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单词 Primarily
1. Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondly on institutions such as courts of justice and police. 
2. Tax cuts have been directed primarily at the better-off.
3. She sees exercise primarily as an unavoidable chore.
4. The issue was not primarily a political one.
5. Her wardrobe consists primarily of huge cashmere sweaters and tiny Italian sandals.
6. Primarily a children's author, she has written books for adults.
7. Many remedies effective in joint disease are primarily diuretic.
8. The inves-tigation was undertaken primarily to mollify pressure groups.
9. Her interest in him is primarily sexual.
10. The person primarily responsible is the project manager.
11. The purpose of the programme is primarily educational.
12. We're primarily concerned with keeping expenditure down.
13. Public order is primarily an urban problem.
14. They believe that sex is primarily for procreation.
15. Opposition came primarily from students.
16. I'm primarily thinking of the first year.
17. The report is primarily concerned with aircraft safety.
18. As ever, the meals are primarily fish-based.
19. The problem is not primarily a financial one.
20. Soccer is primarily a winter game.
21. I am primarily interested in history.
22. The advertisement is aimed primarily at children.
23. The advertising campaign is aimed primarily at young people.
24. Flycatchers feed primarily on winged insects.
25. The company's increased sales were primarily a result of new stores coming on stream.
26. Poverty is primarily a cause of illness and only secondarily its effect.
27. The report is written primarily for potential funders of the project.
28. The book is primarily concerned with Soviet-American relations during the Cold War.
29. It seems almost inevitable that North African economies will still be primarily oriented towards Europe.
30. Though the Indian labor pool is large(http://), it is also primarily unskilled.
1. She sees exercise primarily as an unavoidable chore.
2. The issue was not primarily a political one.
3. Her wardrobe consists primarily of huge cashmere sweaters and tiny Italian sandals.
4. It seems almost inevitable that North African economies will still be primarily oriented towards Europe.
5. I am primarily interested in history.
6. The advertising campaign is aimed primarily at young people.
7. Though the Indian labor pool is large, it is also primarily unskilled.
31. This course is primarily designed as an introduction to the subject.
32. The body is made up primarily of bone, muscle, and fat.
33. We live in an acquisitive society which views success primarily in terms of material possessions.
34. The educational message is channeled primarily to schoolchildren.
35. The airline is now primarily a charter service.
36. This article is concerned primarily with adoptions by non-relatives.
37. Language is used primarily for communication.
38. Is climbing primarily a mental or physical challenge?
39. Today, they primarily use their brains.
40. His rise to power in Washington is based primarily on his ability to seek compromise to get things done.
41. The case was primarily concerned with the new procedure for remedies.
42. The company expects the early versions of the chip will go into low-end desktop computers primarily sold outside the United States.
43. Secondly, this book is primarily about constitutional and administrative law and about governmental institutions.
44. Carter had advocated deregulation, but he approached reform via legislation whereas his successor sought the same end primarily through administrative action.
45. In its early days the Association was primarily concerned with campaigning for garden cities.
46. Marxism was not primarily a scientific method designed to uncover the mechanisms of the capitalist economy.
47. Most central city schools serve primarily poor, working class and minority students.
48. Some analysts are attempting to discipline the confused setting, primarily by studying what has happened in similar circumstances.
49. We might think that this change of life would bring joy primarily to the person who is redeemed.
50. Hernan said that he was getting by primarily on Cliff Notes and movie versions of the assigned classics.
51. Unix Expo delivered what it said it would, counting a record 28,722 attendees and characterising them as primarily corporate buyers.
52. Their steady, reliable earnings growth attracts investors primarily when the economy is growing slowly or not at all.
53. They are also primarily based on comparisons between the specialist and generic teams.
54. Goblins are primarily support troops - their role is to ensure that your core troops get into combat against their chosen target.
55. While written tests are primarily concerned with the content objectives, mathematical investigations submitted as coursework test the process objectives.
56. Although primarily concerned with routine white-collar work, Braverman does believe that some professional jobs have also become deskilled.
57. McGregor and Diaz, on the other hand, are notable primarily for being adorable.
58. Branagh, who stays behind the camera this time, now works primarily in movies.
59. He, and the leaders of the extremist parties in coalition with him, are motivated primarily by ideology.
60. The figures also show the fact that the growth of foreign currency business has been primarily located in the wholesale banking sector.
61. Since their interest in the past was primarily moralistic, precise knowledge of actual events and when they happened was not required.
62. It is notable primarily for its lack of carnal interest.
63. Nevertheless, in this two-way causal relationship, poverty is primarily a cause of illness and only secondarily its effect.
64. If you are primarily interested in the challenge of leadership, you might begin with Chapters 11 and / or 4.
65. But the company believes, he added, that fees based primarily on actual costs will attract new customers.
66. The berm was now covered with a strip of forest, primarily of balsam fir and red maples.
67. Private law primarily concerns the rights and obligations of citizens against and towards one another.
68. First, Piaget did his research on and wrote primarily about the cognitive aspects of intellectual development and cognitive structure.
69. He understands how the social benefits of assimilation come primarily through language acquisition.
70. I was aware that building societies are in the habit of launching new products from time to time, primarily to attract new investors.
71. It is primarily an interbank trading market where banks lend and borrow overnight or up to one year on an unsecured basis.
72. A person may design a better way of raising children primarily to escape from children who do not behave well.
73. Their bitter disappointment with Netanyahu and his government was not primarily political.
74. The health administrator is primarily concerned with the latter three tasks.
75. It is the only educational institution in the world that teaches aesthetic appreciation primarily through an objective method of investigation.
76. Few of the canvases are primarily concerned with landscape, but it tends to find its way into most of them.
77. The program gives money to primarily low-income schools to beef up staff and resources for individualized instruction to disadvantaged children.
78. Republicans had threatened to block consideration of the Castle-Tanner substitute, authored primarily by Rep.
79. Was it the pattern of politics or the future of Britain's trading arrangements which he wished primarily to influence?
80. This subsection is primarily concerned with the actual procedures for the collection of data.
81. If he is concerned primarily with survival value, he will design a culture with an eye to whether it will work.
82. Describing himself as a history buff, Acosta offers his Web site primarily as a catalyst for further discussion.
83. Seventh period Michael has computer science, primarily seen as a way to develop word-processing skills for college.
84. Further, the name was partly kept alive by dealing, primarily by the man most heavily committed, Durand-Ruel.
85. There was a vogue for bidets in California some years ago but he thinks they are primarily symbolic as jacuzzis have become.
86. Mr. Wilson: The new clause and amendments are primarily concerned with consumer interests.
87. The austerity measures affected primarily spending on health, social welfare, defence and overseas development assistance.
88. The generation of blood cells takes place primarily in the bone marrow and spleen.
89. A final problem with applying traditional measurement techniques to white-collar professional groups was that traditional measurement focused primarily on efficiency.
90. There were noticeable omissions in some areas, primarily those concerned with administrative tasks.
91. The prosecution's case had turned primarily on the allegation that he was drunk when his ship ran aground.
92. The ground squirrel is another mammal that has adopted the practice of throwing things - primarily at its main predators, snakes.
93. An early form of analogue computer, the astrolabe was primarily designed to solve problems of spherical trigonometry to shorten astronomical calculations.
94. When people are bored, it is primarily with their own selves that they are bored. Eric Hoffer 
95. In class societies this process will obviously be mediated primarily - though not exclusively - through class relationships and class conflict.
96. And a fourth explanation is that voting is primarily an expression of citizenship, social solidarity, and political communication.
97. And it limited bumping to one career path and based it primarily on performance ratings, not seniority.
98. In the past, these bonds have been issued primarily as a part of bankruptcy reorganization plans.
99. Luthans et al. would say that they conceived of the managerial role primarily as traditional management activities, and routine information.
100. It was also this same period - primarily the 1960s - that witnessed the academic upsurge in the human capital theory.
101. As with the Merseyside Task Force, they were to be primarily concerned with project development and not with issues of strategy.
102. The ruling, primarily intended as a safety measure, could lead to a widespread boycott by disabled entrants.
103. Light is produced primarily by the phosphor coating converting short-wave radiation to visible light.
104. They seem to accept his new role, primarily as a power forward, and marveled at his increased bulk.
105. In contrast, government spending on transfer payments is primarily concerned with equity and income redistribution.
106. Primarily, however, her antics seem playful, befitting a king who ascended the throne at age 10.
107. Rather than focus on big leveraged buyouts, Ripplewood will primarily look at medium-size businesses with potential to export their products.
108. This is primarily a Delightful Precipice album, with much bravura contrapuntal writing and Django's vision more focused than ever.
109. The Faculty in those days was comparatively small, and still dominated by old men who were primarily literary historians.
110. The change affected clinics that primarily perform abortions as well as family doctors who may do the procedure along with unrelated services.
111. This paper is devoted primarily to harmonization of legal rights and duties arising under international transactions.
112. No man that has ever lived has done a thing to please God primarily. It was done to please himself, then God next. Mark Twain 
113. The occurrence of violent confrontations on campuses and on the streets was no longer primarily confined to the summer months.
114. It was a calculated risk to take a man without forensic experience, but we were looking for a manager primarily.
115. The average cost of capital is primarily of interest in capital structure management.
115. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
116. The primarily agricultural work blends in with the liturgical calendar of the church.
117. In rich families that have substantial inherited wealth, assets may be primarily in the form of claims on tangible assets.
118. Immature females interacted with adult females primarily when the latter were lactating; immature males did so when they were in oestrus.
119. Though the early stages of cognitive therapy are primarily behavioural, one often has to introduce cognitive material in order to facilitate tasks.
120. A watercourse viewed primarily as an effluent carrier will be thought better able to tolerate further pollution.
121. Their power derives primarily from an active interest Republic affairs and a willingness to work hard for causes in which they believe.
122. Cricket is primarily a man's game, bearing all the hallmarks of male camaraderie.
123. After being primarily a research technology, parallel hardware now seems to be making inroads in the commercial market.
124. The loans, which are made independently and through credit cards, are primarily used for buying appliances and consolidating debts.
125. By this definition, large, nonprofit firms that exist primarily to accumulate wealth would not qualify.
126. A number of studies based primarily upon private sector organisations have analysed the impact that these variables will have.
127. But the record clearly indicates that ordinance came about primarily due to the efforts of McKasson and Councilman Steve Leal.
128. Titles will primarily concentrate on subjects covered in the initial stages of an undergraduate chemistry course.
129. It is this, primarily, because suitable cover is afforded for protection and food is plentiful for the young fishes.
130. When people do read longer works, they primarily favor high-drama novels that get a steel grip on their attention.
131. Still, they had been promoted primarily for their technical competence, not their management or interpersonal skill.
132. And here we shall focus primarily on the role of the post-Renaissance author, the author born of Cartesian dualism.
133. Three thousand miles away, his previous associates were developing hard bop, primarily on the Blue Note label.
134. In addition to playing and working for Suntory, Glenn and I have been helping with coaching, primarily with the forwards.
135. Postural tremor-present primarily on static posturing, i. e., with the arms outstretched but not moving. 3.
136. In conclusion, budgetary accounting is primarily concerned with the form of the financial accounts rather than their content.
137. It is with this second group of writers that we are primarily concerned here.
138. We are not concerned primarily to multiply elite livestock, and still less do we want to clone human beings.
139. The company has boosted annual sales to about $ 1 billion, primarily through acquisitions.
140. The soup kitchen was run primarily by unpaid helpers.
141. The refrigerating performance is primarily determined by refrigerating compressor.
142. The diagnosis of bronchial asthma is made primarily clinically.
143. This is primarily a direct instruction program.
144. This inverse association was primarily confined to postmenopausal women.
145. Primarily, Ophiuchus is the energy of Healing and Global Healing, an energy that supports and nourishes and heals.
145. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
146. Macrobiotics adhere to a diet consisting primarily of whole grains and beans.
147. The current Investment Guarantee Corporation to apply for home loans primarily for personal services.
148. The non-load-bearing wall material should by utilization of waste each kind of non-load-bearing artificial brick and the light board primarily.
149. If you work primarily in code but want to modify the model, use code update mode.
150. When I did a lot of frag movies (and I still produce them) as primarily a video editor I've integrated marketing elements into such productions such as unique graphics that promoted sponsors.
151. An Adam's apple is an anatomical structure which appears primarily in males.
152. It seems better to regard questions of this sort , as to the quality of residence, as primarily relevant in considering whether the propositus has the intention of permanent or indefinite residence.
153. This paper gives an introduction to a new programming language, RTSL, designed primarily for real time applications.
154. The ground floor is primarily transparent, providing a sense of the park extending through the building and into the courtyard, where a grove of Yellow birch provides shade and protection.
155. Studies of the bioluminescent mechanisms of jellyfish to date have focused primarily one species , Aequorea victoria.
156. Other large banks were chartered in the early 1780s by the various states, primarily to issue paper money called bank notes.
157. Methods With an operating microscope and microsurgical instruments, rat's mesenteric lymphatics were isolated and the endothelium were primarily cultured and subcultured.
158. A lustrous, blackish - brown rare earth mineral consisting primarily of cerium , erbium , titanium , uranium, and yttrium.
159. English girls. They are stuck-up. You see. And I am primarily attractive to girls who are, you know, cooler, game for a laugh. Like American girls.
160. The eastern influence entered the west primarily through the great trading cities of Venice, Ravenna, and Marseilles and appeared in these cities first.
161. The position, shape and size of the vaterite in the freshwater non-nucleated pearl samples are primarily confirmed by micro-laser Raman-mapping technology.
162. Adult education is primarily composed of anti-illiteracy and other programs directed at adult groups, particularly in rural areas.
163. The WAIS protocol and servers were primarily promoted by Thinking Machines Corporation of Cambridge, Massachusetts.
164. The slide rule function is used primarily in aviator watches.
165. W3C work on rules, primarily through RIF and OWL, is focused on translating between rule languages and exchanging rules among different systems.
166. In oral English, information focus can primarily be achieved by phonological focusing device.
167. The function primarily used for this is pthread_cond_wait(). It takes two arguments; the first is a pointer to a condition variable, and the second is a locked mutex.
168. Traditional Accounting in the account , Suanzhang accounting and other work is primarily rely on artificial completed.
169. The Witnesses are a millennialist group whose beliefs are based primarily on the apocalyptic sections of the Bible, notably Daniel and the Book of Revelation.
170. The effect of extract from root of Tagetes patula on watermelon Fusarium oxysporum and watermelon seedling was primarily studied.
171. This style bag used primarily for plastics, construction material garbageand some other pulverous and granular products.
172. According to this hierarchy system, the distribution law of farmland desertification in Zhangwu County was studied primarily.
173. Aluminum foil in pharmaceutical packaging is used primarily for blister packaging.
174. Primarily, the banker - customer relationship is that of debtor and creditor.
175. Human or equine infection results primarily from mosquito bites(sentence dictionary), and West Nile fever or West Nile encephalitis can be caused.
176. A multipurpose programming language used primarily for command and control applications.
177. And it's primarily-- I shouldn't say primarily, it is an interpreted language. OK?
178. Aesthetics, rooted as it is etymologically in the sensate and in feeling, is primarily concerned with matter, or in the calculated arrangement of symbols, which are in themselves material.
179. Furthermore, the lunar orbiters confirmed that the highlands of the moon are dominated by anorthosite, an igneous rock composed primarily of the mineral feldspar and rich in calcium and aluminum.
180. The film component phase is dependent primarily on the negative bias of substrate.
181. Management accounting is concerned primarily with providing a basis for making management or operating decisions.
182. A standard, commercial letter of credit is a document issued mostly by a financial institution, used primarily in trade finance, which usually provides an irrevocable payment undertaking.
183. AMISOM maintains a force of about 8,000 Ugandan and Burundian troops that are based primarily in Mogadishu.
184. Also, Freud made his observations and thus derived his theory from a limited population, primarily upper-class Austrian women living in a strict era of the 1900s.
185. The Slovak landscape is primarily of mountainous nature, with the Carpathian Mountains extending across most of the northern half of the country.
186. Hysteresis loop and thermal magnetic analysis sugest that ferrimagnetic minerals are primarily composed of magnetite.
187. Objective To establish kinetic assay method for alanine aminopeptidase(AAP)in serum, be applied to clinical diagnosis primarily.
188. The collected data from the instruments was given descriptive and interpretive analyses, based primarily on the results of the SPSS statistical program.
189. Environment perception is a key technique for mobile robots. It primarily includes two-dimension and three-dimension information processing and understanding.
190. Reaction product of acid phosphatase is localized primarily in the small vacuoles, and occasionally in the dictyosome cisternae and vesicles of the golgi body.
191. It is primarily rooted in the Croatian epic poetry with emphasis on important historical or patriotic events.
192. Border Guards are the paramilitary force of the MPS and are primarily concerned with monitoring the border and with internal security.
193. China's eco-agriculture technology has primarily formed a self-contained system info, but it still reserves some conventional management modes in the economy background of industry marketization.
194. Bitterness in citrus juice is primarily due to the presence of both limonin and naringin, and determination of them is a standard in controlling the quality of juice.
195. A new workflow language (YAWL) can provide direct support for the current workflow patterns. In this paper, we primarily study the YAWL and the implementations of YAWL system.
196. Poodles were once used as retrievers in duck hunting, but American Kennel Club does not consider them sporting dogs because they are now primarily kept as pets.
197. Primarily introduced the nutritional constituents of the urtica and its physiological function. Propose as a kind of new food resource. The urtica will have broad prospects for exploiting.
198. Primarily presents the air distribution, equipment installation, air handling process and unit control of the air conditioning system.
199. Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Day, Bonfire Night and Firework Night, is an annual commemoration observed on 5 November, primarily in England.
199. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
200. The schism that produced competitive health care professions, primarily traditional medicine, osteopathy and chiropractic shattered and scattered fundamental principles for the relief of pain.
201. Jupiter's bands are actually clouds, with the SEB being primarily made up of ammonia ice, sulfur, and phosphorous hovering above the planet's toxic, gaseous surface.
202. NIP provides "One Stop" business solutions to primarily small medium-sized enterprises planning to set up representative offices (RO), trading firms (FICE) production companies (WFOE) in Ningbo.
203. Bantu-speaking people who live primarily around the city of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
204. Cryptococcosis is caused by a fungus that primarily infects the brain.
205. Zirconium-base alloys are used primarily as fuel cladding material and other core structure material in water cooled nuclear power reactors.




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