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单词 life story
释义  ˈlife ˌstory noun [countable]  STORYthe story of someone’s whole life 传记,生平故事 She insisted on telling me her whole life story. 她坚持要把她一生的经历说给我听。Examples from the Corpuslife story• And then he poured out his entire life story.• He told the Colonel his life story between puffed lips, chipped teeth, and the Colonel was amused.• His life story could have come straight from one of his classic blues songs.• And I realized some songs were more important in paralleling my life story than I thought they were.• That's why we should now make a start on reminding ourselves of the relevance of our own particular life story.ˈlife ˌstory nounChineseSyllable  story someone’s of Corpus the life whole




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