markets.
163) Unfortunately, many of us challenged by those who call themselves creationists are not well prepared to respond.
164) The employees are on call seven days a week, 24 hours a day to respond to emergencies.
165) Charles didn't respond and after a frozen pause, she collapsed into a chair and burst out crying.
166) Mr. Brooke Many factors enter into account when the police authority needs to respond to complaints of that sort.
167) Our results show that relatively well nourished patients respond equally well to elemental diet as those with a poor nutritional state.
168) The Chief has just made the descent into blindness-Mariama is shocked when he doesn't respond to my outstretched hand.
169) Apparently, the flight attendant was too busy to respond immediately to the finger-snapping demands of the princess for more drinks.
170) It is good for children to respond to good contemporary works, written both for children and for adults.
171) Burns and Stalker found that organic structures were better able to respond to change than mechanistic ones.
172) Greater Manchester Police said that if a local health authority asked the police for assistance the force would respond.
173) If you could please take your time and respond, it would be greatly appreciated and it will be worth it.
174) The adjudication officer is then asked to respond and the claimant is given an opportunity to comment on those responses.
175) Thus the machine automatically differentiates between an incoming fax signal and voice call and will respond accordingly.
176) Soares, as Commander-in-Chief, urged the government to respond to military pressure for changes in pay and professional career structures.
177) Individuals have been pictured rather like automatons who simply respond to the dictates of their culture.
178) Surely, circumstances have now changed and any reasonable Attorney-General would respond accordingly.
179) This is partly because people, and their pains, do not respond equally to a particular drug.
180) A fierce debate arose among those trying to respond to the unfavourable economic and social effects of occupation.
181) Male speaker With the Maestro and Montego we said we'd respond to customer demand.
182) These are accumulated over many years and may vigorously colour the way we respond to all kinds of situations today.
183) In June(Sentence dictionary), a Parliamentary committee assembled to respond to its challenge.
184) Government needs to listen to the public and respond accordingly.
185) If any employee is sinking on the job, you need to respond in a businesslike way.
186) It provides a framework by which adherents respond to events and developments.
187) To increase the number of errors can sometimes improve the ability to respond to a challenge.
188) He knew that most people respond better to encouragement than to harsh criticism.
189) The television viewing public had seen images of violence and expected political leaders to acknowledge them and to respond accordingly and responsibly.
190) Kennedy wanted to be able to respond to Communist aggression at any level.
191) I have circulated the request to the various Regional Council service departments asking them to respond not later than 18 December 1992.
192) Canopies: These respond well to the spray-wipe technique using a solvent degreaser often without any further action.
193) They also criticized the evident lack of contingency plans to prevent or respond to accidents of this kind.
194) The pressures on the decision makers might overwhelm their capacity to respond effectively.
195) The wise respond. The foolish react. The wise think and then act. The foolish act and then regret. RVM 
196) He or she will, they know, respond to events in concert with the vision and known values.
197) She would have felt more able to respond if only he'd exploded in a burst of anger.
198) You respond with a quick clip round the ear or possibly a sharp rap over the knuckles with a knife-handle.
199) He had suffered severe migraine which did not respond to conventional treatment.
200) Does the amp respond or does it buckle under the strain?
201) The connections were loose, and the optic burner didn't respond to her impulse command.
202) If we are attacked with violence, we cannot but respond with violence.
203) Not once had she made any attempt to respond to his initiatives.
204) To occasion change, then, requires a willingness to respond to changed perceptions, and changed circumstances.
205) Salespeople should therefore look out for such buying signals and respond accordingly.
206) How you respond can make or break a sale.
207) Mr Obama could respond by railing against Republican obduracy.
208) And who shall respond to this code word?
209) The server has to respond to the request and figure out a response to populate the content-length response header, so you don't save any processing time.
210) We and other computer scientists are working on techniques to judge the health of a perceptive network by perturbing the system in a controlled way and observing how the sensors respond .
211) Strong global resources will be needed of GSM-O bidders, for the ability to respond quickly and efficiently to DISA's ever-growing need to serve warfighters in overseas theatres.
212) The more responsibility the Scoutmaster gives his patrol leaders, the more they will respond.
213) Finally,(http:///respond.html) you use the request object to send the SOAP message and establish a timeout in the event that the service does not respond.
214) It is to neoconservatism's credit that this doctrine is consistent with extant work on how best to respond to the zombie menace.
215) But we remember with far greater pain that we did not see that beaty when it flowered, that we failed to respond with love when it was tendered.
216) The interpretation of that finding is that women tend to respond more to narrative and word play than slap stick.
217) A winner's timing is right. Winners respond appropriately to the situation.
218) However, they can be extremely short-tempered and don't respond to authority, especially if it's from older people.
219) Saint Matthew, pray for us that we may always respond generously to Jesus' call.
220) The detonators can be configured to respond, universally, to a broadcast address or signal.
221) In the mouth, salivary glands respond to the thought or presence of food by producing a fluid containing mucus and the enzymes amylase and maltase.
222) Designers and manufacturers might respond to the demand, but you can also have a suit made for you, in some cases for the same price you might pay for an off-the-rack suit.
223) As painful as side effects are, however, they do not really call into question the basic logic of the threat we face and how we should respond to it.
224) Compared to most of the programmable counter or timer circuit, the output signal of DDS chip changes fast respond in frequency switching and high accuracy.
225) The U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs, which administers the GI Bill, has asked universities to respond by May 15.
226) This new age of technology and exhibitionism allows us to transmit ourselves, and our experiences, to millions of recipients in an instant and allows them to respond.
227) In a nutshell, we find that while the ISM does not respond significantly to shocks to real credit growth, the latter does respond to shocks to the ISM.
228) The diff e rence between successful people and others is not whether you make mistakes or even temporarily fail, but how you respond .
229) As a high - performance relational database system, SQL Server 2000 can respond quickly to requests for information efficient.
230) Ortner did not immediately respond to a phone message left at his office and an e-mail.
231) Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is usually reserved for difficult-to-treat depression patients who are not suitable for or have failed to respond to antidepressant medications.
232) We seek through the power of the customer to respond in a timely manner, as well as to share successful experiences and lessons learned and constantly improve our performance.
233) Vela could well play a part in tomorrow's Carling Cup game though and he's got to show that he can respond to being left out in recent weeks.
234) These can respond to market signals to reallocate exposures automatically as volatility rises.
235) And where we are met with cynicism and doubts and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes, we can.
236) Operational flexibility, enabling owners to respond to different oil prices, is an area that Lloyd's Register has been addressing.
237) Men tend to respond to photos in which the woman is at home, looking a little come-hither, rather than to photos taken with friends while out partying or on a trip.
238) Confirming details to Reuters, Herzog said Sarkozy would sue the publishing firm if it didn't respond and pull the product.
239) The report said the United States must respond with a stepped-up communication outreach effort, possibly with input from community and religious leaders.
240) Employees may begin to wonder the same thing. As you are in a quiet period, it may be difficult for you to respond to concerns through the press.
241) Only rely on the garbage disposal plant is difficult to respond to the disaster area, the Japanese central government will also coordinate other areas for assistance.
242) How can one respond to the totality with partial, fragmentary pattern?
243) But Apple has expressed delight with the so-called aluminosilicate glass it uses -- though the Cupertino, California, company didn't immediately respond to a request for comment for this story.
244) We can respond to this phenomenon by restoring our own culture, making a critical reference to the foreign theories and returning to the reality of Chinese education.




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