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单词 Generate
1 The program would generate a lot of new jobs.
2 A dynamo is used to generate electricity.
3 The Employment Minister said the reforms would generate new jobs.
4 He plans to barnstorm across the state to generate public support.
5 Wind turbines generate electricity for the local community.
6 The wind turbines are used to generate electricity.
7 Most cities generate a complex brew of pollutants.
8 Living cells generate energy from food.
9 Our company will help you generate site traffic.
10 The new development will generate 1500 new jobs.
11 The project will not generate any revenue until 2010.
12 We need someone to generate new ideas.
13 Building larger roads could generate more traffic.
14 They use these streams to generate power for the mill.
15 These measures will increase the club's ability to generate revenue/income.
16 The company should be able to generate business on the back of existing contracts.
17 This book will continue to generate excitement for a long time.
18 Computers, faxes and photocopiers all generate heat of their own.
19 To generate new money the sport needs to be more entertaining.
20 By investing in efficient plant it could generate lots of valuable carbon credits to sell to wealthier, more wasteful nations.
21 These nerve centres generate rhythmic movements; or to be more specific, rhythmic stomach movements.
22 The company, New England Electric, burns coal to generate power.
23 The release of the report was timed to generate maximum publicity.
24 Her speech missed the mark and failed to generate the public support she had been hoping for.
25 The proposed tidal barrage would generate enough electricity to supply between 60 000 and 80 000 homes.
26 It is already evident that new roads only generate new traffic.
27 A good rule of thumb is that a broker must generate sales of ten times his salary if his employer is to make a profit.
28 The timing of the minister's visit, however,[] could somewhat detract from the goodwill it's supposed to generate.
29 We can harness the power of the wind to generate electricity.
30 A business with so much growth is sure to generate interest among potential acquirers.
1 The program would generate a lot of new jobs.
2 A dynamo is used to generate electricity.
3 The Employment Minister said the reforms would generate new jobs.
4 He plans to barnstorm across the state to generate public support.
5 This book will continue to generate excitement for a long time.
6 In the 19 th century waterpower was widely utilized to generate electricity.
31 The project is designed to generate around 30 megawatts of power for the national grid.
32 The wind farm may be able to generate enough electricity/power for 2000 homes.
33 In the 19 th century waterpower was widely utilized to generate electricity.
34 The lottery is expected to generate substantial funds for charities.
35 BThat Pratt continues to generate excitement is understandable.
36 Wavetable sound cards generate more realistic instrumental sounds.
37 It will help fight terminations and generate additional business.
38 Others that can generate an electric charge.
39 David Douglas wanted to generate the same enthusiasm and rigor in its other career clusters.
40 Studies show that excess doctors tend to generate extra tests, appointments, procedures and referrals.
41 You must have predominantly fast-twitch, white fibres in your muscles to generate really fast, explosive action.
42 A star may or may not be able to generate its own cash to provide for its own investment.
43 The reason money fund fees are waived is to generate asset growth.
44 They do not just generate data but enter into collaboration in the continuous monitoring of classroom activity and its effects.
45 As soon as the ideator's feet hit the floor in the morning, he or she starts to generate countless possibilities.
46 This will inevitably generate heated controversy, fuelled by continuing confusion over the technologies.
47 A portfolio of more volatile securities is more likely to generate capital losses than a portfolio composed of less volatile securities.
48 The possibility of using wood to generate electricity should also be explored.
49 It is important to use small bags, since a large number of acorns together will generate heat.
50 This is because they generate excessive amounts of data and information that must be interpreted by specialists.
51 The problem-solving sessions began to generate ideas for fixing problems such as water leaks and glass breakage.
52 A Speech Manager will also enable applications to generate synthesised speech from text strings.
53 The adverts were designed to generate some sales leads as well as the main aim of raising awareness and these will be handled by.
54 We are always interested to know how much classwork any material can generate.
55 It created a wartime atmosphere which could be used to manage the economy and to generate social cohesion.
56 Despite planned closures[http://], the continuing decline in demand will continue to generate spare capacity.
57 In principle, because stem cells are self-renewing, they are, unlike the cells they generate, immortal.
58 It is based on fuel cell technology, which, like conventional batteries, uses electrochemical reactions to generate power.
59 Then there's even more pollution caused by burning the fuels needed to generate the energy to make new products.
60 The market forces that drive the garment industry can generate employment for thousands, but without security or long-term improvement.
61 Such agencies utilise consumer panels, readership surveys and television audience measurement to generate their information. 17.
62 Computers, faxes and photocopiers generate heat waves of their own.
63 Cost-improvement programmes, which are meant to generate internal savings, are proving far harder to deliver, finance officers say.
64 The position detector pulse sent to the control unit is used to generate the next step command.
65 Now, with the advent of client-server and departmental computing, it is much harder to generate such economies of scale.
66 Bills, while being a relatively liquid asset, generate some income for a bank.
67 There would be many more such articles in the future, and many would generate substantial controversy.
68 In addition to examining ways to generate resources it would act as a consultative group linking potential donors and beneficiaries.
69 The capacity to generate electricity has been taken even farther by one fish in the Amazon, the electric eel.
70 It is eminently reasonable for an individual to choose the treatment that is likely to generate the most QALYs.
71 These may generate considerable opposition as the current controversy at Avebury suggests.
72 After the fire investigators tested a similar oxygen canister to determine whether it could generate enough heat to cause the fire.
73 If a project is going to generate high income, then the capital grant will be smaller, and vice versa.
74 Tactical information Marketing mix item Type of research Product policy decision Qualitative research to generate ideas for new products.
75 Keeping a steady blaze is akin to the way in which women generate and maintain emotional energy.
76 Another conference at Llangollen on Wednesday examines how indigenous cultural resources can generate economic growth.
77 That plant uses methane gas from the landfill to generate electricity.
78 Twelve months ago when Graeme joined us I had hoped that we could generate enough business to justify an extra man.
79 Widespread fires generate their own wind, which fan the flames into devastating firestorms.
80 But these analogies - murder, euthanasia - were summoned up in order to generate a remorse he did not instinctively feel.
81 The same device, run backwards, reacts hydrogen and oxygen together to make water and generate electrical power.
82 In sunlight, VOCs can react in the lower atmosphere with nitrogen oxides to generate photochemical smog.
83 The traffic of ions into and out of neurons underlies their capacity to generate and transmit electrical signals.
84 Others have sought to generate criteria by which to assess the distinctive features of a political culture.
85 A parenting network can create a constancy of love one person can not generate.
86 So if all the deuterium fused it could generate substantial heat in the Earth.
87 The gas will drive turbines to generate electricity for the local grid.
88 Parents who successfully draw their child out are the ones who generate a lot of emotional energy.
89 By extrapolation it is concluded that today's rising income levels generate increased demand for services compared with manufactured goods.
90 The trees will be used as fuel to generate electricity for farm generators.
91 The group, like other environmental activists, would prefer the use of hydrogen alone to generate power for fuel cells.
92 And they generate consistent demand for services such as laundry, housekeeping and restaurants.
93 Those resources are expected to help build 5, 000 new homes and generate 23, 000 temporary jobs.
94 Land reforms enacted without attendant and well-planned services and inputs are unlikely to be able to generate sustainable livelihoods.
95 The most extensive option is forecast to generate around 31,000 extra public transport passengers per day.
96 It might seem that a suitable algorithm could be found which would not generate synonyms.
97 Until a definition for asthma itself can be agreed the problem of defining attacks will continue to generate controversy.
98 You have to generate the positive energy and just keep going.
99 They tend to generate some energy as well as a clarity of purpose and a sense of definition.
100 The structural database has been interfaced with commercially available software and used to generate cleavage-transection maps.
101 Cancellations cost the dealers in fines, and can generate unwelcome publicity for the licensed dealer concerned.
102 As is to be expected such loans are liquid and generate income.
103 Federal officials estimate that the timber salvaged from Southeastern forests damaged by Opal will generate about $ 10 million.
104 Like a biochemical carrot and stick, these systems generate pleasurable or painful feelings that powerfully guide behavior.
105 He must generate all his own internal discipline against the possible inclination to lie back and enjoy his good fortune.
106 Only the solar panels were kept clear so they could continue to generate electricity.
107 It will have 22 37-metre diameter wind turbines on 30-metre towers and generate enough electricity to supply 7,000 homes.
108 As the name implies, a dot-matrix printer uses patterns of dots printed within a rectangular matrix to generate individual characters.
109 Non-punitive contingencies generate the same behavior, but a person remains for autonomous man to do and receive credit for inner virtues.
110 But those proposed amendments are merely the ones that generate the most political heat.
111 Added together, market forces generate an overall result which no-one can predict.
112 Clustered together, branches of the same bank help each other to generate and retain more business than they would do independently.
113 But they no longer generate the electricity the Rockets have found in recent games.
114 It is already evident that new roads only generate new traffic,[] and the environmental impact is an absolute disaster.
115 The reward circuits generate cravings that impel an animal toward such things as eating, drinking, and procreating.
116 Dozens of prominent conservative politicians and activists are working to generate memorials to honor the 90-year-old Reagan.
117 It is possible that a dilated colon would generate only very low amplitude contractions that are not distinguished during manometric studies.
118 To generate fundamental knowledge that can lay the foundation for future advances in high-performance computing and communications.
119 Despite such strategies, the systematic inequalities in fundamental values generate continuing conflict between classes in the society.
120 It is on course to generate revenues of £150 million this year.
121 They and their colleagues are particularly eager to generate interest among the young.
122 We have now discovered that a competitive equilibrium in all markets would generate one particular Pareto-efficient allocation.
123 An area certain to generate debate in the coming weeks is the exact size and shape of any tax cuts.
124 That can become a serious constraint on the expansion of the consumer and service sectors and the employment they generate.
125 The main internal relations they are concerned with are those which generate waves of innovation by industrial enterprises.
126 Pulp, paper, viscose and fine chemical industries generate huge volumes of sodium sulphate byproduct.
127 In order to be successful on the field, everyone needs to generate positive energy and emotion.
128 An explanation advanced for this is that industrial innovations generate expansion.
129 This payment structure is particularly suited to projects which generate a large capital sum on completion.
130 The Energy Act abolished the public sector's monopoly and allowed private companies to generate electricity as a main business.
131 Some researchers feel it is important to let others generate enthusiasm for their ideas so that they remain aloof and objective.
132 In fact it tends to generate some very discordant results.
133 Exposure to the AB compound itself will be much more likely to generate latent inhibition.
134 Similarly, the National Income Accounting framework does not directly generate estimates of employment.
135 There are grants for developing industrial crops to generate energy, make plastics and grow hemp for manufacturing.
136 This, it argues, would minimise the risk of fraud that open borders would generate.
137 Any variation will generate both an audio and visual alarm at Grid Control.
138 As a result, he said, Unix software and services will increasingly generate higher profits and growth.
139 We may expect to generate a better estimate by using pseudo-costs.
140 The unknown and the unpredictable can generate cognitive conflict and disequilibrium.
141 Consequently, the fall in demand for building materials and construction workers will generate downward multiplier effects on other types of investment.
142 It is better to generate the contigs according to the hybridisation data and then automatically check them for consistency with the map.
143 Growth of this basic pattern is required to generate the mature limb.
144 Banks are trying to cut costs to generate money to write off their bad loans.
145 Often a race against time,[Sentence dictionary] such programs can generate much excitement.
146 This blending of urban and wildlife environments could generate income, Galvin explains.
147 The report also criticized the department for refusing to accept that new roads generate more traffic.
148 This information base is then manipulated using a font descriptor file to generate a particular font.
149 Manifestations of ethnicity that are exclusive of others or that hold the potential to generate conflict tend to be avoided.
150 The radioisotope thermoelectric generators steadily generate large amounts of power regardless of where they are in space.
151 Indeed, viewing society as a whole as an organization, we see that bureaucratic structures may generate a self-confirming equilibrium.
152 The first is to generate the molecules as gases, mix them with a large amount of argon and freeze the mixture.
153 Mail bomb campaigns typically generate terror by sending devices one by one to diverse targets over an extended period of time.
154 Atmospheric explosions will at best generate rather feeble tidal waves.
155 Changes within capitalism generate new forms of spatial organization at the same time as they create new forms of social organization.
156 The domestic space and the urban environment generate a fair amount of music and sound in their own right.
157 They then build the plants required to generate the energy.
158 Even that source is far too small to generate any significant amount of electric power.
159 Cities in the county generate most of the sales-tax revenue, yet the county reaps the greatest benefit, he added.
160 That makes sense, but they can't be accurate because compost heaps generate heat which might accelerate decomposition.
161 This awareness, in itself(), is believed to generate sufficient grief to restore and ensure cooperation.
162 Even if birthrates decline it will be necessary to generate millions more jobs, more schoolrooms, more acres of agriculture.
163 It was edifying to see how much excitement Ibrahim and the band could generate without shouting.
164 The centres are all currently Executive Agencies which between them generate business worth more than £100m a year.
165 Boston Chicken, another company expected to generate strong earnings, rose 1 1 / 4 to 31 3 / 8.
166 The money wage increases which workers won exceeded those required to generate enough scrapping to ease labour shortage.
167 There is indeed direct evidence that mechanical stress can generate intracellular signals that regulate gene expression.
168 If you congratulate a subordinate for completing a task on schedule, you may generate a feeling of pride and accomplishment.
169 Figure 1 shows several of the most elementary transformations together with the rules that generate them.
170 Prevention is quiet, but politicians who mount all-out attacks on symptoms generate great publicity.
171 Fourth, decentralized institutions generate higher morale, more commitment, and greater productivity.
172 If such balancing selection maintains a substantial fraction of life-history variation, it will generate negative genetic correlations among life-history traits.
173 One feature of Klee is that in the event of finding a bug, it can programmatically generate a test case to be able to exercise that condition to demonstrate that the fix has subsequently been made.
174 Individual brain processes generate 'waves' of alternating voltage which can be measured on the scalp by an electro-encephalograph.
174 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
175 They can, however, generate "uniparental" embryonic stem cell lines. Uniparental embryos with two maternal sets of chromosomes are known as parthenogenetic.
176 The phosphorus-tungsten alloy cast iron would generate some white structure and mottled structure after standing its melt in high temperature.
177 Flow pressure simulation is a semi-physical simulation which can generate various hydraulic flows and pressures needed for the working of each hydraulic subsystem.
178 Company code data also includes payment term, payment method and other parameters, which are designed to generate payment advice, aging analysis of accounts and other contents.
179 One method was to generate phosphene closest to the target point in regular arrays using weighted nearest neighbor search.
180 To generate data for a user-defined type column with a unique constraint, you must use the data bound generator or a custom data generator.
181 The results indicate that the changes of cold and warm levels in the inversion layer and the change of low-middle humidity are the main factors which generate freezing rain.
182 Fine-grained tasks in conventional thread pools can also generate excessive contention for the task queue shared among all workers.
183 You don't have any JPA entities yet, so you will generate entities from an existing database.
184 The two FOR loops generate a Cartesian product from which the product name and the individual feature are returned.
185 This waveform generator has been successfully applied in ultrasonic sen - sor to generate high - frequency ultrasonic wave .
186 In CNC heavy cutting servo system, mechanical drive system has a torture feedback on electrical speed-adjustment system, thus it's possible to generate the mechanical resonance.
187 I did this by using a software linear feedback shift register to generate pseudorandom values; see Resources.
188 Second, the principal graph algorithm is adopted to generate skeleton line of zebrafish embryos based on the idea of principal curves.
189 Real assets are those that generate cash regularly. Those that did not are nothing but liabilities.
190 Such machines provide continuous indexing and generate the gear tooth surface as the envelope to the family of tool surfaces.
191 Depending on the nature of certain segments of code, the optimizing compiler might generate unexpected code.
192 With declining capital flows, this would generate a financing gap of between $270 and$700 billion.
193 Research has shown that most virtual invocations have only a single target for all receiver objects, and JIT compilers can generate more-efficient code for a direct call than for a virtual invocation.
194 The transport layer protocols store an identifier in the headers they generate to identify the application.
195 When a stereotype property is set to default value, the transformation does not generate the corresponding named parameter for corresponding WCF attribute.
196 The trick is to generate the highest frequency possible but keep the average duty cycle constant.
197 Why might MRP generate discrepancies between physical inventories and paper records?
198 Because in a dynamic loosely coupled system where code is a resource like any other it is very straight forward to create processes that dynamically generate code.
199 An algorithm with polynomial complexity was presented to generate the public part of the process from its private one.
200 The intensity fluctuations are collected as photon counts and correlated to generate the Auto Correlation Function (ACF).
201 While doing an UNLOAD, you can also generate corresponding LOAD control statement and use it for loading data to the same or a similar table in any DB2 subsystem.
202 These two properties define what physicists call the "figure of merit" of a thermoelectric substance, which describes the power a device made of that substance could generate.
203 Berry said a top-quality education gave girls the skills to "generate options" for themselves, which could be used both in the workplace, and the home.
204 The use of keys or push-buttons instead of a rotary dial to generate a sequence of digits to establish a circuit connection.
205 The LHC is capable of distorting space and time in its 27-kilometer ring circuit, the largest in the world, and generate a wormhole,[http:///generate.html] a space-time tunnel that leads to another time or space.
206 Then, scalable grain tasks are hierarchically scheduled to generate various parallelization plans of different grains by successive refinement.
207 A novel under-voltage lockout circuit is proposed which could generate reference voltage and bias current itself, and could stabilize lockout threshold voltage and hysteresis quality.
208 "The non-game applications will generate the traffic, and we can provide an advertising platform to help them monetise, and share revenue in that process," Mr Lau said.
209 You no longer must write special code to generate custom forms based on user responses.
210 Automatic code generation is using existing program to generate object program automatically.
211 Piezoelectric pieces are added to vibration system, they vibrate with system together and generate induced voltage.
212 You do not want to generate the relationship because a Customer has many orders, but only when he has one Open Order.
213 Moreover, MBO seems to generate a greater tunneling effect than PBO.
214 The third step was to use a process known as Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer to generate an embryo.
215 Could not generate a backtrace as the debugger '%1' was not found.
216 Most analog displays use a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) to generate each color video voltage.
217 An Italian company, Kitegen, has come up with a theoretical design for a system that could generate a gigawatt, as much power as a standard coal-fired power station.
218 ADA which has important relationships with the immune system of the body, is a kind of catabolic enzymes of nucleic acid. ADA can specifically catalyze adenosine to generate irreversible deamination.
219 Why did equalitarian experiments on the Earth generate repressive regimes?
220 On the one hand, macro-electronic devices contain mesoscopic or nanoscale structures, they can generate shot noise, which may carry on some system internal information.
221 Interventions are considered “highly cost-effective” if they generate an extra year of healthy life for a cost less than the average annual income per person.
222 The notion that you can generate a viable architecture by starting with a blank screen and then writing one test case after the other is sheer folderol.
223 All Ant targets generate result output into the /result directory.
224 Question Answering System for Reading Comprehension (QARC) can automatically analyze a passage of natural language text and generate an answer for each question based on information in the passage.
225 When we generate precipitation by static electricity we can bring about a stable negative ion supply.
226 A more sophisticated technique is to generate intermediate code in such a way that the global data doesn't get mangled.
227 In elective extension osteotomies, the surgeon manipulates the head to generate osteoclasis, temporarily producing an unstable cervical fracture.
228 Through the correction of phase and amplitude weighting, the conformal antenna can generate required sum beam far-field pattern and meet the design specification.
229 Thus, it seems embryonic mesenchyme can be replaced with adult stem cells to generate new teeth.
230 Therefore, it makes sense to generate the addresses of all variables and functions inside the library in a way that can be easily computed relative to the start address that the library is loaded to.
231 The Calculator.dll file you generate here should be identical to the file of the same name that is included in the sample code.
232 The MZM is driven by a non-return-to-zero (NRZ) data sequence and biased at the nonlinear point to generate edge-triggered pulses.
233 The radio waves generate heat in the targeted muscle tissue and burn away.
234 Theoretically, a column conformal array with small size and few elements to generate a shaped beam with low side lobe and main beam with fixed width and flat top is carried out.
235 Generate Entity Relationship Diagrams for a a database supported by the ADODB library, using PHP. The data for this ERD is kept in a table in the database.
236 It has long been proposed that stem cells function by dividing to generate an identical daughter cell and a cell that becomes more specialized.
237 For example, investing in ICT infrastructure in remote regions will almost certainly generate little profit at first, but can bring greater financial returns in the longer term.
238 A scheme is presented to generate the entangled squeezed coherent states via the nonresonant interaction of a two-level atom with a two-mode cavity field.
239 We could generate a customer object for each customer who will shop during the day, and assign each one an appropriate checkout time.




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