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单词 Circumstance
1. I know I can trust her in any circumstance.
2. You should soon accommodate yourself to the new circumstance.
3. Any unexpected circumstance that arises may catalyze a sudden escalation of violence.
4. They were victims of circumstance.
5. We were obliged to go by force of circumstance.
6. You might say that we've been victims of circumstance.
7. Don't deceive under any circumstance.
8. He was simply a victim of circumstance.
9. He was a victim of circumstance .
10. After two hours of pomp and circumstance, the diplomas were awarded and the audience went wild.
11. Many people are forced by exigencies of circumstance to take some part in them.
12. I can't imagine a circumstance in which I would be willing to steal.
13. There are those, you know, who, by circumstance, end up homeless.
14. The circumstance could be altogether innocent, but suspicions have been raised.
15. We were simply thrown together by circumstance on the long journey.
16. But this was not a circumstance of homicide.
17. The queen was welcomed with great pomp and circumstance.
18. The neighbourhood managers' tasks will vary according to circumstance.
19. You do not do so in any other circumstance.
20. The people responsible for pomp and circumstance recognize this.
21. She was also helped by a fortuitous circumstance.
22. To extraordinary circumstance we must apply extraordinary remedies. Napoleon Bonaparte 
23. The most favourable circumstance was the existence of governments in the Six which were broadly consensual in their view on integration.
24. He had to leave the country through force of circumstance .
25. He was used to being in charge,[] not being the victim of circumstance .
26. The Prince was welcomed with warmth, but not with all the pomp and circumstance he was used to.
27. The survivors ate plants and insects through force of circumstance.
28. After become effective of property insurance contract, those who serve as insurance mark insurance belongings reachs his to concern a benefit, because the meeting is buying and selling, given, accede to wait for the happening of the circumstance and be transferred, after the cession of insurance mark, the alienee that insurance profit meets what change insurance bid subsequently of course.
29. The helping is represented therefore as a prior condition or circumstance which enables some one to realize the action denoted by the infinitive.
30. The Royal Family is all about serious responsibilities: pomp and circumstance, figureheads for the land of hope and glory.
1. I know I can trust her in any circumstance.
2. You should soon accommodate yourself to the new circumstance.
3. Any unexpected circumstance that arises may catalyze a sudden escalation of violence.
31. I could mention the names of several persons whose influence over their flocks was solely attributable to this circumstance.
32. Persons become friends or enemies according to the trend of circumstance..
33. In this circumstance we feel more tired as the evening and the night wear on.
34. He was used to being in control of events, not the victim of circumstance; even so, the situation intrigued him.
35. But even this sad circumstance was overshadowed for me by political events of the week.
36. What side of the border you live or work on often is nothing more than a matter of individual circumstance.
37. In some ways it's like serving a writ, only in this circumstance it's entirely beneficial to the recipient.
38. We regularly take it that a causal circumstance is linked by way of a causal chain or sequence to its effect.
39. But like his brother Dre, Warren is a rapper only by circumstance and a producer by passion.
40. The real question is, though, does all this pomp and circumstance result in a superior loaf?
41. These and other similarly familiar issues are examined in chapter 4 in the light of changing international circumstance.
42. But the stark reality of the Highland scene described reminds me of another idyllic circumstance that went the rounds about this time.
43. Happiness is not a feeling, it is a choice. To be happy, one must choose to be happy, not respond to a circumstance that now controls your happiness. Joyce Meyer 
44. Prestige, if nothing else, demanded that it be entered into with due pomp and circumstance.
45. All the boy knew in that circumstance was grief and worry and surprise and rage.
46. It is indeed true of the given description of the causal circumstance for the house fire that it could be much improved.
47. We do indeed have it that a causal circumstance necessitated its effect.
48. Not all of either circumstance was required for the effect,[http:///circumstance.html] given that the other whole circumstance existed.
49. The extent to which spadefoot tadpoles become cannibalistic varies between the different species and according to ecological circumstance.
50. It is hardly news that a writer may enjoy an imaginative life richer, kinder than his pragmatic circumstance.
51. The council was responding as much to this as to real economic circumstance.
52. And the more one knew, the more control one could wield over circumstance.
53. Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance. Robert H. Schuller 
54. What is actually observed in this Circumstance is an increase in serum potassium concentration.
55. Benedict was near thirty, and yet his face and form had withstood the ravages of time and circumstance.
56. It leaves out place and circumstance, the powerful and unconscious drive of material interests and class identity.
57. In the latter circumstance, the antacid should simply be stopped for a period of time and the serum phosphate monitored.
58. By the mid-nineties, many adolescents had no answer when asked what moral principles might apply to a particular circumstance.
59. Under the stress of circumstance, the conventional wisdom is rejected.
60. A mitigating circumstance is the fact that few library users restrict themselves to one source alone for obtaining books.
61. They concluded that the wary response is more characteristic of the social circumstance than of the individual's level of development.
62. I hope that it will ease the difficulties of people who face such a tragic circumstance.
63. An illustration of this can be found in the funerals of very famous people conducted with great pomp and circumstance.
64. Did a white-hot surge of anger and disillusion count as a mitigating circumstance, disturbing the balance of the mind?
65. The most common circumstance in which human swimmers are poisoned by fish is when a well camouflaged stingray is trodden on.
66. Remember that this is aimed to protect children even if in your particular circumstance its a nuisance.
67. That would be excluded, they say, as force majeure-a superior power, or unforeseen circumstance.
68. Only in one particular circumstance could the court legally override the decision.
69. Under any circumstance, an official retraction is a terrible hair shirt.
70. It casts the Woodvilles as the aggressors and Gloucester as the victim of circumstance.
71. A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance. Hunter S. Thompson 
72. It's not circumstance. It's not chance. It's the choice you make that determines the destiny of life. RVM 
73. Markhasev is accused of killing Ennis Cosby in the course of a robbery, which qualifies as a special circumstance.
74. We have in a causal circumstance by itself a complete answer to the question of why an effect occurred.
75. Domestic policies have repercussions abroad: external policy can markedly affect a state's internal circumstance.
76. And this question varies from one circumstance to another, from one state to another.
77. The parson was as effusive in his attentions as circumstance would allow, but Emilia petulantly resisted them.
78. The poignancy of that piece is the circumstance of its composition, not its subject matter.
79. It was at once apparent to Joan that, whatever changes of circumstance had taken place, he had changed not a jot.
80. Women of the same age and circumstance as you are less likely to live with their parents.
81. To take a causal circumstance as having no redundancy is obviously to exclude things wholly irrelevant to the effect.
82. One of the classic confrontations of nineteenth-century ethnology stemmed from this very circumstance.
83. We are unlikely to have in mind a causal circumstance in this case.
84. Like all Trolls they will eat anything and through force of circumstance they tend to eat a lot of rocks.
85. Documentation must be as explicit as possible because staff and circumstance seem to take a rabbinical delight in producing difficult cases.
86. In this circumstance, nasopharyngeal electrodes inserted through the nasal cavity may show the epileptic activity more clearly.
87. Whenever a circumstance of this kind exists, there also occurs a starting-to-work of the wipers.
88. More must be true of any different pair of things which in fact are causal circumstance and effect.
89. These men reconcile themselves to circumstance, make their own compromises with destiny until happier times.
90. The obvious fact that people of comfortable circumstance live peacefully together and those afflicted by poverty do not goes largely unnoticed.
91. Shallow men believe in luck or in circumstance. Strong men believe in cause and effect. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
92. Most of the similarities must be the product of time and chance and circumstance; but they are very striking.
93. The current classic paddle strokes are fine in certain circumstance but there are other occasions when different techniques are needed.
94. An accidental circumstance cemented intimacy between Steerforth and me.
95. The princess got married with great pomp and circumstance.
96. This article depiction rudimental circumstance of JINZHAO company first.
97. At present, in investigate and prosecute graft, corrupt, appropriating public funds this task sin cause, the circumstance of the appellee withdraw a confession is more outstanding.
98. Below the circumstance of not cloggy passageway, can arrange can adjustable adjust or collapsible face plate, in order to have untimely needs.
99. The market of optical transmission equipment of different type rises a circumstance to be as follows.
100. Much of the marble coldness of Hester's impression was to be attributed to the circumstance, that her life had turned, in a great measure, from passion and feeling, to thought.
101. The patient after the operation can eat only at present stream feed occurrence constipation circumstance, what tweak makes his aperient?
102. Investigating movement circumstance and existing problem of the electric locomotive relay control system by the scene.
103. Planned to practice to end to be right away back, see the circumstance when the time comes.
104. Control management fee expenditure, establishment expenditure budget and inspect its carry out the circumstance.
105. It is experimentally shown that the high-Q-factor (100000) modes can be kept for a long period in a general laboratory circumstance.
106. According to the advanced domestic and global experience in design of channelization, it summarizes the optimal method and the condition in different circumstance.
107. Nowadays, how to solve the problems existed in the form management is still a topic to be discussed, because most of domestic hospitals haven't achieved paperless circumstance.
108. Can be oneself make water drunk below the circumstance that does not have water?
108. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
109. Elgar:British composer whose orchestral works include Enigma Variations (1896) and five Pomp and Circumstance marches (1901-1930).
110. As an amateur Margaret Mead, it's the point at which guests give themselves over to the esprit de wedding that's much more compelling than the whole with-this-ring pomp and circumstance to me.
111. He seldom appears in public circumstance, he begins the quest of sedulous and evasive media.
112. Ignore to meet and when what circumstance, I definitely disallow oneself to have disappointed a little.
113. A lot of people like to be on the balcony pisciculture of cistern of build by laying bricks or stones, but many cistern had appeared slack circumstance.
114. Considering that the usage circumstance of WINDOWS operation system of Microsoft Corporation is familiar to most designers, this software system is of the same style as the Windows.
115. He had acquired the knack of snatching his siesta in the most unfavourable circumstance.
116. Direct and some metal composition chlorides of chlorine under the moist circumstance.
117. This text discusses this system to expect to be in the implement circumstance of Sichuan by Manchu Dynasty. article is divided into three parts.
118. The ET Leader shall keep a contemporaneous log-book of each and every instance or circumstance or change of circumstances, which may affect the compliance with the requirements of this Permit.
119. Under certain circumstance, hull form optimization is to look for the ship with lowest wave-making resistance.
120. Such circumstance is breakneck, have a bit shake, hang overhead droplight to fall down likely, consequence is very serious.
121. A year period lending rate is used for no-risk guerdon rate in place of national debt interest rate in order to match actual circumstance.
122. Under such circumstance, the feature of repellency of the religious literature shows its significant cultural value.
123. It applies S-curve and adaptive control method in order to improve system performance and strengthen adaptability in kinds of complex circumstance.
124. To observe the bloom and fructify the circumstance of Culture Polygonatum on the Experiment and demonstrate Xishan Polygonatum GAP base of Guizhou province Fenggang county.
125. The contribution of groyne height reduction to counteracting unwanted erosion is then considered a favourable incidental circumstance.
126. Inbreak in occurrence safety below the circumstance of incident, safe harbor accords with this one standard.
127. Because of the swimming crab grow rapid, have good ability to adapt the circumstance, suffer from little diseases, high price and the price stabilization and so on.
128. The uniformitarian principle, like any other scientific "law", rests on the objective circumstance .
129. According to the circumstance of the act, utilitarianism and deontology can be integrated together in two modes, thus two frameworks for moral decision-making can be formed.
130. Then definitude the current condition of DYS through the inside and outside circumstance analysis.
131. Bow the pose that pick up content is double leg unbend stands incorrectly, bow below the circumstance of castiron music or little inflectional coxa , knee joint pick up a thing.
132. This paper simulates the thermal performance of natural draft wet cooling tower in an ideal circumstance.
133. In other countries, non-heart-beating donation has been carried out and has received basic accomplishment that increases the amount of organ donation under certain circumstance.
134. Early Chinese films, take singing films as its example, had been built under the circumstance where Hollywood films holding the market. So it firstly is a kind of unprompted commercial rival-ship.
135. The invigilator shall seize the candidate's papers and ID card, fill in the concerned information in the "Registration form of Exam Circumstance" and get the candidate's signature for conformation.
136. In the circumstance of providing schema constructivism monitoring instruction, the group that provided instruction before source problem understand and master better than group provided after.
137. In the view of magnetic potential, we can get the physical circumstance of magnetic potential through element calculation, on the base of this we can calculate the Magnetic field strength.
138. In the transport the freight transportation by sea, the agent, carrier and middleman status of freight forward under the circumstance of freight forward's performing on his own behalf.Sentencedict
139. Beg urgently: Friend eye appears meshy thing, never experience this kind of condition before, which good intention person does a good turn explain this kind of circumstance?
140. Under this kind of circumstance, how to practice effective project management turns to be an emergent topic for study and research.
141. How can you still work at the forefront under this circumstance?
142. In actual applications, the factors of sample concentration, sample temperature and humidity of circumstance will have strict effects on the response characteristic of the electronic nose system.
143. How long does child of normal circumstance biddy come menstruation?
144. Load dump anticipation(LDA) function are one of the important steps to ensure the success of the steam turbine load dump test, and this circumstance is vary rare.
145. Equipped with brute mighty dust absorption system, Which makes the plate surface clear, and circumstance sanitation.
146. Equipped with brute mighty dust absorption system , which makes the plates surface clear, and circumstance sanitation.
147. The development route of coal preparation business at the market economical circumstance also approached.
148. User but according to operating mode circumstance, choose black lead model wait for a variety of material with carborundum .
149. But if the website of the link is put in cogged circumstance, perhaps had been deleted to index by search engine, add similar link to be able to cause immediate harm to the website.
150. Cent of company worth insurance is with average and all-risks insurance two kinds, policy-holder can undertake choosing according to the particular risk circumstance of insurant.
151. But now most popularize objects are aged and with low self-stuff, the popularizing agricultural technique faced grimness circumstance.
152. The productivity of chemical fertilizer and actual output circumstance were like a watch 1997 1.
153. Below this kind of circumstance, entrepreneur became lifelong restrict official of magisterial or accurate government.
154. Under this circumstance, the coal ports one after another through the construction of new terminals, sea-route repair, and other large projects enhance their energy transport capacity.
155. In our special audit circumstance, we must reestablish CPA audit goal, which should be disclosing falsehood and errors as much as identifying the truth and fairness in a company.
156. Quite quite quite quite only sapid enough oil, salty, sweet, hot, exciting ability feels mouth Li Shu takes a heart in at ease, the circumstance of out of control of this very incidental appetite.
157. Bach's religious music thoughts formed under a special and complex circumstance.
158. The VAPS development circumstance of multi-function device interface is composed of component construction, integrated compiling, and running test modules.
159. Introduced 2001 - 2002 year industry of resinous of not saturated polyester produces abroad circumstance and research progress.
160. Principals' managerial conduct is an inevitable conduct of principals under the school managerial circumstance. This conduct is still at the inchoative stage both in theory and practice.
161. Under no circumstance shall the skinning, evisceration and other preparation of animals condemned on antemortem inspection, or found dead carcasses, be allowed on the killing floor.
162. In its legal character, it is a relationship of donative contract, but it is a compulsory donation in some circumstance.
163. The writer also reveals the inevitability for the loss of humanity in a circumstance under power frostily , thus expresses the expectancy for the equality in society and completion of ...
164. But when we want to experience self-mastery and confirm our consciousness, beyond every change of time, space and circumstance, we practice 1,000 days.
165. The pigment belongs to anthocyan and is stable to the temperature, beam and food additives in an acid circumstance.
166. According to the present circumstance and expectable plan, Our lab made a series of training courses.
167. With the development of bidding of construction project, it is very important to make stratagem analysis for the construction enterprises which make the best result in the competitory circumstance.
168. With the effective of zone, the language, consuetude ,[sentencedict .com] folkway and circumstance with the folk music attached are quite different.
169. In a static architecture, every path is presented to every user under every circumstance, and each path always leads to the same result.
170. When the outer circumstance temperature altered, function of Bombesin to animals changed too.
171. Corporation environment image refers to the impression on public resulting from its material surroundings and immaterial circumstance, and the appraisement and identification from the public.
172. Plastics Packagin castoff pollute circumstance severely, recycling for it should re duce the pollution as much as possible.
173. Answer (D) is incorrect because audit program tend to be evolutionary. An auditor rarely anticipates every circumstance or condition that will be encountered during the audit.
174. The common study of carrier frequency tracking loop is based on low dynamic circumstance.
175. This text analyses and compares 3 kinds of the stereoscopic diagraph method of goaf, recommend using laser measure system to underground mine according to our company actual circumstance.
176. This kind of circumstance sees more at entering fluid when, add through dialytic fluid lukewarm or increase buffer to be able to be solved.
177. The rapid growth population and the increscent demand to material, culture and survive circumstance lead to the increasing demand of water resource.
178. This policy is a creation, which could solve the unification of China under the circumstance of unitary system.
179. If the circumstance is serious, it shall be disqualified for inspection and certification.
180. Below normal circumstance, insulin is contained about in insulin of excretive of cell of pancreas islet B former 5% .
181. We were compelled by force of circumstance to take action.
182. Self-accusation and liberal construction is a penal system regulated by our country's Criminal Law, as well as an important legal circumstance of punishment.
183. Under circumstance of high - temperature and overcharge(/circumstance.html), the battery will not dry out.
184. Perhaps it might be called Yellow Pine Lake , from the following circumstance.
185. Come to receive vote, but cannot importune others to poll for a certain person, but it is to want communal circumstance to establish ballot box commonly.
186. In do not know to be pregnant patulin and cold Chinese traditional medicine take twice below the circumstance, influential to BB?
187. Methods The 167 workers in noise and non-noise circumstance were measured by Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory(MMPI), AVP, ACTH, OT.
188. Tese results indicate under the plateau hypoxia circumstance, the BMS show evident angiectasis and hyperemia and the volume and length of the BMS are higher in acute and subacute periods.
189. But also have the circumstance in calibration type or show advocate when use the eat chair that carries rider, in order to show solemn mood or make person sense sits a few more cozily .
190. In the series of theories interpreting the diversification strategies of the enterprises, the Nine-cell matrix has offered a method which concerned on the outer circumstance of the firm.
191. Have no special circumstance at school 7:30 - 16:30 disallow to open the cellular phone.




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